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New 3200watt Vertical Medi-grow


New member
Hello all, long time reader but first time poster. This is going to be my first medi grow so im really kind of a noob,

**edit** My setup is -9x9 room with an artificial wall in the middle. i have 2 chambers of growing. 2 - 6in intakes and 2 8in exhaust. 1 intake 1 exhaust per chamber. i have the 3 600 watters running on light movers going back and forth about 5 feet within those chambers so i have excellent light spread.

so here it is.

( Also, i apologize for the crumy pictures, there are taken from my mobile phone. )

First day making the room.

Room finished and ready to paint.

Finished painting and all transplanted to 2gal bags. (( starting 2 weeks veg time ))

starting 2 week veg with the lights on.

1 week into flower

3 week into flowering.

update !

here are my 4 week flowering pics.

picture of my other chamber that is in the same room.

and finally some crappy close up pics from my mobile phone.

well thats all that i have for now. its been a long time in the making.

thanks for viewing :)


Very nice! Im looking forward to start my own i same style. Very cool. What is your goal for yield? Looking for 1g pr watt?


New member
hello all, thanks for the support. here is my week 3 flowering picture. as you can see one of my digital ballast ( global greenhouse ) is having trouble igniting my lower bulb. i am losing precious flower lumens !! grrr:wallbash:

Very nice! Im looking forward to start my own i same style. Very cool. What is your goal for yield? Looking for 1g pr watt?

oh man i would love to get 1g per watt. But as its going now with this bulb problem i have, i a little worried.
hello all, thanks for the support. here is my week 3 flowering picture. as you can see one of my digital ballast ( global greenhouse ) is having trouble igniting my lower bulb. i am losing precious flower lumens !! grrr:wallbash:

oh man i would love to get 1g per watt. But as its going now with this bulb problem i have, i a little worried.
Man, i know how it feels to loose a light mid grow. Two grows ago(it was a flat grow) about three weeks from harvest i lost one of my 1k lights. I know my yield suffered alot, but it would be hard for me to put a number on exactly how much.

Is this a problem with all digital ballasts? I was thinking of buying one, but i dont want to have a problem with em. So far mag ballasts have been working fine for me so im not too keen on swithcing to a product that will hassle me.


New member

I am now starting my 4th week into flower stage. They are looking really good, already starting to develop icing on the buds and surrounding leaves.
:jump:. Its really too bad these pictures do not do it justice, gonna have to wait until i get a good camera.

other chamber in the same room.

some close ups.

hope you guys like it. :wave:
Hey awesome setup man. Just a little FYI here, but you shouldnt bundle those cords together like that. Just a good habbit to get into, because those wires carry heavy loads and they actually heat up when current is put to them. Sort of a hazard although it is a smaller one.

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