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How a Chubby Pizza-Delivery Boy From Idaho Became a Drug Kingpin

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
...yeah....good article Manga Rosa.......

...maybe I start a new thread with this story?.........

High n Dry

Gypsy Nirvana said:
...yeah....good article Manga Rosa.......

...maybe I start a new thread with this story?.........

Both of those stories sicken me.

Prohibition does not work.

The sad part is like you say 'it can all start from a seed' and cost users a fracton of what prohibition has forced the value to be.

Maybe someone should start a drug war head/dead count and show it on prime time news.



Active member
I had a pizza delivery kid pop in on me un expected while I was pulling a tube once....I sorta just said "Come in" thinking it was someone else.

I was like "oh crap" in my head, but I said to him, "Hey, wanna snap?" he said "SURE" hahaha, it was great.

I tried to give him a tip, he said a bong hit was tip enough.

He always brought my pizza over fast after that LOL


I used to live in Rathdrum, outside Post Falls which is just outside CDA, Idaho...LOL, I always thought about snow mobiles.... ;)

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mm... i've lived in the north idaho area, and knew a kid involved with this. crazy shit is all im going to say. for some reason, millions of dollars and pounds of herb prevent a 20yr old kid from thinking clearly


Some friends ratting eachother out, I can honestly say if that went down we me and my best friends, I would have never said shit about them. Anyway I loved the last line
"Anyone says they regret that, they're full of shit. They're saying that to please other people. I don't care. I had a blast."
Thats a great thing to say, and its probably true.
Did no one else read this in Rolling Stone magazine a few months back?

I'm suprised this is the first time it has been posted on a forum of this magnitude. Granted, its a great read though and its amazing how it unfolded.

EDIT: I noticed Gypsy gave the credits at the end. I didnt read the story again, I just read the replies.

So sorry.
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Active member
That's fucked.Home boy gets a 10 year mandatory while dip shit gets life with possibility of Parole in 8 years.......what the fuck kind of shit is that?

I hate living in this country and I hate the fact that I am american.Our government is nothing but a bunch of Facist pigs and I just can't beleive they are doing this to their own people.When will it end?

It is sad when an american can't go to a country without people wanting to kill them all becuase they think we are all like our "leaders" which we are not.Some of us tottaly disagree with the way this country is run.

We always here go vote if you want to make a difference but the problem lies in just that.We never have a good candidate for presidency,it is within the government therefore change must come from within the government.

They are taking our ammendments and rights apart peice by peice.No longer as americans do we have our 1st or 4th ammendmant rights.

Anyone hear about Congressman Bill Young's wife?She walks in to the State Union meeting with a shirt that states "Support Our Troops...Not The War" or something of that nature and is arrested!

What are we becoming but the Nazi Facist pigs we went to war to free the world from ourselves?!

I am no terrorist,I beleive they are the absolute scum of the earth.There is no need or reason to do what they do.No one has the right to kill anyone (althoug I beleive rapists,killers and child molesters should be shot execution style and this I beleive is just) just becuase they beleive in a different religion/entity,or becuase of some stupid petty difference.But,if in my life time this country has it's second Civil War (1st between americans and the government) you can bet your ass I'll be standing on that frontline locked,stoked and fully loaded.

Our ancestors left england to get away from the queens tyrany and taxation,to make a better life,a free life.

They f'd up,screwed the indians over,pillaged/raped their woman and land.

It all comes together,karma will rear it's head and bit you in the ass...HARD,and that is exactly what happened...Karma.

We have built what our ancestors so very much were trying to escape.......History repeats itself.

Good story,excellent little read.


New member
Seedtoweed said:
Did no one else read this in Rolling Stone magazine a few months back?

I'm suprised this is the first time it has been posted on a forum of this magnitude. Granted, its a great read though and its amazing how it unfolded.

EDIT: I noticed Gypsy gave the credits at the end. I didnt read the story again, I just read the replies.

So sorry.

you obviously missed the date of the original post by gypsy as well.


Bodhisattva of the Earth
Oh fuck, I'm a year too late! That was a fun read, especially when it's about dope dealers.......who are they?..............Joe Blow and Shmoie.........They make the world turn. It would be such a borring existence without them. I once was one myself.
sukka said:
you obviously missed the date of the original post by gypsy as well.
Well I read it a few months back as it was posted either on OG or 420Times with a link to the original story from rollingstones.com or something.

Once again, sorry.


Gypsy Nirvana said:
....Yeah man........but teenagers on M.T.V........all the Bling and skin in the world.......money for nothin' and the chicks for free......

.....'Boyz from the Hood'...... in Idaho?.......the potatoe state.........maybe a reunion on Jerry Springer.....after they get sprung?

Money Fon Nuthin..............

Get your seeds for Free.......

I want My..............

I want My....................

I want my Pot~TV.............
Hey just kiddin around...


New member
Jnugg said:
That's fucked.Home boy gets a 10 year mandatory while dip shit gets life with possibility of Parole in 8 years.......what the fuck kind of shit is that?

I hate living in this country and I hate the fact that I am american.Our government is nothing but a bunch of Facist pigs and I just can't beleive they are doing this to their own people.When will it end?

It is sad when an american can't go to a country without people wanting to kill them all becuase they think we are all like our "leaders" which we are not.Some of us tottaly disagree with the way this country is run.

We always here go vote if you want to make a difference but the problem lies in just that.We never have a good candidate for presidency,it is within the government therefore change must come from within the government.

They are taking our ammendments and rights apart peice by peice.No longer as americans do we have our 1st or 4th ammendmant rights.

Anyone hear about Congressman Bill Young's wife?She walks in to the State Union meeting with a shirt that states "Support Our Troops...Not The War" or something of that nature and is arrested!

What are we becoming but the Nazi Facist pigs we went to war to free the world from ourselves?!

I am no terrorist,I beleive they are the absolute scum of the earth.There is no need or reason to do what they do.No one has the right to kill anyone (althoug I beleive rapists,killers and child molesters should be shot execution style and this I beleive is just) just becuase they beleive in a different religion/entity,or becuase of some stupid petty difference.But,if in my life time this country has it's second Civil War (1st between americans and the government) you can bet your ass I'll be standing on that frontline locked,stoked and fully loaded.

Our ancestors left england to get away from the queens tyrany and taxation,to make a better life,a free life.

They f'd up,screwed the indians over,pillaged/raped their woman and land.

It all comes together,karma will rear it's head and bit you in the ass...HARD,and that is exactly what happened...Karma.

We have built what our ancestors so very much were trying to escape.......History repeats itself.

Good story,excellent little read.

I agree, although somebody has to lead and not everyone is going to agree with all the decissions all the time. There are stupid..stupid crap that happen like what you mention which really stickout. I don't think a civil war would ever happen in this day and age but it's fun to dream up ways to over throw the government. We study history to learn from it's mistakes, granted history does repeat itself, how would you suggest we get away to make 'a better life' and 'free life'.. move to a desserted island? Maybe we can have colonies on the moon?

Awesome story Gypsy although it's another example of why Prohibition doesn't work.


I too stopped at this thread this morning as i saw GYPSYS name and was nosey .......got buzzed and ended up reading through..... tho ??? i think i have heard this story before.....an ounce of sour deisel is worth more than an ounce of gold, the temptation is always going to be there while it is illegal.............PEACE