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Hempy Buckets - DP Durban Poison | G13 PowerSkunk | G13 Gigabud | Afghani


I am new to the ICMag forums, but so far I am loving it. I just finished up my 1st grow (in soil) and things turned out very well. I have had many great reports on the smoke and I surely enjoy it myself. Anyways, onto this one.

After watching killa12345 run a couple of grows in hempy buckets, I decided I had to give them a go myself. So far they have proved to be extremely easy and a very efficient use of space. In my limited grow room (specs below) I am not only concerned with height, but also the footprint that each pot takes up. With the soil, I had to move to 3 gallon pots by the end (which were probably too small) and those ended up taking a lot of square footage. So instead of running 3 big soil plants, I can run 6 hempy plants. The plan is to actually turn the veg box into the permanent mother box and just constantly pull clones from the moms, probably every 3 weeks or so. I am hoping perpetual, but like all good plans, things always change! Anyways, some information on what we are working with here:

Dutch Passion Durban Poison Feminized (DP from now on)
G-13 Labs Gigabud Feminized (GB from now on)
G-13 Labs PowerSkunk (PS from now on)
Afghani Clones (AG from now on - unsure of breeder)

The Afghani is from my first run. I took 2 clones in my bubble cloner and after struggling with the process I identified pH as a problem, fixed it and they rooted. They both went into soil originally and recently I put one into soil and the other I tried and experiment to see if I could rinse the roots of soil and put it into hempy. When I post pics you will see the huge difference that shock caused. I believe the one in hempy now is just starting to recover from the shock (2 weeks later) and therefore looks like shit as usual. Either way, I think I will probably just flower out the small shitty one (if it survives) and keep the big one as a mother. I should be pulling 3-4 clones from her in the next week or so.


My space is limited to say the least, but I believe I have set it up to be the most efficient use of the space.
Veg/Mother Room:
20"L x 24"W x 40"H
Inside painted flat white
2 - 105W 6500K CFLs, 2 - 26W 2700K CFLs = 262W CFLs
Space for 6 -1.2 gallon hempy buckets, plus area for 32oz Gatorade jugs
Passive intake with 78CFM axial fan exhaust
Flower Room:
20"L x 24"W x 60"H
Inside painted flat white
250W HPS
Passive intake with 78CFM axial fan exhaust

The HPS is actually new. The last grow I used CFLs the whole way, I just feel that the HPS is probably worth the investment in the end.

The hempy buckets are 1.2gallon paint mixing buckets, covered in black plastic with a hole about 1.5"-2" from the bottom. They are approximately 4 parts perlite, and 1 part vermiculite. I am using all FoxFarm nutrients for this grow and I am following their schedule for feedings. These girls get fed EVERY day so far, although I am aware I can let them go to every other once the tap hits the reservoir. I am attempting to water with 10-20% run off everyday which equates to approximately 4-5oz each a day right now.

The following are what are running and their birthdates (in parenthesis). It's kinda a pain in the ass with them being 4-7days apart, but it will work out fine I'm sure. As of now I have 1 DP (1/9/09), 2 PS(1/11/09), 1 GB (1/5/09), 1 AG and 1 AG in soil. Everything but the PS are confirmed female, so that is a good start.

I have been keeping a hand written log with as much detail as possible, so if you have any questions, please feel free to ask. I think I covered everything ... so I'll post some pics in a minute.

Enjoy the ride everyone and stay safe.

Pictures from 1.6.09

Pictures from 1.6.09

I forgot to say that the seeds go into jiffy pellets soaked in 1/2 strength week 1 nutrients once they are popped. Then when they break ground I just put the whole thing into hempy bucket. No transplanting needed, this should be it.

These are pictures from 1.6.09:

The GB in the jiffy (blurry sorry),GB in the hempy, after rinsing the roots for transferring the AG to hempy, the whole room with AG2, AG1 and GB left to right.




Pictures from 1.16.09

Pictures from 1.16.09

These are pictures from 1.16.09. That should bring us up to date pretty much. A couple of notes: You can see that some of the first true leaves are curled/burnt on a bunch of them. The nutes must have been a little too strong for them during that time, but since then everything looks fine. Also the clones were the same size going in and you can see how the hempy transfer really wrecked things for AG2.

The big AG momma, GB, PS2, PS1, DP, the clone that has just started coming out of it's shock induced coma.






1.19.09 - Clone Day

1.19.09 - Clone Day

OneQ, Dub - thanks for stoppin by. Things are starting to move along now so hopefully it will get exciting!

Things are pretty normal in the Veg box, not really much to report in there.

I took clones today of the AG soil mama. I just wanted to make sure I had the process down before I start cloning some of the girls that I feel are more important (ie I only have 1 DP and 1 GB, so their cloning is the key to the survival of their strain in my garden). I have a bubble cloner that I made myself and I put in 2.5 gallons of H20 with 4 ml of ThriveAlive and 2 drops of SuperThrive. I adjusted the pH down from about 7.6ish to 6.0. They are now in the flower room (since there is nothing in there at the moment) with a couple of 26W 2700K CFLs in there to keep them happy. At some point I am going to have to build a clone box and unfortunately I am out of space. I'll figure something out.

