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Hindu Killer's 08 Outdoor


Active member
How big are your G13/SK Hindu? Did you get to clone any and put them out too? No matter. I hope they turn out killer because I still have some of those seeds left.

This year I am definately getting a cutting of every strain I have out. In fact a clone of every different female I have. Then I can keep the ones that are best.

Man I hope you find a G13/Shunk #1 like Dogsnob grew. I bought the MNS G13/Skunk #1 when I saw post #6. That's the nicest 30 day frost on a plant that I ever saw. Sadly the thread was never finished.


Hindu Killer

Active member
The G13/Sk's are very nice fast growing plants Ickis, and I did get some clones of them out aswell. They have serious yield potential for sure. Ive been busy up to my ears....Im tired , sore and worn out from digging so many holes. And there are more to do. Its raining as I type this...so they are getting rained in good. Had some mothers in 5 gallon buckets, which at the time was a good idea. However trying to truck buckets out across field and into the corn is a bitch. Was going by a field the other day, have the skunk chunks in it, and the irrigation was just a spraying.....thx to the farmer. He! He! Irrigated fields are very nice...however every grower in the area trys them as well. So they can be risky. One season I encountered 5 different grows in the fields I was useing in a paticular county. With the economy like it is, Im sure they are out in full force as am I.
Hamstring..your a midwesterner arent you??

The other night I deployed sevral cages of 10 plants or so at fields. Rode back to put them in and the soil was so rock solid I had trouble digging a hole. One thing I ve learned...loose soil is CRITICAL to good root development. With out it, your plant that could be 8 to 16 O's , will be 2 ouncers at best. I like the fields that I can dig with my hands. And ive found some, these places yield great. But how many is too many?? Ive always found myself saying that at the end of each season. " Man I could have put more in here" Its a risk one has to take I suppose. Any way all is well on the front lines my brothers...keep it GREEN and SAFE!

Hindu Killer

Active member
Well work is still in progress on the front lines. Lost some starters to a farmer finding them. But the DxBBxSS is some stinky stuff as is the Rhino HornxSD....best of all those should be some yielders.


Active member
The guy found them? Was he just walking the outskirts of the field? Spraying? How do you know he found them? Animals? OH Well you have the numbers game going. I too hate to lose any of them though.

Good to hear the G13/Skunk are doing good. Anxious to see when they finish up for you. Keep your eye out for a fat leaved shorter Indica pheno. A crystal and resin dripping one like Dogsnob had. I bet anyone that finishes before October ends is worth keeping though.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Must have seen them from the tractor Ickis, is all I can figure out. Didnt like the fact that I left them out like that. But figured id be back that night. Makes me security conciuose, as they could have turned them in.......and I drove right in there to find them missing...dumb move on my part. Could have been ugly. Not sure what they were, they were either BubbaxDD or RHinoHorn x SD. Either way that sucks as that was atleast 3GS to me. And man both of those are some stinky bastards.

C122...great to see around bro! How did that song go ?/ "Its hard out here for a pimp, when your trying to make the money for the rent"" Im going to make it, almost done now.

Is it to late to hit them with a round of urea????


Active member
Urea is basically nitrogen right? The ones I tend I keep giving the veg ferts with some added flowering ferts 3-4 weeks into flowering than go with some 8-60-2 for the increased buddage activity weeks 5-8 or 5-10 depending on flowering time. There is no good way to flush outdoor stuff. Especially if you ammended the soil with manures and guano. You need to hang the plant whole but cut off at the base and let it slowly die. It will use up what is in the leaves and stems in an attempt to stay alive with no roots. Julian uses this method and has the saying, "The hang is the flush" and I agree.

This year I am going to cut some off and then sticking the stalk and plant in a bucket of water like a flower cutting and see if it stays alive and drinks water for a week. That might be a great flush. Otherwise you can never get the dank out of outdoor and I'm not sure I want to.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Managed to get things about wrapped up...now comes the tending. Looks like rain here. I hope so, we need it. Im going to do that exact same thing Ickis. When I plant I put down triple 10, then come back with urea or potash. Usaully only put it down though on the first couple visits. Then once they flower, I put the straight potash down. However this season Ive used a mag and calcium fert on some and was very surprised....seemd to be just what they needed. The Blow Fish S-1 I have is very mag /cal finicky. But is KILLER smoke! So worth every effort. Peace and safety to you my bros/sisters!


Hey HK. Sounds like you have some real winners of strains going right now. Bummer the farmer found a few of your plants. I tend to feed my plants veg nutes till the seconed week of August. I really don't pump them with flowering nute till there in the seconed or third week of flower. For some reason they have always seemed much more happier and healthier that way. I'm just going by my personal experiances though have no real proof that way is better. Keep up the good work buddy!!


