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Highway Robbery - Urban Guerrilla growing with autos

Chuck Jägerschnitzel

Active member
By July 7 the cover had grown in to the point that the pot plant was no longer visible from the sidewalk at all, but I took some pictures anyway, don't bother looking too close, you won't see anything


Chuck Jägerschnitzel

Active member
I went back to get pictures from a better angle July 9


The plant was looking pretty vigorous and healthy

Here it is in the reverse angle of some of the previous shots with a view of the sidewalk in the background, I don't know who that guy is, maybe hes the guy who harvested most of last year's plan. I crossed the freeway offramp to take these and I pretended I was looking at something else in a different direction the whole time.


Chuck Jägerschnitzel

Active member
July 10
The previous day I had noticed a couple other smaller plants, but I was trying not to look at the ground too much because that dude was watching me & I was pretending to look at other stuff off in the distance, so I didn't get any pictures of the smaller plants, but I had an errand to run that took me by my spot so I stopped by for some photos of the little ones. They're not really visible in this 1st pic

The two little ones are visible here, one just left of center and a smaller one below it

Chuck Jägerschnitzel

Active member
Bastille Day, 2022
I got some photos from the opposite side of the highway, traffic was busy…

…but eventually I managed to find a gap to photograph the plant through, its just below and a little to the right of center here

Here it is closer up


It was pretty obviously a female
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Chuck Jägerschnitzel

Active member
July 24
The two smaller plants are in this first photo, the smallest one in the midground had already started blossoming & the 2nd smallest in the foregroud ended up being female too, so I didn't get any seeds made last year

The main plant continued doing a great job

Chuck Jägerschnitzel

Active member
August 11

This was the last I saw of the biggest roadside plant

The next time I went out only the larger of the two small ones were remaining, the smallest had perished
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Chuck Jägerschnitzel

Active member
Heres the home version on August 24, shortly before it was harvested

It was only about 12" tall, but had plenty of weight on it for such a short plant
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Chuck Jägerschnitzel

Active member
August 28
The bigger of the two small plants still hadn't done much by this date

and thats the end of this story so far.
The smoke on the home plant was pretty good, but it could've been a more Diesel flavored as far as my preferences go. The Female Seeds NL auto I started with was on the sweet side and the NL Diesel auto seeds I made from that seem to be a mix of the NL auto flavor and my Diesel which seem to cancel each other out somewhat. I still have about 25 or so seeds left, not sure what I'll do with them yet. I like the NL Diesel auto's shape, vigor & productivity, so breeding it back to a Diesel regular might be the thing to do to add flavor to it. Or maybe I'll just use the seeds to make another seed batch and save myself a couple generations of inbreeding, haven't decided yet, am open to suggestions.