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HL45.PPK.1.0 17lightsx2 Sealed with Co2


No Jive Productions
wow, it doesn't seem long enough for you to be about to harvest! can't wait to see the results!

am i looking at the root aphid plants here?


Lot to be said for built in redundancy for plant survival insurance with absentee grow setups......I mean Hell....

I had several Growbro`s tell me I was a fool for usin #5 smartpots in my vert racks when I was only aimin for 2 oz plants at best but with the numbers it took to bust the gpw`s.....and....

What they didn`t understand is that I had a mix that was aerated from the get and while only fed once a day DTW till end of stretch , and twice a day through bloomage till chop , the medium dried out and breathed through the rootzones enough for optimum growth while still giving the insurance factor of enough medium there to keep from dryin out too much should shit go sideways with pump failure/power outages and such ....

Hell....My 5 gal ebb and flow buckets always had 1.5 inches of solution left in the bottom containers after each and until the next feed for added failsafe in case of the above happening....

I`m gonna say this 1 more time ....This plant murderer looks to be the next up and comer for total passive and K.I.S.S. setup for growin big plants without all the bells and whistles needed for "recirculating death without cause" systems that Krusty used to call an accident waitin to happen.....

D9 deserves the respect for givin so tirelessly of his time , knowledge , and experience.....guaranteed....

All should take note of this setup.....no shit.....especially if your`e governed by med card plant limits and constraints.....anyways....

Once yas get to where yas can monocrop and dial each strains sweet spot in each individual room , then things will come to fruition where yas can squeeze every gram outta each bitch that they have to offer.....so....that said....

You da man HL....handle this shit.....



Active member
Man I hate it when tragedy strikes... Sour D is a pretty resilient plant, so hopefully they bounce back for ya! and yeah... If you were 3hs away from your grow only visiting 2 days a week.. They'd be dead. What made you unplug the pump to begin with? Just wondering. I know I've done it before. Timers fail. If only they had been in buckets with some runoff sitting on the bottom... ;)