I snapped some pictures of the process. Sorry they are so big, I'll do something about the sizing at some point. Anyways they are:
1) Gatorade Hempy buckets ready for clones
2) AG Before
3) AG After
4) Bubble Cloner with the 4 clones.





G.O. Joe

Well-known member
Just a heads-up on the PS:
HeryRhom had a good looking PS here, dunno what happened to the pics

Hope yours turns out the same. But in my feeble hands - topped twice, no LST until too late, directly under a 430W Son Agro and now at 25 days of 12/12 - my PS freebies look just like everyone's pictures of Thunks. The internodes are getting much closer and the buds are forming surprisingly well considering how the tops looked before, but these are still fast and very aggressive branchers for me. They'd be great heavy outdoor Christmas trees, but I'm growing 3 of these with 3 indica-ish plants too (Shiva Skunk grape pheno) and they just aren't meant to be grown together without serious training. I tie them down over and over but they are just overrunning the much smaller plants and have no trichs yet. At least the smaller plants will be done soon and the PS will have tons of room the last 2-3 weeks.
hey GO Joe - thanks for stopping by. It looks like there are some good reports about the PS, so hopefully things will turn out well. They were freebies, so I figured I'd give them a go. They are the only non fem's in the box, so I am hoping to just get one chick out of them (although I won't be upset with 2 :) ). I personally enjoy fast and aggressive plants, especially when I have a lot of extra time on my hands. I love plant bondage and I like to abuse my girls a little before I put them into flower. Now, if I get over busy I can totally see things getting out of control.

Just as a general update, it appears that the GB has clearly hit the reservoir. We are talking about growth of almost a new node a day! Now that's my kinda pace haha. People have said it will happen this way, so it is exciting to see it coming along already.

Take care everyone,

1.22.09 - Update

1.22.09 - Update

Well things have been kind of on auto pilot lately. I've been real busy, but I've been tending to the girls everyday, no problem.

I don't think I have mentioned that I was cleaning out my old germinating plate and I happened to look inside and DAMN the other 3 PS seeds had popped and threw out a tap root about 2in long. The towel was still a little damp, so they were ok and I put them into the gatorade hempys. Now they have sprouted and look just fine. Very impressive little fellas. So now I have PS3 and 4. This is what the feeding is schedule is at right now:

Week 1 Nutes: PS3 + 4
Week 2 Nutes: PS1 + 2, DP
Week 3 Nutes: GB, AG2
AG1 is simply in soil on Veg nutes, 3 feeds 1 flush.

The clones have been in the bubble cloner for 3 days now and no roots. The first day or 2, the pH kept creeping up for some reason, and it got really high a few times. I really do not know why, but by today it seems to have stabilized around 6.0. I'm a little worried as to what caused that, but oh well.

The biggest girl (GB) is about to open her 5th node, so that means topping time probably tomorrow. I am debating letting it go until Sunday so that I can use the top as a clone right away.

I have a question for anyone out there ... Has anyone grown out Durban Poison or Dutch Master Durban Poison for that matter? I will post a picture of her along with the others and she is the farthest looking thing from a sativa I have ever seen. The leaves are very round with the serration very soft. Input anyone?

Hope everyone is doing well out there. I'll post the pics in a second when they upload.

Peace all,

1.22.09 - Pictures

1.22.09 - Pictures

Ok, it won't let me post pics like I used to, so this might take a minute. They are all in my album, for some reason I can't insert them here? I'll figure it out. Just give me a hot second.

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1.22.09 - Pictures?

1.22.09 - Pictures?

Here are the pics maybe? Oh ya, I also got my 250HPS. I have it all set up now, I just have to find the time to test and it out and figure out how I need to cool it.

1) Droopy AG after watering


2) AG2 startin to grow quicker and more perky. I'll probably just flower her out.


3) GB

4) The DP. See what I mean about really roung broad leaves? Compare to the PS coming next...

5) PS2

6) PS1 with PS3 and 4 in the background

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Get two birds stoned at once
I really liked DP durban, very racy smoke and was a GREAT yield for me (for CFL which I used at the time). The fat leaves turned to long kolas with thinner leaves in full flower. The smell of the bud was strange, kinda like licorice.
pictures workkkkk yes

pictures workkkkk yes

Hey Deft - thanks for the heads up bro. I figured the round leaves were only since she was young and immature, but it just looked strange in comparison to the Power Skunk. I am hopin she comes out great!

The pictures finally work!! Apparently I wrote the script wrong. So check em out and let me know what you think ...

