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Hey ICMag! We are Lush LED Lighting!!!


Active member
There is proof....Not a single person with a negative thing to say has a good looking plant in their garden. Nor a plant that is better than what LEDs can provide...

lmao, keep diggin'

this is a bud i grew last year, was like 25% thc, grown organic outside under the best light in the universe. Now it's about to be in a book, here's the page screen shot

heres some bruce banner (pic is a few weeks old), i just took her down few days ago

what was that? foot in mouth>?

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
Dr young, please here me. U are hurting the company that u r trying to defend. If u have information, great, but posting negatively towards any of us potential customers hurts lush. And the sad thing is ur not even part of them.

Most of these people like myself are looking for information because we are serious potential customers. Look at any of our threads and u will easily understand that. Yeah theres always a couple people that are stirring the pot, the trick is to ignore them.

So those last graphs u posted, am I to infer that because of the different light spectrum the plants will grow healthier and that the heat will be less.

See that's the type of info I need before I can entertain the idea of digging in and researching.

See lush is advertising here, and if they want me as a customer they have to help me understand some basics like this or this fellow isn't interested.

Trust me when I say this, the lush people are getting sick to there stomach everytime u post with negativity. Take a page from what mrs lush does, any trivial post she brushes away with a whim, only responding positively. I appreciate that so I don't have to wade through drama to get info I want. Of course she is trying to sell something and u are not. But if u want to help them, post info and don't respond out of emotion to those that u think are trolling. otherwise u might as well be working for the competing led company.


K+ vibes
I've reviewed the web site, and the answers aren't there.

Yeah I want to invest 1500 in a light

But so far I haven't gotten the answers to those questions, so why in the world would I take a shot in the dark for 1500

Lets here the details of how its more efficient.

I run 600w hps in flower. Which system matches up with that?
how are, or are led's more efficient. I didn't get a clear answer.

Nope, haven't found one yet.

I want to believe and am willing to listen, I just am not getting the info I need to make an informed decision.
yup fuck LEDS
I don't want something that's going to let me save power.. I want to use the same amount of power and yield more and have better coverage...

Hope this helps.

Uv, and Infrared really help the plants in the lower sections where lumens have diminished. This makes a HUGE advantage for all methods of growing if its SOG/Scrog 2' plants or 6' plants. This is where LED really shine, and compete with stuff like Gativa who are indeed powerful but lack the ability to cover everything from Uv,Blue,Red,Infrared all in 1 bulb, and 1 distribution point of light where-as LEDs can really spread the light out, and blend everything perfectly.
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Active member
Dr. Young,
A 600 Watt HPS consumes less watts than 700. So that tells you that anyone can put whatever information that they want on a piece of paper. Just because it's on a piece paper doesn't mean that it's fact. For a 190 watt LED to be comparable to a 600 watt HPS, you would need to be able to yield 600ish grams from a 190 watt LED because that's what a good grower gets with a 600 watt HPS. I don't think anyone will say that these results are possible because that's over 3 grams per watt. I don't think the company states these claims. The best thing for you to do is to let your grow speak for itself. You should update pictures at least once a week so we can all see the progress. That will help show a picture of how these lights do.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
dr young, I was looking forward to giving ur post with the graphs rep. then I seen how u took small segments quoted from my post and ask to keep this positive.

what in my post was negative? Seems somewhat insulting to me, a potential customer.

Im trying not to let ur posts influence me, other wise I wouldn't be giving lush a chance to prove there product to me.


K+ vibes

Keep it positive guys. I hope this information is recieved well, and people willing to upgrade their grow with Lush I appreciate you for taking the time to view my efforts.

I hope I am doing more good than bad by trying to answer what questions I feel are in my respectable limitations for I am not a employee. I just know that Renae of Lush gets on before bed every night, and there are a lot of questions being asked that I can easily answer just by reading the site. Which many people have stated they will not go on the website to read. So I'm just trying to save her some time, because it takes hours to qoute every person, then answer the question, add another quote answer that question. Its very time consuming. I owe Lush at least that much, and would gladly save a minute here, and there when I can.

