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His most serious crime? Being high while black


Ganja Smoker Extraordinaire
You sure, thats a whole bunch of controlled substance charges. He ran because he had to toss some of those other charges, but they probably found them and charged him anyways

Good, bad, or ugly just another victim in another day during the war on drugs.

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
heh Johnson,.....u see that black guy smoking

heh Johnson,.....u see that black guy smoking

Open and shut case johnson! ,now sprinkle some cocaine on him,


and lets get The fuck outta here,..job well done


:biggrin: smily stink on left, looks like kyle bush, nascar driver loll:moon:


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

he dropped the joint & ran.

he had cocaine on him even
knowing HE was being sought.

he is a dumb mofo who
only happens to be black.

you don't think they'd let
a honky slide on this 'cuz
he's white do you?

this shit's on him for being
a dumb ass, nothing more.


Active member
you don't think they'd let
a honky slide on this 'cuz
he's white do you?

What makes you think he would even be in this situation in the first place (being sought after, etc) if he were white? And how the fuck does somebody get six or seven charges on them for what might have only been 2-3 actual "violations"? It's fascism combined with racism, plain and simple.

this shit's on him for being
a dumb ass, nothing more.

He didn't vote for Prohibition, and he doesn't own and operate any prisons, so no he is not at fault here at all. His blood and the blood of other innocents is on society's hands. Maybe he could have been smarter about hiding if he knew the pigs were out for him but that doesn't excuse the cops for what they did to him. The man was smoking a joint and chillin in peace with his homies. He absolutely does not deserve to be chased down and caged like a dog and have his life ripped apart by society.


Why would you think it should be only 2 or 3 charges? Where you there when he was arrested? I am not supporting the police but there are not enough facts in the article. Mainly was the cocaine and weed bagged up into "retail packaging"? If he had a oz in 28 different gram bags and a 8 ball in 20 sacks that would explain the many charges. Possesion and distrubution are different charges.

Mainly I have no sympthay for those with cocaine or herion. If every coke head and herion addict died (along with thier dealers) I would call it a good day. and let the flamming begin

on the other note it makes no sence he would ditch a joint but not the coke. again not enough info to really understand whats going on.

I have ran from the cops, i'm white, they did not let me off by any stretch of the imagination. I have had my car literally torn apart on the inside BECAUSE i'm white and I came from detroit to a suburb. The cop flat out admitted it. He was black. Was it racist? No, profiling is not as bad as people claim, statistically whites don't go to detroit except for drugs or the casinos and sports games. 13 years in the city 15 years in a suburb 1 mile from the city. My friend was just murdered in detroit over a drug debt. google john maus murder detroit if you think i'm full of shit. Let the cops do thier jobs and the lawyers too. If he is innocent (he ran so its doubtful) he will get off. I did thanks to my lawyer, but this is one definate case of you get what you pay for.


Active member
well, of course they have to keep the blacks in jail.

how else are they going to keep the prison complex going, all those jobs that would be lost and high profits.

plus having all those prisoners as indentured servants is really invaluable to the economy.

after all, most societies today are built on low cost workers.

and america has to compete with china now. :)

they need all the poor whites to serve at mcdonalds, no one wants a natty dread hair in their burger.

scuse me while i go yell at my manservant franco for not licking my boots adequately shiny.


ruger 500
youtube cop plants drugs on blackwoman caught on tape ,did they loose there jobs ,hell no the got the week off with pay


Active member
so, somebody thought i was serious? (Aside from the underlying message that is. :))

great. :)


Please name one prison in the country where there is forced labor?

I support bill cosby the blacks need to stop blaming others and be self responsible.

One black guy had the nerve to tell me I needed to appoligize for slavery and I laughed in his face. I'm irish a group treated harshley during the 1800's in america and my ancestors did not come here until the 1900's.

To paraphrase tupac:
I don't know how to be responsible for what every white male does I only know how to be responsible for what I do.

Inform a black man of the truth, a significant portion of slaves that came to the americas were enslaved by africans themselves, tribes in war with each other would capture and sell thier enemys for weapons and he will call you a liar even though its a fact not opinion. Some of the Dutch kept records where the slaves came from.

Where is there still slavery? africa
who is enslaved? the pigmy people of the congo
Who enslaves them? Other Africans
What lame excuse do the africans give for having slaves? Its a time honored tradition the same lame one white sothern farmers gave.

I'm sorry to hear about that woman, she needs to file a lawsuit with the naacp's support-no sarcasm no one should be screwed

Speaking about the naacp how is that not a racist organization? can I form a national association for the advancement of white people? what about a white entertainment television channel? you know a bet for whites would that be racist? of course, the double standard


Active member
last i heard, prisoners were doing really low paying jobs.

pretty nice, having a workforce you only need to pay pennies for.


Last I heard having a job in prison was optional.
Pretty nice to offer murderers and child rapers a chance to earn money when we have to pay to keep them from hurting us.
We need to dna prove every murder then kill the bastard who is guilty. Problem solved, they won't have to worry about paying thier debt to society it would be done.

We need to stop worring about the rights of criminals (convicted not alleged) they gave thier rights up when the decided to violate the rights of who ever they wronged.


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor

I think he could've done a much better job keepin' it on the dl, the laws are in place and unless he was using openly to challenge the laws by being arrested I'm calling 'dumb shit' on this one.

I know you & I and just about everyone else here are smart enough not to do what he was doing that day & the way he was doing it.......

just sayin'


Active member
well, id personally have repeat murderers and child rapers, in serious rehabilitation, that or shoot them. (probably shoot them, someone murders and rapes twice, well, shoot them or put them on some desert island. how is one supposed to trust those guys again?)

prisons do nothing but create worse criminals. (id look to norway for a better system.)

so we agree on something.


Prisons make worse criminals because they lump the real bad with the shouldnt really be there's.

Whats your point max yeilds that cause its 100 dollars its not serious?
Because he's black so we should go easy due to the fact that other blacks do stupid shit also at a dispropotionate rate?
Why am I not getting charged with crimes? BECAUSE I DO NOT COMMIT THEM its that simple

He robbed a bank a federal crime with minimum sentences. The crime would have been letting him off easy after robbing a bank.

The guy who was part of a 3 billion dollar scam was smart enough to commit a crime without minimum sentences.

Max Yields

Active member
No, that's not my point?! My point is USA is definitely a racist country. The laws do discriminate against minorities & profile them for the most part.
Not that he didn't do anything wrong, that is completely besides the point. I don't defend what he did for being poor & hungry, or for WHATEVER reason he committed the crime in ANY way.

There is two examples in my post in one pic. Did you look at both?? No, the crime was not okay. He violated federal law, so do we(most of us).

So did the other guy. He also commited a crime on a much, much, much larger scale & well...see for yourself...It's pretty apparent to me & most US residents who live where minorities make up the majority of the population.


The guy who was part of a 3 billion dollar scam was smart enough to commit a crime without minimum sentences.

Dont blame the guy for the fact that the laws are unjust. We all have the same rules to follow. He thought it through more.