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Yeah, being real picky I ousted the stinkier plant for the stronger #5...A big joint will make me choke and sneeze, the smoke just comes flying out like puke when ya' can't hold it anymore, I don't even try holding in the smoke, maybe 25 yrs of smoking joints is affecting my smoking ability, not really something I want, it's almost all I've got left. "You can have my legs just leave my mail alone.":)


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
A big joint will make me choke and sneeze, the smoke just comes flying out like puke when ya' can't hold it anymore, I don't even try holding in the smoke, maybe 25 yrs of smoking joints is affecting my smoking ability

I think it's the recent intake of hash. Messed yer lungs up. :bigeye:

Where's the seal colony when ya need em? :shark:


Those seals never used to stay past May, at least on the bayside, now there's thousands and they'll grab a fish off your line in a minute like lightning.The only thing I've ever seen until now chasing a seal was a pod of Orca in Sept about 10yrs back, when I could still huff a joint like a man....:)

The Baphomet

Well-known member
Just started a few Honey Whites I got as freebies.


  • HW1.jpg
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The Mad Monk
That's a nice freebie to get. Good luck w/em, Baphomet. Keep us posted on how they turn out for ya.


4 outta 5 sprouted right away, they have all opened and started their second true leaves. 1 decided it was going to take its time; i just saw it has finally sprouted a tail.

AK and Ice were 5 for 5, 1 AK died for no apparent reason (before surfacing). 0 outta 5 for White Rhino, they have done nothing. (Ive got 15 more I can 'test' germination; all variables are the exact same, from substrate mix, watering, environment, etc.)

If i get a killer HW BX2 pheno, ill have to post some images, I'll probably post the date i put them in flower too, I dont want to hijack this thread with my seedling journal.

someone pm me if they know of proper channels to report germ rate issues. I havent give up on the WR yet, but i'll probably only give them another week.


New member
And boy did they.. 2 packs are over $500. Glad I snagged a pack of these for $35 and I got a 5 pack of freebies - 20 seeds total. Fuck I can't wait until I can grow these out.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Yeah, trolls sux. Some kid bummed about going back to school. :mad:

$502/$202, pretty suspicious. Sure they'll all get relisted. Be patient.


^^I certainly hope so. They leapt out of my price range pretty damn quick. Womp, womp I guess...

Even if they don't, this thread has been a real pleasure to read, and I wish all the new holders the best of luck.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Bravo to SB for stepping in and pulling the plug. Hope they can devise a way to safeguard the bidding.
I want to see SB benefit from these sales, but please remember, this is just hype snowballing.
Honey White is merely more "really good pot".
The legit high,high bids reflect peeps w/ commercial exploitation in mind.
If you can keep from having a "1st in line" mentality to the HW's, I have faith that they will be affordable & available in the future. :smoke:
Keep the faith


I remember when i got the HW freebies and thought what the hell are these... lol. Thanks man for donating to server fund and freebies stash. I have so many damn beans I cant say when Ill get to these but they definately look awesome. Whats your next breeding project going to be? From what I can see you did a great job on creating a 'white' IBL.


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
Thx guys!
I'll be soon embarking on my "Friendship Indica Project", which I project to be a long-running, stop & go affair, hopefully culminating in a Med-strain in honor of my old friend, Medjool.
The backbone will be Herijuana, her favorite medicine for her son, coupled with other indica's friend's have sent me over the yrs.

Progress on the project will be updated in this defunct thread down the line:

No, I will not be using any White genetics for it! :biglaugh:


ring that bell
ICMag Donor
A powerful med-strain is the only goal set.
As stated, it should be long-running, with a few genetic avenues to explore. Just have to wait and see how the journey unfurls. :smoke:


Well-known member
Mrs M

Mrs M

Thx guys!
I'll be soon embarking on my "Friendship Indica Project", which I project to be a long-running, stop & go affair, hopefully culminating in a Med-strain in honor of my old friend, Medjool.
The backbone will be Herijuana, her favorite medicine for her son, coupled with other indica's friend's have sent me over the yrs.

Progress on the project will be updated in this defunct thread down the line:

No, I will not be using any White genetics for it! :biglaugh:

What a great gesture!

Mrs M was a loving woman/mother whom i remember with great fondness from the old OG days, she would come on to my "Pine Tar Kush Project" thread with reassuring words. Bonecarver is still growing the fruits of that project.


I posted this pic all those years ago joking that she was "soft and succulently sweet" which she was!!


Cloneman, always a pleasure!! Nice to see ya' over at S a n n i e s place....:) Here's my HW#5 day 1, she has a few bites on her but I hit her with the deadbug juice and I can't find anything live on her.She'll be running with 6 Nevilles haze and 1 of each fancy cut I have to make seeds so I don't have to keep all this stuff forever.Holding onto cuts for years can be a real anchor, 1 or 2 is ok but I have about 9 and I start walking in circles when I think about losing any of them. OCD!!OCD!!! Anyway I hope to mix up the pollen from the NH males and hit all the cuts including this one, I'm just going to let it fly and make a million seeds, I need a break after the last grow, I have enough bud to make it at least a year so I can screw around now...:)