I am definitely a rational person, and these responses are not based on emotion. Just respect, and eagerness to help.


K+ vibes
Miraculous Meds. It wont let me delete posts, so I just edited it down to a simple nice comment, and moved the post from the last page to this page. I'm sorry, I'm trying my best. I can barely even type I'm in so much pain, bare with me.
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Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
View Image

Keep it positive guys. I hope this information is recieved well, and people willing to upgrade their grow with Lush I appreciate you for taking the time to view my efforts.

I hope I am doing more good than bad by trying to answer what questions I feel are in my respectable limitations for I am not a employee. I just know that Renae of Lush gets on before bed every night, and there are a lot of questions being asked that I can easily answer just by reading the site. Which many people have stated they will not go on the website to read, but they demand answers. I am glad to attempt within my respectable limitations no problem.

We aren't demanding anything. they are selling a product. If they want they can answer them and help increase their sells. If not these advertisements aren't enough for me to research on their website.

Im telling u that poor woman is going to cry when she sees the damage u have done.

Cut the drama, don't respond to the negative. Or don't try and help lush, cause ur not.

Ive made dumb uneducated comments, when I come to my senses I apologize and edit out the crap so it doesn't live on.

gl dr young


Active member
I think she posted the link to the vegatator in this thread or her other thread it might be the other thread where she is showing off buds. Like I said before it's for the 190w model for the 2x3.

Now for the dude claiming about lush 90 day buy back. That's all good and shit but we aren't micro growers like yourself. Most strains I hav ran take more than 60 days to flower and more than a month to veg. So there you go we are past our 90 day grace period. Maybe 90 days is logical for the micro grower but not for someone who actually wants to yield some serious bud.


K+ vibes
I'm unsure why my answers were perceived this way. My apology Miraculous Meds.

I would ask for you to please respect me asking to keep this thread positive

My apologies to Lush Lighting also for anyone offended by links to the website provided, and charts intended to answer questions.

Miraculous Meds

Well-known member
I'm unsure why my answers were perceived this way. My apology Miraculous Meds.

I would ask for you to please respect me asking to keep this thread positive

My apologies to Lush Lighting also for anyone offended by links to the website provided, and charts intended to answer questions.

Dr young this is so frustrating, as I am saddened because I believe u want to help lush.

I appreciate the graphs and knowledge. Those are great. Stop addressing those u feel are trolling or being negative and u will b an allstar helper for this company.

Those type of comments make me feel like ur saying im a troll or negative, when all im looking for is basic understanding of led. If u can help with that great. If not, let lush answer my questions please.

thank u
Hey Lush with your Lamps do you actually "Get what you pay for?" I ask as I and lots of others have spent THOUSANDS upon THOUSANDS of hard earned dollars to be let down and let down hard.
We don't mind spending it as long as the product we purchase actually does what it claims too.
Thanks and nice to meet ya and welcome to ICMAG


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Dr. Young -

You would benefit by doing some research other than on vendor sites. I'm not trying to give you a hard time here, but a deeper understanding of things would really benefit you.

For instance -

Lumens are virtually meaningless when discussing plants. Lumens are a light measurement based on the human eye's perception of light, which in no way resembles the way that a plant interacts with light. Humans respond with the most sensitivity toward the green-yellow portions of the spectrum. Plants have little use for that portion of the spectrum, and utilize red and blue, not exclusively, but damn near. Plants do utilize green, but only after the red and blue is maxed out.

The graph that you had up earlier but have since removed showed that the LED had much higher lumens than a 1000w HPS. This is either an error in Lush's advertising or an error in their design - the whole idea behind LED's superiority for growing is their ability to target the red-blue portion of the spectrum that is most effective for plants. On the other hand, HPS is the king of lumen output because it's spectral efficiency is right where humans (and thus lumens) perceive light with the most sensitivity.

