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here we go again


mofuckin farmer smurf
well these little hoes made it safe here's what's new to the stable

Sister Chem

Sure is gonna be a tasty 4/20 :joint:


mofuckin farmer smurf
Well the seedlings are all looking very healthy. The pimmp baby is looking awesome. And all the clones seem to be enjoying their new home under the hps. I gotta quit slackin and order up that dr120. Hopefully if all goes well I'll have the secret jardin by the end of next week.


mofuckin farmer smurf
Well all the babes are looking awesome. Acouple of the clones are looking a little rough but I know they will spring back they just had some ph issues in the dome they were in. If anyones got any pointers for any of the cuts that would be great. Oh and the txl is toxic lemon. Also think I should have the secret jardin ordered up tonight or tomorrow. Wanna get all the beans sexed and take cuts off the ladys. I'm really shootin to get a harvest in for 4/20. I might be able to throw some pics up tonight also. :joint:


mofuckin farmer smurf
Well I got the dr120 ordered up woot! Shits about to be gettin stinky, speeking of which I'm gonna have to build/buy a carbon scrubber within the next couple weeks


mofuckin farmer smurf
Hm well they ended up being out of the dr120's so they are sending me the new gl120 by homebox. I guess it's they're version of a thermal reflective tent. Supposed to be thicker material and superior zippers

All the babes are looking good except one sister chem I think. The clones had some ph issues but the rest of em are comming along. All the bean youngins are looking awesome. The pimmp is getting branchy, very nice

Also gonna be getting a 400 for veg


whats happenin A-Loc...finally found your posts lol, long time :D hows things...gimme a few to read over your thread...


mofuckin farmer smurf
what's up man, I'm glad you found your way over.

I got some pics up on a flickr account the usernames colaking024

Cant wait until this tent gets here. I'm about to order a 400w cmh setup and find somewhere to buy carbon


mofuckin farmer smurf
Well I went and ordered all my stuff. 400w,carbon scrubber,nutes,mylar. Now I just have to wait for everything to arrive and I'll be golden. I think I'm gonna start flowering the pimmp as soon I get the tent set up, as long as I don't run into any issues with heat until I get the aircooled hood for the 1k

Things are defiantly going to be interesting these next weeks


mofuckin farmer smurf
well the tent came yesterday. Took all of 30 min to setup. I must say it is a very nice tent but is not lightproof from the outside out of the box.

Setup the 1k lastnight with the batwing and temps were staying at 84 with just my Stanley sitting on top of the tent pulling the air out on med. This morning I'm cranking it up to high to see what the temps look like

Edit, well the Temps are at 79 and dropping using 2 of the passive intakes and my stanley blower just sitting on top of the tent
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mofuckin farmer smurf
The 400 watter came along with some Mylar, nutes, grow bags and a carbon scrubber. A few of the clones didn't recover and the others are finally starting to come along. all the rest are doing awesome most of the pk crossed look kushy as hell. Dark wide leafs. I topped the pimmp, it's already branching out nice. I think if temps look ok on Saturday after a test run with the carbon scrubber shell probably go into flower along with the rest.

I've got acouple new strains I got in some bagseed I wanna pop. Mango haze x kris reeves and bubba d. They are both potent as hell and frosty as the north pole for being seeded. The bubba d is reaally frosty and it's way more seeded. Also more clones this weekend, I'll keep the names of the strains a mystery til I get em. Let me say they are very nice. I will do my damnest to get some pics up for ya tomorrow. The seed plants are really looking awesome most of them are exploding with growth. I should probably transplant to 6" pots tomorrow too. Good thing I got this mango haze to keep me goin. I love my fam :joint:

Edit: well one sister chem and two ecsd are doing good maybe two sister chems I fergot already lol the giesel and toxic lemon were hurt bad but I think they are gonna pull through. I started everything with some liquid karma and grow big and they seem to really enjoy it. Starting to show mag def so they'll be getting cal-mag in acouple days. I'm gonna transplant the pimmp into a 3 gallon grow bag and let her stretch her roots out before I put her into flower.

I've also been thinking about switching over to dwc in 5 gallon buckets maybe run two in 10 gallon. I've got decent head space for some tall fuckers
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mofuckin farmer smurf
well i finaly got to upload some pics
i'll have more up in a few







mofuckin farmer smurf
Thanks cellar, I ended up having to put the pimmp into flower today when I realized I couldn't fit everything else that had to be transplanted into 6" pots.

I took a pic today and will take one everyday if I can remember and update at the end of the week. At that point the rest of the seedlings are gonna go in the gl too til I can sex them and put em in 3 gallon grow bags.

Does anyone know how long I should veg my ecsd for to get her around 3 feet high

Phew I'm soaring off some bubble I fergot what else I was gonna say oh yeah I hooked up a big fan like one that can go in a window but is like 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 in the tent. My temps with just the exhaust fan alone were getting up to like 90 now they are down to 82 PERFECTO!!


Active member
What up, kid? Mmmm.... I liked that mini hammer, quite a nice ass piece, dude! Definitely gonna need your bro's skillz in the near future :joint: I need me some nice ass pipes.

What in the world is what I'm thinkin is clear plastic on the front of that tent? Never seen nothin like that before.

Nice list of strains! Sure you got room for more?;)

All the best,


mofuckin farmer smurf
Hey TG yeah that piece stood out when I grabbed it. It's simple but has style.
Yeah there's clear platic viewing windows in the front of the tent that you can peel back it's pretty dope if u wanna check inside without undoing all the Ippers

Well the pimmp is a lady I knew it! I figures I should give her a good lookin because she has been veggin for awhile an sure as shit she's already started throwing out pistils. Gonna take some cuts of her in acouple days once she stretches out a bit.

Picked up this cool thing from walmart, it's supposed to be a house filter but you can peel it all apart. It's a sheet of carbon than a regular filter. I'm gonna wrap the carbon around the carbon scrubber as a pre filter and use the other piece to cut and put over the passive intakes to keep dust down and light proof em a little

LOL yeah I still got some room I have my 150 I'm gonna hook up in a smaller veg cab that I think is gonna be my clone/mom/seedling cab. I'm gonna do the moms bonsai in 16oz cups. Things are defiantly a little tight veg wise right now but once I put the rest of the seedlings into flower this week I will have mucho room. I think a ecsd and sister chem are gonna go in this week too


I did bonsai moms in the 16oz. cups. You might wanna jack that up a bit to a cut down 2 liter soda bottle..
happy to hear it's a girl!


mofuckin farmer smurf
That would work too I recon cellar. Yeah me too I woulda been pretty bummed if the one plant I managed to start in December turned out to be a male.

I might be getting my hands on some really sexy cuts. But I don't wanna say anything til I get em. But phew will be like a dream come true.


either way..you could just cut back the roots in the smaller cups from time to time though..


mofuckin farmer smurf
Yeah that's what I was thinking. That way I could fit like 12-18 moms. Once I get moms established I think I'm gonna go to dwc and run 12 5 or 10 gallon buckets in flower vegging like 6 at a time. But keep the moms in small cups.

I was thinking about putting a ecsd and sister chem into flower today since I don't think they need too long of a veg