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Heritability of Intersex Traits


The Tri Guy
Green, while accurate to do so, I find it misleading. I see an X/Y (o.i.) and an X/a system as having more in common with each other than the X/Y (a.y) system. As in the latter the movement of the info to generate the male results in "maleness" only being present in males, whereas in the first 2 systems females contain all of the information a male would appart from the ability to prevent the development of female.

well when I said "its easy to imagine" its more of a way to remember it than an actual causal linkage. though when one chromosome contains the necessary instructions to produce proteins to turn off one group of protein production, and the other needs to prevent the production of (at least but lets call it) 2 proteins, while accepting it would be possible for more nonsense to be present, bulking the chromosome up, it is necessary for that chromosome to contain more usefull info than the first.


a failure in the X chromosome/s to produce effective protiens to suppress the operation of the genes responsible for producing the male reproductive system.

Solved by propper breeding technices like checking if the thing stresses into sex reversal or monociouriousness without chemichal application,, you can test if before hand with a m/f cross and sow say over 3/4 of the progeny and observe them drift/reverse then see if you still want all female stock from said plants,,not me males are the key to breeding sucsess it is the only way to insure against drift and epispazms and sex reversel later on and is the only way to optimize a line and install all repair mechanisms at the last satge before you open pollinate your desired chosen route for said line..

just a thought..:dance013:

Im working with M/F 300 in total IMHO its better and more relyable as far as sustainability I do not know of old lines containing a feminized trait of hetrozigous for a specimen phenotype nor of any being revived from the dead,, just new bashing,,

Superiour genetypes like polidity and a wavering sex chromosome are the only traits worth their bother and if they have a hollow stem and bare resin and seed and boath sexes simultaniously... but this will be combined into a multi line bread project designed beyond the relms of f13and recombination results in hybrid f1's BAD ASS... other than pest suseptability resin taste apperance structure flowertime and sex most other traits are impossible to lock down due to the polidity of inherited sex chromosomes that combine at more than 1 loci to manage a given enriromental receptor in a genetype influencing phenotype of the species not specimen...
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The Tri Guy
and therein lies the problem with all this. theres only one way to tell a good parent from a bad parent, and thats to try it and see. appart from the obvious of those traits present in both parent lines are more likely to be present in offspring lines than in the offspring lines of parents which dont posses them.


Active member
ICMag Donor
males are the key to breeding sucsess it is the only way to insure against drift and epispazms and sex reversel later on
Just what insurance does the male exclusively provide, and how?


The male a propper male the likes of wich many have NEVER seen is the genetic encoder if you like... After you come across deleterious/suicide recessive very quick you odbviously need the Right 1 for the job and the job is you breeding goal which 1 should set out and stick to and not deviate from or your pissing in the wind.. The performance of this male willl not be surpassed by another sibling it is the sucsess of this pairing of the genome that you find homoginous recesives that make no use for a fem breeding tool as you can just find any female from a propper line and make good feminised stock to grow out or you could just grow some pips and be happy.. but you need a male or you offer no specific male genetics to the ofspring which is bad in itself and will shuffel to survive just like a clone grows roots can a plant loose a chromozome so fem breeding is out THE WINDOW for viability longterm but you can make hybrids and there cool as rick and Docleaf have done but keep regular seeds for security...


I don't see how you can say that when you spray chemicles on plants but each to their own dude good luck in you endevours

Try to make a stabel line first then you will know what to look for the most important thing is you enjoy what you do,, I Will stay tuned..


This is a good example of a male with pollinated female flowers at the top.Breeder from this strain has never seen this before.


Namaste :smoweed: :canabis:

This male/female is the y that contains more of the x and enough to make all fem seeds with no y in the pips from this plant,, Ideal for breeding with more than 1 on 1 with true sexed plants, real KEEPER


rick, Ive given it some thought and I cant come up with one important purpose of amateur breeding as it presently occurs on drug cannabis.

There are no:
-important genetic breakthroughs,
-stable trait improvements,
-preservation of important genes,
-medical advancements
-reliable seedline performance,
-no confidence in the seed description that cultivators might use to select a variety.
-advances in disease or pest resistance, nothing.

rick, that quote is not a paper, its a book. Available on amazon.com.

GMT:"Do none of you see the irony of complaining about hobbiests not contributing to the industry on a site paid for by the work of these hobbiests? "

>> Do you not see the irony of forums and communities that espouse to keep cannabis safe, actually fighting to keep causing it more and more harm?

I make seed to donkey dick cola SOG in my enviroment (I AIN'T BUYING THEM) no clones taproot and constant vigour I am selecting from near 300 for my personal blueberry line with all my favriot traits crossed into a single line,, for the ease of the grow,, Greeninthethumb You are condersending to people please stop when you can't understand english and leave rick alone and get some BOOKS!


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
The male a propper male the likes of wich many have NEVER seen is the genetic encoder if you like...

Genetic encoder? :laughing:

After you come across deleterious/suicide recessive very quick you odbviously need the Right 1 for the job and the job is you breeding goal which 1 should set out and stick to and not deviate from or your pissing in the wind..

Someone's pissing in the wind all right.

The performance of this male willl not be surpassed by another sibling it is the sucsess of this pairing of the genome that you find homoginous recesives that make no use for a fem breeding tool as you can just find any female from a propper line and make good feminised stock to grow out or you could just grow some pips and be happy..

Don't use big words if you don't understand them. The male that performs best (how vague) is automatically homozygous recessive? Get real, crack a book instead of wasting your time sending me negative reps noob.

but you need a male or you offer no specific male genetics to the ofspring which is bad in itself

Why do you constantly speak on what you don't know? Enlighten us: what traits are only in males that we need to worry about when we're only looking for sinsemilla? Oh yeah, none!

and will shuffel to survive just like a clone grows roots can a plant loose a chromozome so fem breeding is out THE WINDOW for viability longterm

I see you decided to finish how you started: as a clueless ass with no real facts to back you up. Plants lose a chromosome in fem breeding? Uh, how does that work? We lose only the Y, the chromosome we can all agree we aren't interested in. And we don't lose it, it was never in your selected females anyway.

:thank you: and don't come again.


real grown up greeninthethumb, get serious what happens at S8?? do you make seeds if so what for,, and vague is what the good male will look like any male but a little work will show the best male by say feming all your P1's and youll see,,

I have found my new home page you stay out your own thread


The Tri Guy
sure we're all still interested in the subject matter?

or shall we create a thread in the tokers den and all slate each other for a while?

To get it back onto topic:

Green would you agree that an active Y system (your version) would make breeding out hermies from a population harder than if the oppressive chromosome system were found to be accurate.


Posts that contain name calling and trolling towards other members will always be deleted as per the TOU you agreed to when you signed up. If you can't live by this site's rules then maybe this isn't the place for you


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
sure we're all still interested in the subject matter?

or shall we create a thread in the tokers den and all slate each other for a while?

To get it back onto topic:

Green would you agree that an active Y system (your version) would make breeding out hermies from a population harder than if the oppressive chromosome system were found to be accurate.

No I wouldn't.


fuck the ticket, bought the ride
I also wouldn't be so stupid to think you had to put fem pollen on the clone you transformed and nothing else.


The Tri Guy
Given your preference for open pollinations Tom, and understanding the benefits of testing a member of the population in that way, I find hard to believe you would not only limit the genetic info passed onto the future generation to one pair of P1 plants, but to one sole P1 mother plant.


New member
The problem can be that cannabis is labile, it has different sexual systems within itself. ie the mono plants will be subject to enviroment and WILL adjust to different conditions, the dioecious plants should not, look up the system at play in silene especially dioica.