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Honey QWISO Forum (lets show them why qwiso is the best)

some pics

some pics

lets see some pics man.
hey Ding,
Heres some qwhex.
mixed in with keaf, i think you call it jelly? but this isnt much like jelly, quite hard like reg hash in the end but tastes like oil.
in the one pic the bits of shit you see in the oil is leftover bits of the last mix, otherwise would be very clear and clean.

ofcourse these are pics I "found" on the internet, I would never make something like this myself.
later bro


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hey Ding, would have posted some qwiso but I dont have any good iso to work with, hope you dont mind the Hex, it is a quick wash so I figured it was close enough to share, its all I have going on at the time.
sorry to go off topic.



hey Ding, would have posted some qwiso but I dont have any good iso to work with, hope you dont mind the Hex, it is a quick wash so I figured it was close enough to share, its all I have going on at the time.
sorry to go off topic.


its all good man the more pics the better!!!! i love honey oil.


Overkill is under-rated.
Cross-posting but I think it's important so mods please ignore:

Ok gang, heads-up, I retract my earlier statement about evaporating in an electric oven, DON'T do it!

I was drying 6 pans in 2 ovens the other night and was standing in the kitchen when the top oven exploded! There was a loud bang and the door flew open (no small feat) then slammed shut. Everything is fine, no damage or injuries, but it scared the shit out of me! I ran over and turned off the thermostats to kill the elements, but man, no bueno!

It's fine to dry out pans and cure/decarb in ovens, but not to evaporate the majority of the alcohol. This was with SLX denatured alcohol at 200*F. Not sure why it happened this time (after probably 100 pans) but if I had been in an apartment or even the city the cops would have come. It sounded like both barrels of a 12-gauge going off about 5 feet away.

Now I'm messing with a rice cooker, the solvent evaporated ok in it, I dried it in the oven, and am gonna try freezing the rice cooker pot (teflon coated) to see if it unsticks when frozen.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Cross-posting but I think it's important so mods please ignore:

Ok gang, heads-up, I retract my earlier statement about evaporating in an electric oven, DON'T do it!

Excellent point!

When inflammables reach the point where there is enough solvent and oxygen to support combustion, they are sensitive to ignition sources.

I cook off ethanol on my kitchen stove with the ventilation hood on high, but boil off methanol and isopropyl on the patio with a fan blowing.

Not only are methanol, iso, and ethanol vapors explosive, but ISO and Methanol can be assimilated as a vapor through our lungs and kill is dead at sufficient concentration. Not a good thing.

Not necessarily a bad thing to use, if you remove them to far below TLV by adequate purging!

I use hot oil baths in the kitchen and boil off methanol, but always boil off isopropanol and methanol on the patio with fans blowing, and have never had a problem, though I always have at least two fire extinguishers on site.

This is a Honey QWISO forum, so I won't expand on the subject, but when using ISO, please do review the MSDS for ISO and Methanol, so as to make safety provisions accordingly!

More details on how to use ISO and methanol (at least denatured), may be found by searching on site.

Ohmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Hack, hack, cough, bsptmmmmmmmmmmpth!!!!!!!!!!!!


Overkill is under-rated.
Hey GW, yep it looks like I will be investing in some hot plates so I can do this in my yard or garage. I had some success with the rice cooker as well, it evaporates solvents fairly quickly but lacks a temp control. it did a good job boiling off most of my denatured, I redissolved it in some ISO and dried that in the oven with no problems. I wish there was a way to boil off the solvents in a teflon bag, maybe if the bag sat in an oil bath at 180*F? Would make the scraping of pans obsolete if it worked. Thoughts?

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Hey GW, yep it looks like I will be investing in some hot plates so I can do this in my yard or garage. I had some success with the rice cooker as well, it evaporates solvents fairly quickly but lacks a temp control. it did a good job boiling off most of my denatured, I redissolved it in some ISO and dried that in the oven with no problems. I wish there was a way to boil off the solvents in a teflon bag, maybe if the bag sat in an oil bath at 180*F? Would make the scraping of pans obsolete if it worked. Thoughts?

No experience so thoughts are about all I do have.

If you are just evaporating off the alcohol without decarboxylating it, you don't need to raise the temperature to boiling point of isopropyl. A strong air flow will dramatically speed things up by carrying away the molecules at the surface.

Foaf did a thread on BHO collection in a teflon bag and suggested http://www.welchfluorocarbon.com/Tef...ayFlatBags.htm
for a bag source. They have a good selection, so maybe you just need a big bag lining a pot and a fan blowing over it.

Or maybe have water in the bottom of the pan and heat it on a hot plate to 160F, so as to be above the melting point of CBD @~151F, to better allow the alcohol to escape.

Stick it in the freezer when you are done and break up the extraction after it solidifies.


Overkill is under-rated.
Yeah I dislike using fans over pans of solvent, as it tends to blow in dust and stuff that I can't get out very easily. A simple exhaust or fume hood helps but it doesn't agitate the surface like a regular fan does. I am thinking a pot of oil on a hot plate outside, at 150-250*F and set a teflon bag of solvent in the oil. The oil won't evaporate overnight like water would, and should hold a steadier temp. Yep the whole "freezer breakup" thing is what I'm after, scraping up 6 pans of oil in a day is pretty rough on my hands. ;)

I am eyeballing a nice recirculating CO2 setup though, not cheap but it's slicker than snot!


a newbs try

a newbs try

tried my hand with some old trim and this is what I got. It looks black, but as the plate shows it is a nice amber. I've been scraping at the concave side of the plate, but can not get it all off, oh well looks like I have a hashish plate now. My experience with making hash is this type and a butane extracts. This is definitely easier and safer, but I prefer the high from the butane method better. The problem that no matter how much I try to not inhale any of the vapor and vent my apartment with fans, windows, and doors open I still get light headed.



~15-20 seconds. and all these are from personals. Can you guess which was a 1st wash 15 sec wash from old trim compared to a wash from some stems, and then another 2nd wash from an old trim?


hard to tell for me, thats what my second wash looks like usually. i could see how it could be dark using old trim. im not too sure which is which sorry bro.


i have no idea. i use buds and my qwiso looks like honey. why is yours so dark if its not because of the trim?


Active member
Hey guys sorry this is so off topic. But for those who have made both qwiso and bubble hash. What yields more? I just tried my first large batch of qwiso and it is a hell of a lot easier than bubble hash. My only hope is that qwiso will yield similar amounts of high quality hash.

Gray Wolf

A Posse ad Esse. From Possibility to realization.
ICMag Donor
Could you make bubble, QWISO, then peanut butter oil? I was thinking about doing that to utilize all parts of the plant. I'm one of those people who hates to waste.