Heat is a natural byproduct of converting energy to light - indeed, light is heat. Additionally, the efficiency of the conversion process has a huge impact on the level of heat being generated. Most modern light sources are from 25% to 40% efficient - the balance is converted directly to heat. The reason that your fixture feels like it is blowing cool air is because it has a high volume of air flowing over a relatively low heat source. It may not feel like it is heating the air, but it is. Put the fixture in a confined space where you can more easily see the effects of repeated passes of the cooling air through the fixture to more easily see this.

Also, this conversion of energy to light impacts the wattage per square foot that you will need to provide for your plants. The rule of thumb for HPS is 50w/sq.ft.. I have a friend that is using the Cree CXA3070 Cobs, which are the current king of efficiency in the LED world, and he is having great success at 27w/square foot. My experience has shown that you need roughly 60% of HPS wattage for equivalent performance of LEDs. With these new chips, that is apparently dropping to around 50%. There is no way that the 40% that you are claiming with Lush fixtures can be equivalent, particularly since they admittedly aren't using the latest technology in the currently-available lineup.


K+ vibes
I was just talking to someone about something offtopic, and it reminded of something I always say..

A lot of little things add up to more than 1 big thing... (SOG)... A lot of small plants add up to more yield than 1 large plant. This really works for nearly Everything in life, and is a very wise formula for efficiency. Its easier make a dollar a million times than it is to make a thousand dollars a thousand times....

You make more money selling a million ringtones for $1.99 than you make selling 100,000 CDs for $15. Also its easier, and more efficient.
Something that LEDs do great is utilizing this effect. 200 3w LEDs is far more efficient than 1 600w light, and because of the 200 lights providing a way more customizable spectrum, and a better spread you can actually compete with something like a 1000w instead of just the exact equivalent of watts.

Just a little metaphor for yall, AGAIN this is not a response to anything said or a continuance of any type of argument.
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Also with lush's statement about getting robbed of 44k worth of units that probably hurt. Then you had another bunch of people who didn't test lush lights properly like I would of like to have seen so they lost money that way as well. Even though I think they can use those giving lights as tax right offs just like anything else so I know it probably doesn't even out because Uncle Sam always gets us one way or another.

I am sure if they didn't get robbed or give lights out to incompetent testers they probably would offer more lights for testing. If you ever need another tester that will absolutely test the light the way it should be done lush I am here at your disposal. If I didn't finish the test like some of these idiots that you gave lights to I would even send the light back for not fulfilling my obligation. Use me and abuse me I am at your mercy whenever u might have another light u want someone to test for ya.

Exactly! You should have seen all of the contests we were doing before the theft. In May we did a Cinco De Mayo giveaway of five lights. And they were employee thefts. One we're suing. The other one we will be after the other. He set up fake retail stores and said he had collected cash for the sales and then never deposited the cash. But we will survive. Despite the obstacles and what other people think of us. When we can afford to, we'll keep you in mind, for sure.
Lots of people on here wanting to try the products for themselves. So do it. Pop your beans today and order the model you are interested in. By the time you get the light they will be ready to go under it. Then grow them out and see for yourself the results. (Posting results along the way of course). If u get to the end and u like what u see u have a nice fixture and some fruits of your labor. If you don't like the results then u can send the product back to lush. They offer a 90 day money back guarantee. Plus you would still have the fruits of your labor to enjoy/offer for others. Even if u had to pay for shipping or restocking fees, those fruits would surely cover the expense.

....that being said....sure seems like lush stands strong behind their products. I can't wait til they get some smaller products that I can use for my situation.

Yes, exactly! That's why we have the 90 day guarantee... We do have the Lumenator 2x. It's an all-stage, full spectrum light. It's $589 minus the "ICMag710" 10% off discount code, it's $530.10 (plus shipping and possible tax). The same spectrum as the bigger Dominator 2x light, only smaller for smaller growers. It's 190w, comparable to 600w of HPS. Max coverage 3'x'3 area. Intense coverage 2'x2' area.
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