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i was not going to continue but can't resist the temptation to say woop ee when i
hear the name osley! that was a ride.

for the naysayers or critics, i'm sorry i ever opened the haze can of worms. you are all missing the point, back then nobody i knew was taking notes! we were young
and very happy. haze happy! sam elected to label the originator and his partner bros.
bfd, does that matter. i only knew one of the guys, i still know him, this is his story.
he like his partner were commercial growers, sam was the guy who showed the passion and insight to keep it alive in one form or another. sam was the guy who gave them
and others different seeds and still does i suspect.
one thing i know for sure, it was an accident, one that i was lucky enough to enjoy.
since that time so many people have spent a lifetime breeding and taking notes that
what we did back then can only be viewed as child's play, and simply the luck of the draw.


Well-known member
thx happyhi!

sounds good dude... i hope one day, all the "part-takers" in the haze story, can come to a round table, and finally puzzle the whole story together and lay it out for future generations...

ps.: if you happen to crush into your partner again, please ask him if he still got some of the old stylee seeds layin around, and if so, forward to a renowned breeder, for a "re release" of the haze...would be a great favor to the community (no pun intended)...


Active member
I always thought the Haze brothers were OD growers not big buyers. The grower part seems to be fact and the addition of other lines seems to be fact. Sam contributing to the original lines with the Indian and Thai and whatever seems to be fact . This story just adds a lil more confusion.Sam scored some seed and left for Amsterdam ,I believe that he had a lil more to do with the O Haze then that.


LMAO this story is boring enough to be true

If this story is true, you guys sent ACE seeds on a five year wild goose chase trying to recreate this "legend" lol.

"Back then we all felt that Colombian Gold aka as Punto Roja was the best smoke. The haze comes from a Punta Roja seed"

and then he goes on to suggest that the only other element sam added to it was SKUNK lol

I'm gonna assume all of this to be true unless sam says its bullshit.

You know I remember sam going into detail about the haze brothers...even how one of them became a born again christian and stoped growing lol in mexico...he talked about a falling out between the brothers and one just started growing skunk cause its easier... This all sounds very fake and funny now tho.

what does it all mean? Nothing, except for the fact that this strain is a step above everything thats ever been out there...grow something with mostly haze in it and you'll know thats true

Tom Hill

Active member
Hi HappyHi, and folks,

Sounds to me that Haze was a Colombian, then a Colombian/Mexican, then a Colombian/Mexican X S. Indian, then a Colombian/Mexican X S. Indian X Thai - thousands of pounds of all of the above built a mountain of history and reputation in California. Then the vast majority of us were introduced to her. I see no conflict in any of these stories other than to respectfully protect the folks who are still working legitimately maybe, and this is no where near as shifty and disrespectful as calling something else from another part of the world by the same name. This line will never be recreated try as we may - oh what a day that would be, but.. The origins of these genetics today are nowhere near of the same quality, by far and away. Hunting down/scoring epic all time genetics be it in the jungle or at fisherman's wharf then breeding together these plants year after year all those years ago should never ever be referred to as an accident, even if whoever did this were somewhat uncertain of what they were doing at the time. -T


to the gracious folks who encouraged me privately to continue talking, thanks.
tom hill- your words are wonderful. i don't know you but would be happy to make your acquaintance. you summed it up beautifully.
the haze was strong magic, born of hard work, and lots of good karma.


Active member
Hi happyhi

So according to your story ,

The Haze comes from Colombian (Punto Rojo) seed which was bred to itself for 10years.

There was a commercial grower that started/grew/bred/developed the haze line from Colombian genetics. When he found the Haze line he joined forces with another grower who was not his brother , he was another commercial grower. This partner was responsible for the beautiful Haze Poster.

The original 'Haze Brothers' were 3 brothers that were large buyers and just bought Haze buds from the Haze breeder/grower and his partner.

These buyers were called/named 'Haze Brothers' by the Haze breeder/grower and his partner.

Skunkman knew the Haze 'breeder/grower' and his partner and was the one that named them..Haze Bros. But that was something the original Haze 'breeder'/grower laughed at.

Correct me if I 'm missing something.

happyhi said:
a while back i mentioned that i was one of the original haze growers back in the 70's. and i promised the community that if i could hook up with the man that created the name and strain who i've known for decades i would report back.

Sam has posted that the Haze Bros that created/grew the Haze line never sold Haze seeds to others , never . According to him they never made extra seeds , only enough for next years haze crop.

So according to Sam's story you ' d have to either be the original Haze grower/breeder or his partner to have had access to real Haze seeds. Note I m not trying to say that what you post is not the truth or anything.

Had you been growing Haze from seedstock that came directly from the original Haze grower/his partner or through some other source?

Can you please tell us about the Haze development dates. Do you remember which year it was the first year the first Colombian - Punto Rojo seeds for the Haze line where planted ?

What was the first year Haze was first grown ?
Also do you remember when it was the first year other genetics were introduced in the Haze line ?



Well-known member
thanks for your story-i believe every word of it-the best things in life happen by accident
of course you were all on the owsley too-how could something wonderful not come out of that environment?


