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HookaHittn AF's Outdoors


Its going good over here mossy. I've just been busy fishing lately... I was off work for 4 days so had to go do something. I just tried to take some pics of the garden right now but the camera was dead. I will have a update later today.


Whats up guys?
Just a quick photo update, temps have been in the mid 80s all this week. Ladies are deff starting to take off a bit. I had 100 % germ rate on the next batch of seedlings. They have been soaking up the nice weather as well. They will be going in the ground pretty quick this round. I dont want them getting root bound at all. The jems are still getting taller. I think I finally saw one hair on the biggest one today. I hit them all with some organic bloom nutes. Hopefully it kicks things into gear a little bit.
Forgot to get a pic of the next batch.. They are small anyways so Ill wait till they're bigger.








The jems are still getting taller. I think I finally saw one hair on the biggest one today.

:watchplant: Man..those bloody JEM are putting you through it...

(someone with a nasty sense of humour must have had a word in their ears....:sasmokin:)
:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

take the PC out into the garden...line them up in front of the screen..make sure you catch their attention.....

:whip: :whip: :whip:....

are you LISTENING......:look at this:

There..that should do it...

...Sometimes you just have to be Hard with them m8...:biglaugh:

The LR2 and oasis are looking good though..:dance013:

BTW..I've just seen a LowAsis in Smokeys thread that is a foot and a half high..
Biggest one I've seen..
(and better than the ones I grew....I'm gutted :muahaha:)


Yeah I don't know what the deal is with the jems... They ussually sex withing 3-4 weeks. The one male did that just like the other jems I've grown. These were just back crossed seeds of jems so I don't know whats goin on... maybe they're are non AF now?... Anyways I will keep pumping them with bloom nutes and hopefully they switch into flowering. I just check them and still no signs of hairs.. They are deff my biggest jems to date. The Lowasis and LR2 are moving right along. At least I will have some smoke off them while I wait for the jems haha....


These were just back crossed seeds of jems so I don't know whats goin on... maybe they're are non AF now?...
Nope..can't be done.
You haven't grown any non-af's for ages..so there is no chance of cross-contamination...:chin:

'fraid you just gonna have to wait them out and see what happens Bro..
It should be Interesting..to say the least..:tiphat:


Yes it will be interesting to see what they do. Luckily they are planted in a spot where they are camouflaged in pretty good. Temps have cooled off a little this week, which should be good for the young seedlings. I think I will give them one more week in the cups before planting them in the ground. Then I will germ some more seeds to keep this summer perpetual grow goin. One of my buddies has an outdoor med grow goin and said he would give me some clones. I'm hoping to get some strawberry cough... Its one of my favorite strains and I think would make a good AF cross.. He has a bunch of diff strains but we shall see how it goes. Hopefully the clones come soon so they can get some veg time before the season is over.


Hopefully the clones come soon so they can get some veg time before the season is over.
Aye it is scarey when you think that today is the longest day..
tomorrow we are on our way back to winter...

:noway: ..what a year it has been for weather.

We are still getting thunder storms..
apparently 30 ltrs of rain per square FOOT..on the last one.

Our region hasn't had as much rain since 1947.

Funny Old Year...

Bet we get a mold problem this year..so much damp.



Temps were getting warmer today, in the low 90s. I had the new sprouts out there soaking up some sun. The Lowasis and LR2s are moving right along. Looks like I may get a few Lowasis seeds out of this run. I dried out the male flowers for the next batch of seeds I germ. That way I can have some stock of pure lowasis. The jems are still taking off with no signs of sex. They are looking nice and healthy. I wish they were start to branch out though..



2 Lowasis




PC and Alf3 seedlings


Jungle O Jems


Whats up guys? Is this thread that boring that no one wants to post here? Ha jk.. Just a quick update. The lowasis are starting to develop a nice smell. You can smell them from a few feet away.They are doing the best out of all the ones I've planted so far. The LR2s are too far in my tomatoes. They cant get as much sun as the lowasis's. I hoping its only a few more weeks before I can get my first harvest of the season. I am contemplating giving the jems 2 more weeks or so. If they don't show sex by then they may have to be pulled. They are taking up precious space in my garden and not pulling they're weight. They are getting bigger but I don't know why they are not sexing.... I hit all the plants I have going with some organic tea. You can already tell it has taken affect. I will start using this once a week for them. I still need to pick up some organic bloom nutes. I'm thinking of getting some earth juice or general hydroponics. Ive had good results before with the GH but just wondering what you guys thought was better. Weird weather is the theme this year. So far no temps in the 100s yet. We apparently had a light rain last night.. I had to shake my plants off to get most of the water off them. They should be ok, the sun will dry them out good later today.


HHH- When you say General Hydroponics, I assume you are referring to their 'general organics' line of nutes, as you said 'organic'..

I know many people who use the both brands in their teas..I have used the general organics with success, and prefer it for the ingredients that they use vs. the EJ
Post number 12, picture number 3 has been stolen by me. It now resides as my part of my screen saver. To get her back you must pay a sum of 6,000,000¢. Do not involve the cops or you will never see that picture alive again. :peek:


Zendo - Yes the "General Hydroponics" Is an all organic line. I think I will just end up using that. It produced our biggest plant to date, but that could have been genetics too.

TexasMonster - that is one of mossy pics. He grows some beautiful girls that's for sure...


Quick Picture Update

Things are growing fast. I cant wait to get my first AF harvest of the season. Im about to plant this batch of seedlings in the ground and get some new ones goin. By the time these flowering AFs are done it will be about time for the next batch to go in the ground. Just trying to keep the rotation going. The hours of sun are the longest they will be right now. It should make these girls flower a little better...




2 Lowasis 1 Chili plant


Next batch waiting to be planted


Looking good HookaH. Your thread ain't boring at all!

Your plants look better than mine. I have 3-4 weeks till harvest. But I don't know if I'm gonna make it. Every trip I have to adjust my cages. They could be taller and wider too - but they ain't. My non-AFs are gone. Destroyed. Nothing left but stalks. Deer are relentless.


:wave:...HHH..the girls in the garden look Lush...:dance013:

Still no signs of sex on the JEM yet...?

I cannot figure it...:chin:

The only thing I can think of is if someone else in your area is growing long season girls and they have been cross-contaminate...


on the range of probabilities...I would say that was just about a non-starter..
it is kinda grasping at straws.


Yeah Mossy I don't know what they are doing. I know I only pollinated with other jems. I tied the 2 biggest ones down a few days ago. I May end up pulling some if they don't show soon... Id hate to pull a girl though.. There is one that is real short and so dark green. Maybe I'll pull 2 and leave 2 to see what they do.
On another note I planted all the seedlings I had going today. They seemed kinda stunted.. Idk what the deal is with them. Growing real slow and small leaves... This is with a new soil that's supposed to have no nutrients. I will see if they kick out of it, If not I'll have some more beans soaking tonight. I'm hoping to have my first AF harvest before my camping trip in 2 weeks. I'm waiting for them to finish making seeds but may pull the non seeded lady.


From now on you are gonna be known as "the Grower who can scare the pistils off an AF".....:smoky:

Not many people can do That...:biglaugh::biglaugh::biglaugh:

Have a great weekend m8....:joint: