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Honk if you give away your medicine.

I'm not in a med state, and no one knows anything about my garden....BUT, I have given alot of herb away, mostly to friends that dont have loot to buy their own...lol...But one of my friends dad, a real hard liner, no nonsense kind of guy, always straight, and never liked pot....Shit, he got cancer and that quickly changed....I started giving him free weed until he died....But if anyone would have known this guy, and how against marijuana he was, and then seen what kind of difference it made when he started smoking it, they would never allow this great plant to be illegal...It literally made him live a year longer....maybe longer than that.....without it, he wouldn't eat, or I should say, COULDN'T eat.....he started smoking and he would laugh, talk, eat and be happy.....I was younger then, and this was quite a few years ago.... But it does feel good to give away great herb, even more so, when a person is deathly ill, such as he.

Really good to see so many people giving away their wares....Seriously, that puts a smile on my face...Have a great weekend everyone...


don't count me in yet, but I am in contact with several patients. One gentlemen has beginning stages of MS, another has Fibromyalgia.

Gearing up with medicinal genetics (mazar,dreamweaver, heri) in my garden.

I plan to give away at least 2/3 of each girl this coming run. hopefully I can grow a clean, great tasting, effective medicine. I not only want to share, I feel I HAVE to. this motivates me even more.


Now in technicolor
I give weed away to very close friends but giving away something as expensive as weed is a BIG sign that you're growing or dealing in quantity.

Even if people don't know that you grow, they can still point fingers at you if you're giving out free. If I was a cop who wanted somebody to snitch, I would just ask "who always has a lot of weed? is there anyone that gives you big discounts?"

Everyone should smoke but there's no reason it should be free.. work, money and RISK are put into it. If it was free nobody would grow commercially and nobody would have any weed to smoke (unless you plan on growing commercially for everyone out of your pocket?)

What I like to do is I give very close friends 1/4-1/2/oz and I say "only smoke this with people who haven't smoked before." We need to turn more people on!
I charge patients low enough for me to just about break even and cover any maintenance or potential expansion costs. Tack on the fact that I always weigh everything heavy, it's close enough to giving out free bud. These folks don't have much money to begin with and since I started out growing for personal medical use anyway, I'm happy to help people out.

Of course, I do a rough "screening" to weed out (pun not intended...) people who are just seeking a cheap high. It's really obvious sometimes.

Totally agree with !!! that bud shouldn't be free (assuming it is given out in large quantities). You're simply asking for trouble ahead. Word about free bud will travel like wildfire!
I give weed away to very close friends but giving out something as expensive as weed away is a BIG sign that you're growing or dealing in quantity.

Even if people don't know that you grow, they can still point fingers at you if you're giving out free. If I was a cop who wanted somebody to snitch, I would just ask "who always has a lot of weed? is there anyone that gives you big discounts?"

Everyone should smoke but there's no reason it should be free.. work, money and RISK are put into it. If it was free nobody would grow commercially and nobody would have any weed to smoke (unless you plan on growing commercially for everyone out of your pocket?)
What I like to do is I give very close friends 1/4-1/2/oz and I say "only smoke this with people who haven't smoked before." We need to turn more people on!

I couldn't agree with you more.
I'm all for helping people out and have given a lot to friends etc., who either couldn't afford or as gifts but I'm actually not for given away free meds. Its sends out a wrong message to the MMJ community. In my experience, the only people who give away free weed legally are the ones that are selling a shitload illegally and unfortunately this doesn't look good for any program. Not to say this is what you are doing Manitoid.
People who are doing this probably shouldn't get into any legal marijuana program cause it makes us all look bad.
A much better idea would be for these people to open up a dispensary or compassion club and sell to other patients for a really good price. This puts the focus back on growers growing for patients and being a grower myself, KNOW that it costs money to grow quality meds. Unless you are independently wealthy; nobody can afford this.
This type of thing also plays up to all those people who have that 'entiltement' mentality, which gets OLD real FAST!
All of a sudden you have everyone and their dog holding their hand out for more.
There are a select few who are in desperate life threatening situations but they are far and few between.
Its much better to teach people how to do what you are doing so that they can help themselves.(where it is possible) Help other people get carded or help connect patients and growers who BOTH have the same type of integrity.
There are truly decent people out there in the world BUT there are a LOT more scammers than anything or people just wanting to take advantage of a good thing, which is human nature. It can get ugly real quick. There are sites out there that promote this type of thing but I'm certainly NOT for it.

Sorry to be a buzzkill in your thread Manitoid, especially since I think you are a really nice guy, but I strongly disagree with giving away free meds while it is still illegal. Once it becomes legal for everyone, then it seems like a wonderful idea and I'd love to get some from you.

Ok the last part I am just joking about but I think you get my point

Nice to see you back buddy:tiphat:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Karma is not something you treat it's more of a way of life. After spending so much time here I have seen her circle flow around to those that deserved it good and bad.

ICM is and ALWAYS will be about sharing the love and to put a price tag on that is gonna make Her circle VERY SMALL indeed.
Have A Great Day

giving out something as expensive as weed away is a BIG sign that you're growing or dealing in quantity.
Everyone should smoke but there's no reason it should be free..

Hummm..seems we have differing ideas here. Wags I give away meds for just the reasons you are pointing out, sharing mine with legal patients that are suffering is legal where I live, and quite humbling, satisfying a gesture for me to do. My wifey and I can't hardly afford my water bill in the summer and my light bill in the winters but I don't ask anything for my meds from peeps that are obviously suffering and are much worse off than I.

!!! has his point too..giving away weed surely makes others aware you are growing, I guess I take my chances with that. But..his point about "no reason it should be free"..I 'm thinking no one will change his mind about that until he becomes disabled, unable to work like I am, in pain all day every day, strugling financially and then needs someone elses generocity to aquire a small amount of weed to help him overcome his depression and pain even if for just one day. I look every day at the people that are much worse off than I then judge how I should react. DD


those with income not related to cannabis, have the ability to give away everything besides a personal stash. It does not mean you grow in large quantity.

EDIT: I know what pain is. I only give to those who have it.


Now in technicolor
I 'm thinking no one will change his mind about that until he becomes disabled, unable to work like I am, in pain all day every day, strugling financially and then needs someone elses generocity to aquire a small amount of weed to help him overcome his depression and pain even if for just one day. I look every day at the people that are much worse off than I then judge how I should react. DD

No, I think medication should be affordable (or free.) Not getting my meds is cruel punishment. There's no MMJ program where I live, so my opinion is only based on recreational (illegal) use.


Freedom Fighter
I work for a large Collective...and I am just an Employee...so I have no say in those matters--
But at Home...I have my own Collective-- I have about 25 ppl that I supply with this...they are all either Med Patients...or Family--

Any of them can show up broke, and leave with a bag-- Just so they don't make it a habit-- lol
But seriously...My buddy with MS hasn't paid for weed in a couple of years from me...and I am more than happy to do that--
I don't get rich off what I do...but I make enough to try and make a difference by giving back when I can--:tiphat:
The rest of you Fuckers....Bring Cash!!:biglaugh:


Sorry to be a buzzkill in your thread Manitoid, especially since I think you are a really nice guy, but I strongly disagree with giving away free meds while it is still illegal. Once it becomes legal for everyone, then it seems like a wonderful idea and I'd love to get some from you.
Nice to see you back buddy:tiphat:

Where I am at in the manner I grow, it is legal.

glad to be back,


Great Thread, and only 10 pages. Show's you where peoples hearts are. Here's what I do every year, I need to revive this soon to remind people to be compassionate.

12 Joints of Xmas
Where I am at in the manner I grow, it is legal.

glad to be back,
Sorry. I didn't know there were any legal states.
I live in Canada and we are not legal here although there are exemptions but only for up to two people.
If anyone mentions they give away free meds, they would get flogged for that very reason. Its still illegal here.
It does look like you will be getting a nice supply of meds since your plants look amazing.

GreatLakes THC

an Arthur P. Jacobs production

Not a lot, but I do honk. We've all gotten high at some point with a little help from our friends. Some of us need to remember what it is to be a friend. I used to be a church going man and learned the values of tithing. We all "should" tithe, but it's not for us to decide how another man goes about it. Look at your lives and give back where you can. I applaud all of you honkers out there.

GreatLakes THC :joint:


Active member
i'm all for compassion, i have given away plenty enough and will continue to do so here and there to certain people sometimes

i am not for those that choose to take advantage of the situation, i'll be a nice guy a time or 2, but thinking i'm your regular freebie guy is not going to happen

it's good to give what you can, but not to moochers