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Hindu Killer's 08 Outdoor

Hindu Killer

Active member
Below...no the SB's didnt make the germ, medium was to wet i think.major bummer. Lemoncake the JC is the cut and Im likeing it for a OD plant very fast growing..should be a yielder. SilverBck thanks for the words...seems Id had learned. Last season same stuff......however I did utilize the situation as best I could. Im going to do very well..fingers crossed or atleast enough to smoke all year for certain. Hows that go? There are sayer's and doer's, some talk the talk...others walk the walk! THX for stopping threw my friends!


Active member
heres my GC. i hope the ptk x gc turns out cuz i'll be right behind you doing that cross.

18 gallon laundry tub from walmart filled with 50/50 ocean forest and kellogs patio plus. i used american pride soil stir-in for veg and when i transplanted into that tub i used happy frog fruit and flower for my stir-in and i feed w/ maxsea powder 3-20-20.
whole plant shot.1st time out so i cant estimate yield.

This is day 21 of 12/12. smells really lemony and maybe a bit of coffee. smell is distorted cuz they live next to the veggie garden during the day.

im gonna harvest a bit of the plant at 45 then 55 then 65 to see what i like. i smoke my buddies stuff and he picks at day 45-47 like clockwork and im happy but i still want to see if it improves with age.

Hindu Killer

Active member
Very cool Trybud! That going to yield between 4 and 6 O's Id say. Sweetness! Cant waite till the GCxPTK starts dong that...


Active member
this morning i thought 3-5 oz with a another 1.5 of popcorn. my actual yield number will be messed up because of the harvest in stages. i heard that this GC is all good at 45 but it packs it on between 55-65 days and increases in potency so of course i have to test it.


Active member
this is a 45 day strain. i have to harvest a bit then to compare to the stuff that went 60+ days.. my money is on an overall improvement with the extra time

Hindu Killer

Active member
Well got over to see the other nursery, and despite every thing they look good. Guyutes DCxSK#1 is certainly one to watch..very stinky and good vigor. Ive a couple stellar's BubbaxDD and SDxRhino Horn. Then the DDxBBXSS is takeing off. The Durkles were Tplanted in the fields as were the Skunk Chunks. The only unhealthy plants are UCbx and the B3N7F1's..soil issues, hopeing they pull out of it. Major N lacking...think it PH related to the mix. Got new pics to post..so soon! Happy 4th to everyone!

Hindu Killer

Active member
Wheres my bros at???? Got about three more nights of planting I figure. Then it will be nights of watering maintance etc. Talked to the guy that done the starters...his wife walks in says "Bill says this is his year.....etc etc. " I said to get a harvest you have to plant it. Wasted 10 12 days , we missed several good rains that would have waterd us in really nice. We learn a little more about being as effective as possible, each season. its hard to find someone that is as seriouse about this as I am. Other than here ofcourse!


Active member
i hooked up w/ a people who were aquaphobes last year...all they had to do was keep them wet. this was a remote,sunny and safe area that was watered by a garden hose. i bet the yield potential was probably 10-20 lbs but i walked away w/ 3 lbs before expenses were covered (and i bankrolled the whole thing too)...i figured people in my circle would 'figure it out' the dedication it takes after watching me manually flower plants outside 10 months out of the year....lol


Well-known member
Hindu Killer said:
Put 65 out last night..took 5 hours. Love it! Tahoes, B3N7's, DeepChunk,DCxCheese,G13/SK, Jacks Cleaner and Blow Fish S-1's! Man I wish I had a reliable and trustable partner in all this. Have a guy that starts my seeds and mothers etc....this season he wants a part in things, figured sure give him a shot. Still do a significant amount on the side for safety mind you. Any way last season he fell off at the exact same time. Ive got a shit load of starters in three counties......all for myself. Which is cool howevr had I not expected help..I wouldnt have germed all my stock. Tisk,Tisk eeh! I think he's neglected a nursery and caused losses....so is not communicating with me. As he knows its unacceptable to me. Im a seriuose type of guy..no nonesense when it comes to my hobbie. So slight changes to the programn and on my way. I just thought I d share my experience with you all. Makes no sense to work for 3 or 4 months getting it all ready then to get lazy and waste your time,expense,GENETICS, and risk! Any way keep it green my brothers and sisters!

^^^ Spot on HK you have to take this hobby seriously or you are toast on many levels. I too helped a guy out who was off/on again grower. It got to be a hassle tending to his plot (hate to see hard work go to waste).

Growing in 3 counties sounds interesting, as I have been researching long distance growing too. I am sure you have to have all the ducks in a row to pull it off. Forget something and have to drive 3 hours LOL.

What's your experience been like?


Hindu Killer

Active member
My experience up to this point have been good. The partner thing is more of a test to his trustworthy ness than any thing. IMO! As I hardly ever lose plants these days...other than to mother nature or a farmer harvesting the fields. So if the harvest is ok..then we'll see. But really I dont see it going well. Pot heads dont have the patience to let a plant mature. granted I smoke...but Im not stoned to the bone all the time any more. Im treating this like a buisness, and figure to get out what I put in. Im also prepared to make the sacrifices that are required to meet my goals. By that I mean.....late nights, hard work etc.
Was just reading Subs article about the Supersnowdog! One of those wish you had lines for sure. Hell couldnt hardly take reading the magazine seeing those buds....I could taste and smell them He HE! Sucks not haveing the kind when Id like to burn one............thx for stopping in fellas!