Well-known member
Sounds like you are putting in some work in out there, it will pay off that I am sure of.
Bummer about the farmer probably wont call the cops just toss the plants but hope you don’t have anymore in the area, as he will be watching. Been there, grew along side a field once harvested ok but the next year they did a burn on all surrounding veg they were suspicious but too much ground to cover to find my crop.

Hey bro I am from the Midwest but never did a corn field grow but am wanting to try it out on some late season minis. A lot of cornfields run along creeks so in/out can be discrete as well as ample water and no paths.

I am still learning after probably around 15 years of growing including the first few years of just f***ing up. I wont lie I would like to give a big grow a go but I need to tune in my strain selection as well as my starting seeds in the patch technique. I wish you the best and hope you keep sharing you grow with pics in the future.
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HK , be careful! The only safe assumption is that he did turn them in and that the police or sherriff know that someones' growing in the area. They have to know the discovery was a mid operation discovery and may be on going. If there is an apartment complex or small development nearby they may attribute it to someone from there, otherwise theyll be looking. No fingerprints on those plants I hope.

We need you around this fall to help keep this exploding deer population down and here at IC to supply counter arguements when I start ranting about DC. Stay safe and cool man.


Cannabis Creeper
Looking great HK.. sorry for the absence.. been trying to get shit lined up for some more breeding.. got 4 more Gtards up and running.. if you happen to come by a G13/SK#1 male save some pollen.. i hit my Airbourne G13 up with it.. for next yr ODs.

got about 20 or so clones wait to go into flower.. cant wait to try out the Indy Bubblegum, Strawberry Cream, Sour Slut, and of course Stinky Le Pue
i harvest some in about a month.. i got ya..

Keep iT Green and Stay Safe.. HE


Hey HK, wow, you been keeping busy.You'll be rewarded in the fall for all your hard work.Keep your eye on the prize.
I like the part where you said you sprayed yourself down with Sevin, :yoinks: :biglaugh: now thats funny.Your hardcore Bro.
Be careful out there

Hindu Killer

Active member
Good to see all my bro's stopping in...went back to a patch to drop some ferts...and half of it is under water.....not g ood I know. However I expect it to drain rather quickly, as its a ag field. Finished every thing else up, and now just have some cuttings Im going to put in either beans or sugar beets.

HE I do have the male, hes a special kind of guy...and hes G13/SK. So its all set.

We are getting some great weather for plant growth, corn is in the rapid growth phase and some is tossleing. The biggest varietys so far are G13/SK,Cheesy Chunk and OGxPTK. And there are lots with some seriouse potential.

Ickis...was NOT happy about the loss of genetics or the potential risk hazard it presents. Worse yet is I drove right back to where they were.......would have been busted had they set it up. Every season seems to open my eyes to new aspects of this hobbie of ours. Next year will be planting the last week of June and the first couple of July. And then be done. Also note to self...always fert when you plant, so you dont have to come back and waste time doing that. When you could be planting.

The partner that does the starters really fell off. And has become a liability........not to be trusted. Hope every one is doing well, and are safe. Will update with some pics when things get interesting. Peace!

Hindu Killer

Active member
Dont have the charger for my camera.....long story. So I cant take any pics at the moment. But I do have some very lovely ladies in the fields. And a few studs aswell. Every thing is stinking to high heaven. That is a good sign I think. My breeding plans this season will be with some of the PTK crosses, DCxCheese F2's, DC inbreeding, G13/sk F2's and some BX'es, Green Crk and the PAki's. I have been very fortunate to have been shared a very interesting indica with. It s DCxBubba F2's (not HTC) and these are awesome plants. I want to find a decent male and BX both ways. As I have a lovely Bubba S_1. Man I have alot of lines out when I get to thinking about it. If they are not fast growing they wont be saved or breed with. Will be saveing clone stock of my elites and the keepers of 08.
Outside of this...everything is stable on the front lines of this ignorant war of theirs! Peace and safety to you all!

Hindu Killer

Active member
Up date...things are doing great.....had a security issue cost me a few monsters....thems the breaks! Hope all is well on the front lines!

Hindu Killer

Active member
Good news got the charger back so Ill get the pix updated as we go.......bumming about the loss of the 4 monsters...was a rookie mistake...looking back cant believe i was that stupid!
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Hindu Killer

Active member
Major bummer....wont beable to go back to the B3N7's,DC's and some Blow fish clones. Due to a mishap,they will be on there own untill I get back for the chop, they also needed ferts. Im sure Ill have some well seeded mix in that one. Safety first however. Plants come and go...but our freedom is priceless!

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