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Hindu Killer's 08 Outdoor


Well-known member
Hindu Killer said:
Major bummer....wont beable to go back to the B3N7's,DC's and some Blow fish clones. Due to a mishap,they will be on there own untill I get back for the chop, they also needed ferts. Im sure Ill have some well seeded mix in that one.
Safety first however. Plants come and go...but our freedom is priceless!

^^^^ You said it brother. Glad it did not set you back to bad and good luck with harvest.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Well things are good out on the front lines and not just for me. Made it back to a round of patches......most of the PTK X's. And only one wasnt what I d hoped. Thinking its the UWxPTK, and its because something stunted them. Farmers herbicide or something. Long story short..should be looking at some good numbers this season...provideing the rest of it goes nicely. Snapped some new pics..will post soon! Peace and safety to you all!

Hindu Killer

Active member
Id be interested in hearing grow reports from some of you bro's!! Mean while all is well on the front lines.

Hamstring the PTK is a nice hardy plant,and a decent performer in my book. Id have to agree that the estimate of 2lb plants by Tom Hill is accurate. Check out my gallery or last years thread. Watered better they would have been huge.
These PTK X's will be interesting aswell. Wanting to see what they do for potencie.

A thought for the day...leafer induced mind you .....why is it our nature to make this harder than what it is???

little j

i was thinking the same thing today after finding 1 of mine dead because of ferts. it was going to be a beauty anyways but i thought some help would be better. big mistake. i have to say that my best plant is one that had a bag full of compost dumped in the ground and watered straight up, no juice. its a grand specimen. been reading your stuff and waitin on the pics. keep doin it hk. little j


Well-known member
You hit upon something there for sure. I have been thinking about that allot this year after talking to Julian. If you want to grow more you have to figure out a way to become more efficient and use the "less is more" strategy.

Can’t wait for some pics and good luck.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Sorry pictures soon, was a busy weekend. I did get to pollinate the DCxCH and G13/SK. Im also collecting pollen to store and save. Wanted to report on the OGxPTK....Ive never seen any thing so vigorous. Other than that life is good! Also noticed some dairy farmers takeing strips of there silage corn..on Sept 1st. SO im thinking if I had something that would finish the first week of SEpt. I could pull it off. The wheels are turning. 7 weeks and counting!

Hindu Killer

Active member
Well have lots of pics for all of you. So soon..pollinated all PTK crosses F2's, DCxCHxDCxBubba F2's,F3 DCxBubba,OGXPTKxDCXBubba BlueberryxDCXBubba and BlowFish S-1 XDCxBubba. The DCxBubba is not HTC gear (aka Beancounters gear) its from a cali bro that had the mother of all indica plants last season.

Plants are not nearly big enough....learned a very valuable lesson that has changed the way I will grow from this day forth.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Made it to the last patch......what a good feeling to have things just waiteing on finishing. One patch was wiped out by some chemicals the farmer used...no survivors!

Lost about 19 clones I figure that were in pots.....to family getting nosy. But other than that things are golden. Nothing is huge mind you, and looking at things, I realize that most of the big ones were planted late(mid/end of July) so they didnt get big. Most of them will only do a few O's per. And all of them but the GCX, and Esbe's stuff need 4 wks. Deep chunks should be getting close.
Realized I could be about done with harvest...had I grown SOme of these early Canadian genetics! Next season.....Ill be running a couple waves...early and later stuff! PICS today promise.


Well-known member
Good to hear everythings still ok as far as security goes. Cant wait to see the pics.

Good luck and good harvest to you bro. And hell yeah try some of the Canadain strains they are good. Hope to have something to report back to you soon also.


Hindu Killer

Active member
Yeah sorry fellas. Got lots of pics no time to post them. I dont upload from my home. Lost the OG KushxPTK and Orig D x PTK field recently.....not good. About 12 nice 4 to 8 oz avg plants. I did get some pics of them seems it happened right after.

Sampled the DCxCh and its some killer stuff, picked a nug. Nuked it for 10 to 20 second off/on intervals untill dry. Stoned me and a very heavy smoker right away. However Id say its got 2wks to go. Seen the Jacks Cleaner plant...very nice, one of my new favs. Also seen the only plant out of 200 my partner successfuly grew. Its a Nl/LepxPure Kush aka(Suges Kush)..any way its a beauty..will get a pic of it..if its there whenb I return.As Julian said " one just needs to utilize his help differently, and this guy will never be involved in the actual grows them selves ever again.

Harvested some of Esbe's Leb27xBGxErd/PurT, very purple flowers, more lavendar really. These were ripe, and are drying.

Already have some sure MOTHER plant contenders for next year, Suges Kush, Chunky cheese,Blow Fish and Jacks Cleaner! Each of these are PROVEN genetics to me at this point, the rest is in my hands.

Back to the X partner...lost all of the UCbx1 and B3n7xErdPurT plants.....thats why I will never do that again.

GreenCrack are hit horribly with PM...worst Ive ever seen doubt they make it. A IC menber had once told me / warned about the PM plagueing the GC...he was right.

I should have some nice plants to show everyone soon! These next 2 wks are crucial.

Seed for next year are Paki ibl, DCxCHF2's,BubbaChunk F3's, and variouse PTK X f2's...also done DCxCH x DCxBubba ..should be some indica plants for several seasons out of these beauts! Other than these its, some early canadian stuff and a few from friends. But thats it! Anyone else got any keepers??

Hindu Killer

Active member


Here we have the Paki ibl..landrace war on terror collected.

Next we have some Cheesy chunk seed plants, they were hit w/bubbaxdc f2 male.

Next we have the AK47's along a creek!

Im thinking this is the after I tied them down pic

Then we have DDxBBxSS male...very nice ! And then the female

And then are some earlier pics of the Og xPTK plants

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Active member
Good stuff!!! whats left of it anyways. this seems to be the year for random, dumb, bad luck for lots of people. Im going to be happy if i get to harvest 30% of what actually made it to flower. On the brightside, its almost indoor season..................

Hindu Killer

Active member
I hear you TB......only a few weeks left...have seeds matureing on lots of girls.

Here are some early season pics...mixture really


La Pure xPTK


Bubba Chunk male tops

And a nice GCxPTK male

Will get some other up soon, have a pretty JC, and some DCxCH to show! Peace and safety to all!




Active member
no, i usually harvest a big % of what i guerrilla grow BUT i make do on only about 15-20 plants in remote spots... this year was just a lot more bumps in the road...i bet i get better than 80% of what i plant in summer, this year im hoping for that 30% of what actually made it to the start of flower. I tried larger numbers, new spots, new strains and new water delivery systems. I learned so many new things that it made it worth it.(plus my small backyard crop is exploding)...

Hindu Killer

Active member
Sweetness..thats what its all about! Ive done better myself, just use it as a avg. They are starting to cut corn........

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