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Housemate stealing weed!



Knock him down with a right hook then while your foot is on his throat, piss on him as he's explaining the reasons why he stole from you. If he's not the theif at least he'll get a free shower out of it


i like it!

efficiency and political correctness don't have to go hand in hand do they?

spice A

why come on here,
piss and moan
then dont end the story wtf

had to wait for all my other housemates to be in to sit down together

to put an end to it...

he has moved out, had a frank discussion, he pleaded his innocence but had no option. 3 people telling you to get the fuck out.


the shit spoon
Hehe roommates. I once had a roommate who sucked on the toes of another roommate while she was sleeping.


Active member
I was in a similar situation. I came up w a good solution. A friend of mine was gifted an oz of 2 year old shitty outdoor, and I gave him some good herb for an 8th of the nasty shit. I locked my herb up and left that 8th on the counter overnight and to my amazement it was gone in the morning. When I was moving out I offered to smoke a joint with my 2 thieving roomies and princess pita said no they didn't wanna smoke my nasty weed :)

I hate thieves bro, ill give u herb if u have the decency to ask. But it's like my dad told me, locks keep honest men honest.


"Aint no love in the heart of the city"
This thread has the makings of another thread in it lol ..

I think "roommates" should have it's own thread ..seems like some people have some really funny experiences regarding roommates ..I'd like to here them ..

That toe sucking is really creep-ish but funny


Active member
When you booted him out did you give him a bar of soap as a parting gift & did you tell him he stunk ?

Silver , i reckon you could be on to something there with a roomates thread . I have a couple of stories that would make you laugh or puke .

spice A

When you booted him out did you give him a bar of soap as a parting gift & did you tell him he stunk ?

Silver , i reckon you could be on to something there with a roomates thread . I have a couple of stories that would make you laugh or puke .

I think a life of self inflicted celibacy makes me kind of think let the fucker stink as long as i dont have to smell him again! :tumbleweed:


There are FOUR lights!
I had a roommate once that didn't like to wash dishes. After 3 or 4 months of the rest of us giving him shit, he figured out how to make us stop.
The next week there was hardly a dirty dish in the sink.
Well, we cooked a big meal, and tried to eat it but lo and behold, there were no dishes in the cupboard! He was out, so we broke into his room.
Every single dish, bowl, cup and piece of cutlery was there,
festering in every kind of foul mold and fungus.
It was the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed.
Didn't even bother to force him out. I moved out like a week later.
Took all the dishes with me. (Cleaned them first...)


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

not for nothing guys but supermanlives had the most outrageous roommates thread going, mighta got binned/locked eventually.

supposedly his wife rented a room to a guy only to discover he was a cross dressing lawyer or ex-lawyer, he supplied one pic of roommate in drag, very weird and hilarious thread fodder.


spice A

I had a roommate once that didn't like to wash dishes. After 3 or 4 months of the rest of us giving him shit, he figured out how to make us stop.
The next week there was hardly a dirty dish in the sink.
Well, we cooked a big meal, and tried to eat it but lo and behold, there were no dishes in the cupboard! He was out, so we broke into his room.
Every single dish, bowl, cup and piece of cutlery was there,
festering in every kind of foul mold and fungus.
It was the most disgusting thing I have ever witnessed.
Didn't even bother to force him out. I moved out like a week later.
Took all the dishes with me. (Cleaned them first...)

Yo my other house mate does that! haha

its disgusting!

spice A

I have come back to my house today also after bolting my door and being away for a couple of days and he has moved all his shit and gone! :)

To add another roommate story, i had another roommate who was so hairy he shaved his back. He left the clippers and his back hair on a towel in the hallway but one time he decided to leave it in the bathroom. To my horror i made the mistake of grabbing his back hair towel.... retching and swearing ensued.


Lammen Gorthaur
Man, you seem to have some kind of weird roommate karma thing going. I hope it changes for the better with the next roommate!

I don't know about you, but I'm holding out for whirled peas.

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
I had a housemate who did the arsecrack flossing thing with the communal towel that was left in the bathroom for drying hands after washing them. Yes, I know a dry arsehole and smelly bridge (perineum) after bathing are key to a fungus free life, but man, use yer own towel or get some talc FFS.

I won't even go into some of the people I shared squats, buses and benders with.
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