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why aqua superior? what your ec of 'filtered' water? Not worried about NA?(salt)

'filtered' water is tap water that goes through a ten micron sediment filter then a one micron sediment filter and then through 2 different chemical filters that get rid of almost all chlorine and chloramine. The filtered water has an EC of 0.33 and a ph of 8.3 With that low of an EC I'm not worried about the salts in it. The minerals keep me from having to add CaMg+

I think IMO that aqua is better because it is more ph stable. Cocos is made for a drain to waist system with coco not a recirculating system. If you had drain to waist coco might have some benefits but I would never attempt to run it in a dwc again. I have never used the H&G Soil so I can't comment on that. I drop $300 on another 10 liter set of aqua every 2 months. Thats a testament to H&G right there.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
what I am gonna do is a side by side with my program as is. And I am going to do a H&G run, probally do it side by side in two rooms, so half of each room on both just to get a real good idea. will start this in less than 2 weeks!!
my program as is

may the best products win
might keep dynagro as constant with each program????????
Run H&G by itself, nothing else. But do run the entire line.

After you run it, you will scrap that nightmare recipe. LOL. Wow man, that must by time consuming and expensive.

You are gonna love H&G.


what I am gonna do is a side by side with my program as is. And I am going to do a H&G run, probally do it side by side in two rooms, so half of each room on both just to get a real good idea. will start this in less than 2 weeks!!
my program as is

may the best products win
might keep dynagro as constant with each program????????

That is one of the most complex schedules I have ever seen. I though H&G was pretty complex but that takes the cake. I never though I would recommend the H&G line to make things simpler for someone. I can't think of anything from the H&G line that I would want to drop when making a new schedule.


Just Call me Urkle!!
I agree I'm SOLD after using my samples over the last 2 weeks or so my plants have made a complete 180 turn around from what they were. With the other companies I'd have one strain happy another somewhat happy and then 2 other strains struggling. Constantly changing my mix and flushing out my medium trying to solve my deficiency. Switched to H&G and it's nothing but LUSH green plants all 4 strains are soooo happy and starting the first day of 12/12 today in a few hours it will be a full 24hrs of darkness that they have been in. Also Drip Clean is the coolest product I've ever used from a company and seen actually work in front of my eyes and do what it says it will. Still NO build up and I mean NONE what soever at all in my jugs I'm using for my H&G mix. I've also noticed there aren't salt deposits left on the bottom of the Air Pots and Smart Pots like I was getting with the other companies nutrients.

I really want to see pics of the dude who said he was getting 2lbs a light with Humboldt Nutrients Master A&B line plus additives but switched to H&G and gets 2.4lbs a light with unmatched quality!


I have had some pretty good yields. Look at my 7K Watt RDWC album. Everything in there is H&G. Top booster is the shit. I use it for longer than the schedules dictates. Just don't use it in the last 3 or 4 weeks. I over do it on purpose to force fox tailing.


Active member
I agree I'm SOLD after using my samples over the last 2 weeks or so my plants have made a complete 180 turn around from what they were. With the other companies I'd have one strain happy another somewhat happy and then 2 other strains struggling. Constantly changing my mix and flushing out my medium trying to solve my deficiency. Switched to H&G and it's nothing but LUSH green plants all 4 strains are soooo happy and starting the first day of 12/12 today in a few hours it will be a full 24hrs of darkness that they have been in. Also Drip Clean is the coolest product I've ever used from a company and seen actually work in front of my eyes and do what it says it will. Still NO build up and I mean NONE what soever at all in my jugs I'm using for my H&G mix. I've also noticed there aren't salt deposits left on the bottom of the Air Pots and Smart Pots like I was getting with the other companies nutrients.

I really want to see pics of the dude who said he was getting 2lbs a light with Humboldt Nutrients Master A&B line plus additives but switched to H&G and gets 2.4lbs a light with unmatched quality!