It is a business HK. If I had to try and buy what I grow, I would be out of business.

I grow in 2 counties but with my truck and the price of gas, that may be history.

I, like hamstring, helped a good friend dig his holes and plant his plants. He didn't have much experience and I wanted to help. I had zero interest in his 10 plants, as I had my own 40 growing well on their way to a 6-8 oz per plant harvest. In early sept, he showed up on my door cursing me and accusing me of stealing his plants. I tried to tell him I wouldn't cut any plants in early sept. because they couldn't be ready and that screamed amatuer, and that i had my own grow . He not only didn't believe me, he went around telling everbody else I stole his crappy little immature plants.
That was my last "partner" effort and i lost a decent friend in the process.
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Hindu Killer

Active member
He couldnt have been decent from the sounds of it. I feel you on the fuel prices.....makes things a bit more expensive to produce.. Ive had my brother swipe plants, friends swipe plants, cousins swipe plants etc. I had a guy steal a patch miss plants in it, then call the police tell them anbout it. They then raided it, found some flats of seedlings, and missed plants. I went back dug them up and moved them. Its trully better to do by ones self. Got a call tonight, the guy holding some starters presently declairs he seen someone out "in the swamp". I was ok and this means what? Well they ran off had a car waiting etc. First off no one is looking for pot at this time of the year. Secondly no one knows those are there ..and they are starters not big plants. I suspect he gave some starters away or sold them to his son. Whom was asking for some. When I explained that he need not worry , his reply was "I dont know, I dont know" Im betting he will say this person that was seen, was in there and stole some of the starters. Im going to play along if so.as Ive got some more to get taken care of, however i then will be frank with him and his story. Man Im glade its not harvest time and these are multi thousand of dollar bushes. HA! HA! IF THEY LIE TO YOU...THEY WILL STEAL FROM YOU. He has no idea of where the others are or anything. So Im going to be alright. If these guys dont have the motivation to get out there like the rest of us and make this happen..then they can pay for it. Heres another piece of " Old School wisdom" for you. If I cant trust you enough to front to you, then I cant trust you enough to sell it to you for cash.........And the above is a no brianer...if i cant trust u with starters......mature plants havent got a chance in hell. That would be a good stupid criminal .....steal a starter.....not waiteing for the big bush.


Old Chinese saying, "If you lend someone a Dollar and you never see them again, it is money well spent".

Hindu Killer

Active member
Oh I did forget the bug dope one night...first night out actually. Figured it would get dark 9:30PM, didnt work out that way it got dark at 10:30. So mean while Im fighting for my life against a swarm of hungry blood suckers. Ended up spraying myself with Sevin. Needless to say that wont happen again. Hows things on your end Fmz2??

Z where you at bro??


Active member
ICMag Donor
farmaz2 said:
Old Chinese saying, "If you lend someone a Dollar and you never see them again, it is money well spent".

i couldnt agree more.
i wasted a lot of time and money on my indoor project with my partners and lost
a freind, maybe 2 in the process but after the project revealed with they really contained, im not crying for the loss of them.

Looking good.
best of luck.

btw are you also cornfield growing this year?
i am but have been a little delayed but i figure ill do some nightly planting within the next 2 weeks.
So far i have the plants in pots outdoor at home.
the delay isnt a problem as, even though they are in small pots, they grow ok with lotsa nutes and this way im sure they wont be harmed by pesticide leftovers in the cornfields.
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Well-known member
Hindu Killer said:
If these guys dont have the motivation to get out there like the rest of us and make this happen..then they can pay for it.

I can see we think a like on many levels.

If I could count how times (in the beginning) I had people ask for some clones/starters so they could start a patch. That’s a show of your hand right away. OK, lets see here you want me to supply the clones and you never researched anything don’t have a clue of how to grow. RRRRRRRRight I got ya.

I left a guy some starters outside one year that never made it so the next year he asks again and I give in (good friend) and this time I meet him out at the plot. I say ok lets see the shovel and he pulls out a trowel. :bashhead:

I'm willing to help anyone if they put some work into it. I dug every hole and planted every plant. I even went back from time to time to take care of them some times with no help.

Moral of the story "I can’t help you if you can’t help yourself"

Hindu Killer

Active member
Me being friendly is about over. Ive had my fill of it all. Things are good here though got some more out....was out untill 3 in am........makes for a long day of work the next day. However it is certainly worth it. Going to be a good year Im thinking. Ive got #'s on my side this season. Great news the sick plants snapped out of it. And they are going to yield very nicely. Put the G13/Sks in the other night..man that is a fast grower. Going to be a long night again tonight aswell. Im going full speed untill these babies are all in the ground. How is every one else doing???

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