Well-known member
surprising sams has not joined us especially after you say hes responded to you

soo why not post SAMS pm that confirms your statements
if its ok wit him

the story is not soo crazy
but a few things dont seem to match up but the more i look back at sams post n wat you say it makes som sense and i start to ponder

the haze was like smoking candy, made you giddy, happy, creative and food tasted like you'd never eaten before. there was no paranoia or couch lock, it was heavenly

and you hav mentioned the silver as juicy fruit gum

how does these aromas com from punto rojo ?

is this ur description of the o.haze/PR

why does it not match sams?

whats your take on the reported sandlewood catpiss description of haze bros haze

reservationlabs Haze Breeders/Growers.... thread is about an old gifted haze line from the hills reported to be incense n hashy

id love to hear more info also timelines the smoke reports of the phenos/colors



if sam wants to chime in he can. and you wouldn't like what he PM'd me anyway, it wasn't very complimentary of the naysayers. he doesn't want to waste his time answering questions that have been lost in the haze of time, i'm guessing.
l33t has the story broken down well. as i've said from the get go, there were no
notes so i can't comment on many of the questions and since I WAS NOT the original
grower i can only relate what i'm told. i tend to be a bit anal about facts so i can
only relate the ones i know. i don't really know what they did for the ten years they
bred it, i only know i was lucky to be involved in it from around 76 to 81, i do remember
my last run was 81 cause i got married and my lovely wife ( still my lovely wife)
was not going to raise our kids on haze, thou i might have tried if she let me.
i will be seeing my old friend again and will try and pry out a bit more of the breeding facts for all you fanatics. i do enjoy your passion so i will continue to contribute. just don't try so hard to find the discrepancies, REMEMBER THERE WERE THINGS LIKE OSLEY AND HAZE FLOATING AROUND IN OUR BRAINS, DID YOU EXPECT US TO HAVE A SCIENTIFIC LOG ON THE SHIT? WTF, give me a break.
i just love all these haze threads i guess its the perfect way to pass that 14 week wait however does it really matter how did what its just some amazing weed sit back and enjoy!!!!!!

jim dankness

Active member

this part cracked me up! with all of that strong sativa herb and mega-strong LSD, it's a wonder you dudes from the good 'ol days can remember anything! ;)


this part cracked me up! with all of that strong sativa herb and mega-strong LSD, it's a wonder you dudes from the good 'ol days can remember anything! ;)

now here is a guy that understands the real issue. since i've
given you all i know i'm signing out until i learn more if there is
anymore to learn. my old friend suffers from the same brain
issues that many of us enjoy. to all the fans thanks for the positive
vibes. i'm off to the garden to try and get hazy.


Well-known member
i do enjoy your passion so i will continue to contribute

as ive said we appreciate ur contributions im glad you understand its passion and not bein misunderstandnig or hard headed we want facts

soo if sams does not object post it
i dont care if sams was not nice shit its not nice playin toyin wit our emotions either wit his many diff verisons of events

at last if you can answer these questions

whats your take on the reported sandlewood catpiss description of haze bros haze

my frankies aka uptown haze =catpiss frankincense spicy
are you familiar wit these traits

id love to hear more info also timelines the smoke reports of the phenos/colors


thats just a badd excuse acid were burnt or old

been smokin since 12 took scroom quadludes ill neva forget frank
shit you neva forget your first piece of pussy you neva forget how your favorite food taste how could you forget the o.haze =aromas lineage etc

one last note


Is black colombian in Purple Haze? or wacky weed ?

It had several Colombian lines like Santa Marta Gold, Wacky weed.
You must remember that Purple colors can be induced in some clones by cold, while other lines turn purple regardless of temps.


soo if sams does not object post it
i dont care if sams was not nice shit its not nice playin toyin wit our emotions either wit his many diff verisons of events

Hey now, let's not try and get him banned:D. We're just going to have to wait and see if SamS drops by to clear things up a bit.

thats just a badd excuse acid were burnt or old

been smokin since 12 took scroom quadludes ill neva forget frank
shit you neva forget your first piece of pussy you neva forget how your favorite food taste how could you forget the o.haze =aromas lineage etc

Not really. From what I've gathered from talking to old heads pot was just another thing in the world like alcohol (in the sense that it was cheap, readily available, and there was plenty of it). Do you remember what sort of booze you drank last month? I know I don't:chin:.


haze is not a formula imho

haze is not a formula imho

If this story is true, you guys sent ACE seeds on a five year wild goose chase trying to recreate this "legend" lol.

fairly difficult to recreate a legend during this WOD....not an expert (only Botany 100 at uni)....haze is the combination of specific plants which may not be able to be recreated until equal or better plants are found that pass certain specific desirable characteristics to progeny

Please correct me if I'm wrong....one cannot choose good plants from these four regions and expect to come up with another "haze" by combining them...specific plants made up the haze...not a formula per se:2cents:

Without the WOD...some truly magnificent combinations could be created by finding, preserving, and utilizing genetic germplasm:joint:


ICMag Donor
This thread is a bundle of giggles,,

Purple Haze = Medi-Evac LZ signal smoke , used in Vietnam to signify casualties.

Sam has confirmed that he shared seeds in NL with Wernard [Positronics] and Eddy [Flying Dutchmen],, in this respect the 'Haze x Skunk' lines they carry today are genuine Haze hybrids.

He's some background info. (7.00mins) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYpqRXxHIWE

Didn't Neville make his own "Haze" since .. using Northern Lights ? :D

Hope this helps

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