How did you get samples of the whole line? Just ordered some Drip Clean to use with my Blumats...The Blumats are the shiznit

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
everybody is screaming about their numbers and yeilds but I am yet to hear some numbers?????????????????
how long of a veg
what strain
your number of lights


Just Call me Urkle!!
Yea that's way off topic dude lets keep this H&G only please even though I didn't start the thread I'll do my best to keep it on track as I'm trying to learn all I can about the line I'm using now...


I'm currently running H&G aqua flakes with all the additives except the algen extract. I'm using Roots Orgaincs soils mixed down with Perlite. I water every day and so far I've seen great results. I use straight tap water and dont adjust ph. I'm at the last day of nutes tonight then switching to pure water. I'll post some yields when all said and done. The crew I know is all using H&G and they typically pull 2lbs per 1k but, strain choice is key. This is my first run with H&G and i'd be really happy with 1.5 per 1k just as a start, always room to improve! Trying not to get my hopes up I guess.

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
everybody is screaming about their numbers and yeilds but I am yet to hear some numbers?????????????????
how long of a veg
what strain
your number of lights
anybody have a before H&G weight and after H&G weight????????


Ok with PBP plus lots of sugars I was doing about 0.77 lbs per 1000w. The same strain on H&G Aquaflakes + the rest of the line in the same system did about 1.44 lbs per 1000w. THATS ALMOST DOUBLE! I attribute most of that gain to top booster and shooting powder. When I ran strate aquaflakes with no boosters except sugar I could only muster about 0.93 lbs per 1000w. These numbers are not perfect but with 12 crops under my belt I probably have more accurate analysis than most that are just starting with H&G.

well IMO, if you grow one strain from clone....and say you have 10 plants.....the weight per plant can vary from something like--how the clone was topped. Maybe plant #1 got a better topping than its sister #2. Now #1 is on track to produce 5-30 grams more than plant #2.

Here's an example......

Sensi Star. The cut I have is a nute pig. I averaged about 50 grams per plant with her on Fox Farm nutes. Thats vegged about 2 weeks and then flowered for 9. On H&G, I haven't dipped below 60 grams and have topped out at almost 3 oz. But like I was saying, topping matters (some strains) and I had some plants do lesser yields, even on H&G, on account of their structure.

But now with White Rino, I went from 40-56g per plant to 65-80g per plant.

So it def yields better. I had a better product from plants that got hit with Shooting Powder, than ones that did not get SP. As odd as that is....its true. My quality is exactly the same with H&G as it was FF....and my yields are better. SOLD!


The Admiral is correct. Without a good constant system to experiment with there are too many variables to chalk better results up to any one product. My system and technique were fairly constant for my numbers but there were variables like RO vs. filtered water, and different sugars used across different crops for budget reasons. I can say that I am pretty sold on H&G after trying PBP, GH Flora Nova, and lots of different products from AN. A few that I am still curious about are canna and humbolt though.


everybody is screaming about their numbers and yeilds but I am yet to hear some numbers?????????????????
how long of a veg
what strain
your number of lights

10 days
WP, Chem-dx99, g13d, PPP, M3st3ry

B. Friendly

"IBIUBU" Sayeith the Dude
10 days
WP, Chem-dx99, g13d, PPP, M3st3ry
good stuff, ppp is a producer but chem is ok and the other not sure about. so that is good stuff bro.
ok that's two sold answers anybody else have experience to share???????
gettin closer to bein sold????
price wise it's no more or less expensive, it's all about quality and quality to me????


everybody is screaming about their numbers and yeilds but I am yet to hear some numbers?????????????????
how long of a veg
what strain
your number of lights
personally i would give up a little yield for better quality but i got both with h&g...
veg- between 2-3 weeks, topped.
strain- sfv og
9 plants under 1k hortilux, 4x4 area
yield- with lucas in ss#2 never better than 1.5 ,, with h&g 1.75 (unless i fuck it up).
but the overall health and size of fans oh yeah overall taste, bag appeal, smell etc- thru the roof! :good:

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