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HookaHittn AF's Outdoors



Or Go-Go Girls.....:dancer: :dancer: :dancer:

Might be my eyes..or your season...
those girls look bigger than your normal..
and they ain't out the cups yet....:chin:

Our season is in....at last....
and it came like a slap with a plank of wood as predicted...:snap out of it:
One minute we were thinking about turning the heating back on and the next we are thinking about taking the windows out for the summer.
Happy sunny karma sent for you.

When are you putting the girls in the veg garden..?

Sandnut..your signature peom hurt my heart...

Ah HHH..I forgot..your question..Bad Betty...
Non-af JEM...f9-f10...rolled way back for strengthening..then put back to AF last year.


Mossy I will be planting them in the ground within the next week. I'm just trying to wait for them to show sex. I don't want to plant males in the garden, only fems. Then I can select pollinate which ever ones I need to. I don't think they are really bigger than I've grown before but we shall see. I think they are just getting some nice growing conditions and are kicking out fat leaves... Hopefully it translates to some fat buds ha


Well It seems this weather front I've been dealing with for the last week or so has finally blown out. Temps are forecast to be in the 80s all this next week. I was thinking about just planting those Lowasis and LR2 seeds in my garden today. I was checking them out yesterday and roots were already coming out of the cups... I was waiting for them to show sex but I think Ill just put them in and pull males later. I was just looking at my Jems and the leaf mutations I'm having is still puzzling me. I will get you guys some pics in a few days when I have time. I think it has to be some kinda of snail/slug causing it. But whatever it is isn't even eating the leaves... ahh oh well Ill get all those cups in the ground today and get some new beans going. I'm trying to figure out what i should germ. I think some of the Jems cousins are on the menu this round...


I see your plants are about the same age/size than some of mine. Your diary is going to be a good thing to compare with :)
I started mine in similar cups and found out it's not a good idea to wait for sex before transplanting, roots get really uncomfortable...


We shall see. Soon I will prolly end up just planting the seeds directly in my garden soil. See if I can increase my yields by doing this...


We shall see. Soon I will prolly end up just planting the seeds directly in my garden soil. See if I can increase my yields by doing this...

This seems to do the job too. I'm doing it with some seeds (trying a few different ways to grow autos :)), but you have to be really careful, keep an eye on them while they start to sprout, to avoid snails/slugs. I lost 3 young plants that way :(
Anyway I guess you already know about it, I'm just saying :D
Good luck, I'm waiting for new pics ;)


I was doubting autos but every time I see yours I want to give em another shot....part of why I have a shitload of each going at the minute....is there a vendor that sells your beans Mossy?


Just a few quick pics for you guys.Weather has been beautiful as of late. :jump: I haven't had a chance to get the girls in the ground yet. Probably wont be for a couple more days... I think they should be ok though. I wanted to get a pic up for you mossy. To check out what is going on with my Jems. Maybe its my soil or something causing the deformed leaves. :chin: I'm pretty close to just pulling the deformed ones out so the others get more light. The weird thing is the lowasis and lr2 are in the same soil, same conditions and are not having this problem... Ahh oh well. Next time you see the ladies they will be stretching out in the garden... :plant grow:


You can see the top left one and bottom right one have it. I almost thought it was from over watering due to rain...


Lowasis and LR2


Well guys, :tiphat: I finally got the ladies all planted in my garden. I think I should have got them in there about 2 weeks ago... seems they were in the middle of a good growth spurt and have kinda stalled out.. :shucks: We shall see though. I am going to hit them with their first dose of veg nutes today. They were already getting a little root bound that's for sure.. Ahh oh well you live and learn. Next batch will be planted out earlier. Only a few have started to show sex yet. My best looking most vigorous lowasis plant has turned male. That is a good thing though, :biglaugh: as I lost half of my seeds due to bad growing conditions. Hopefully I get at least one lowasis female so I can IBL them. If not I have a few more seeds I will germ and save the pollen for them. I should be getting some more seeds going in the next few days. Its going to be an exciting year as I have a few more AFs to play with. :rasta: I think the next germ will include some more jems as I need to make a big batch of seeds. Once I have that out of the way I can focus more on just growing ladies. Sounds like its going to be a busy year but it is just starting. I still have a lot of time left in my season... I will get some pics when the ladies have got them selves established. I am just really busy at the moment with work.. I was thinking about picking up some good bloom nutes, Either Earth Juice or General Hydroponics. Ill have to make up my mind soon as the ladies need it ha.


I was thinking about your leaf problems the other night and I was wondering..is there any possibility that your compo is pre-ferted..?

On your first ones..I think it was your conditions..and I think that your pots got so waterlogged..
that it kept you roots Cold..and without oxygen..and killed them.
They Would have been better off in your veg garden..
the more natural drainage probably would have saved them.

The second ones..don't know if you pulled them..
they look as if they will pull round.

How are they ALL looking now..?

Have a great weekend m8..:joint:


Hey Guys , How Goes it??

Figured it was time to try to get a quick update in before work. The plants are looking good. Temps were in the 90s yesterday... first time this year. I think the summer is finally going to arrive. I pulled one jem male already. The rest look to be females. I also have one lil stud Lowasis that is going to knock up the 2 lowasis females I have going. I have the day off tmrw so I will get a new batch of seeds soaking to be planted. I'm not sure of what I will plant yet. Maybe a few more LR2's Jems and a few others. I have my vegi garden all planted so there will be a few spots to camo them in at. All the plants I have going are already in the ground. This next batch should turn out a lot better. I will plant them in the ground way earlier too keep them from getting root bound. Also I think I need to invest in a good organic veg and bloom ferts. Thus far they have only been given water.

Mossy yeah that soil was pref erted. I bought it because it was all they had when I went to the store. I have some other Earthgro soil for the next round. Its all organic and no added ferts. Should be better for them. I didnt pull those mutated jems I left them and they seem to be pulling out of it with normal leaves.


Jems minus one male




Lowasis Stud


They is Lookin Good bro..long may that sunshine last...:tiphat:

Mossy yeah that soil was pref erted
Pre-ferted soil is the only thing that I find JEM sensitive to.
That is why I am always saying..use plain universal compo.

That May be the answer to the second leaf problem you have. :good:

Fingers crossed.

JEM is better on plain compo..
weak solution of veg ferts around day 12..then half strength flower ferts once they are up to sex. :tiphat:


Yeah the jems seem to be doing a lot better now mossy. They are getting taller by the day, and none are showing sex yet... Well one was a male and was killed so I'm hoping the other 4 are females. My other LR2's and Lowasis have been flowering for a week and a half or so already. That one Lowasis male is about to pop. I think I am going to try to save his pollen for when the other lowasis have more hairs. Do you think if I just shake the pollen off him and collect it each day he will keep producing? That way I could get more pollen. I ussually just rip the male out of the soil and dust him right on the females. I have some more seeds germing in soil as we speak. On the menu this time is some Punk Chunk and Alf3.I may get a few more jems going in the next week or two as well. My weather has been nice, temps in the mid 70s to upper 80s. Usually its in the upper 90s to 100 degrees around this time. Anyways Ill get some pics of the flowering ladies in a few days...


Active member
ICMag Donor
great start hooka

great start hooka

finally got her going!!! pulled my chair up and took a little snooze but now i think your ready to rock this grow!!!! what is ibl?????? newbie here


Just a quick picture update. The male lowasis I have looks like he will pop any day. I am going to collect the pollen this time and try to pollinate the lowasis ladies a little later. I want them to have more hairs so I can end up with more seeds. I will most likely cross the lowasis with the jem as well. For some reason my jems are taking days to show sex. Still no signs of anything... hopefully that means they are females. One of my jems is getting pretty big though. maybe the extra veg time will mean more buds ha.


I would say that jem is getting close to a foot tall.




Lowasis male about to pop his load


I am going to collect the pollen this time and try to pollinate the lowasis ladies a little later. I want them to have more hairs so I can end up with more seeds.

Aye...early germ fatter seeds..later germ..more seeds...:good:

I THINK it is good to set one set away..then set another set away 2 weeks later..

the second set are for males/pollenation of the females from the first lot.
Timing works out well.

Looking Good Bro...

Have a great weekend.....:joint:


Quick Update

7 out of 8 of my beans have already popped out of the soil. Some looked a little weird for some reason. Maybe its because my temps are in the mid 90s.... Seems it was nice 80 degree weather then I plant my seeds and summer shows up ha.. I have them in indirect sunlight on the side of my shed. The get a little sun, but I don't what them getting burned up in the heat of the day. My other plants are moving right along. The LR2s look like they are already getting pretty frosty. I am about to pollinate my 2 Lowasis fems with the lowasis stud. I think I will pollinate a LR2 fem too. I'm going to try to save the rest of his pollen for later on the jems. They are still growing taller but not flowering... Not even one hair... Ahh oh well they are the biggest I have had so far. Hopefully they will be some big buds that come off them.... Ill get you guys some pics in a few days....