Whats up everyone. I haven't posted a whole lot since I'm just veggin and things weren't movin that quick. Now we are really startin to cruise though and all these girls are lookin beautiful. If things keep moving at this pace it's going to take a lot of LSTing and topping to keep things under control, but I think I'm up for the challenge :)

Today I topped the GB and put the top in the cloner, so we'll see how that goes. The GB was growing so fast and strong I had to top her even though the clone was a little shorter than i had wanted. The AG clones are in the bubbler too and look like they are startin to sprout roots so that is a good thing. It took me a couple of runs of the bubble cloner to figure out timing and how the pH goes and such. It takes a lot of patience for sure.

I have a small/big issue coming up. I am taking a little ski trip for 9 days. Luckily, I have an auto watering system in place that should allow them to get their feedings every other day. It is in testing right now and so far it looks pretty good. I am hoping to have a full 7 day run through the week before I go just to make sure. Anyways, onto the problem: I am leaving in approx 2.5 weeks, which is about 40 days veg for the GB and 34 days for the others. IF i leave them in veg while I am gone, things are more predictable, such as growth and watering, etc, BUT when I get back they will be almost 60 days veg and pretty huge. I am not sure if the 1 gallon hempys can even handle that without problem. BUT If I start them into flower they will be at that early stretch phase and I'd have to have someone come in and tie them down, otherwise they could easily grow out of control and up into the light. Also I would leave them under my flowering CFLs because the HPS is new and I just don't trust it yet. Anyone have any advice? In hindsite I didn't think I would be having this problem but alas, MJ growing never goes according the calendar.

Anyways enough rambling, here are the pics:

The AG2 in hempy looking really strong:



The DP looking strong:

The GB after topping, actually doesn't look much different then last time:

The little PS3 + 4:

The AG1 in soil, really droopy, I am thinking overwatering, I'm letting her dry out really well (~5 days):

Peace everyone,

So it has been 5 days and things have really taken off, especailly when you look at the past pictures. This is what we have going on:

I started feeding them every other day on 1/30 (Friday). On 1/31 (Sat) I took a bunch of clones and fed them all real well. For clones I took: 4 GB (GB.1, GB.2, GB.3, GB.4), and two AG (AG.1, AG.2). I also topped both of the PS and put their tops in as well (PS1.1, PS2.1). So that's 8 more clones total. I decided to try to the jiffy pellet method this time because I am not all that pleased with the bubble cloner. All those original AG and the GB top clones are still in there, showing what appear to be white bump sort of things, but nothing that really looks like a rap root. So, I soaked my jiffy pellets in wk1 FF nutes, dipped the clones in rooting hormone and stuck them in the pellet. They are all in a tray with a little saran wrap dome. We'll see how this run goes.

I also moved everyone up to the next week in nutes. PS3+4 -> wk2, DP,PS1,PS2 -> wk3, GB, AG2 -> wk4.

13 days until my trip and I'm getting all nervous about how shit is going to go down. Hopefully everything comes together by then. At some point next week I am going to have to decide if I want to start flowering for some girls or not. I have a very trusting friend that I can have stop by and check on things, but I would like to leave depending on him to a minimum.

Here are some pics, hope you enjoy.


whole garden, things were all squished in the back because I had to put the clones in there until i had room for them in the other box. Now there is plenty more room.

PS1 and the clones. PS1 is definitely a less stretchy pheno, I am hoping it is a girl.

GB in the back corner looking big and strong. The AG in the front right is looking a lot better than before, I am now thinking that it's roots were sitting in water which was not doing it any good. That drainage issue has been fixed.

The DP right after being topped

The stretchy PS2

The AG 2 in the back corner doing just great after her cloning.

The PS3+4. They look so tiny but i mean they are in pretty good shape for only a week. It's hard to remember how little the other ones were before everything really took off.
We have a lady.

We have a lady.

The GB is definitely a girl and has now moved on to alternating nodes. Sexual maturity in 28 days ain't bad. And she grows like a freak, loves the nutes, overall a quick girl and I like it. I had to tie her down today, the 4 top colas

Some of the AG clones are rooting now, but somehow I burned the new growth at the tops ... again. I don't know how I do it. The GB is in the same solution and is doing just fine, no burns, it's kinda whack. I am not sure if it is worth it to keep using the bubble cloner, it will all depend on how these jiffy pellets do.

Stay safe everyone,

Just a little somethin ...

Just a little somethin ...

Just a little something to show you how crazy things are getting in there. So far the GB is definitely a girl, the DP is showing alternating nodes but not exactly showing sex yet. The two big PS kids are about shooting out alternate nodes also.

This is a sea of green haha. I am debating the screen of green but I am shying away because of the multiple strains.




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So far so good. Looking forward to the flowering pics.

Thanks man, it's going to be a little while still. I have a poorly planned vacation coming up so I won't be flipping them until 2.23 unfortunately. At least by then I will have a good number of clones looking good, which was my original plan. It's so hard not to flower those big girls, but I am waiting!

Take care,


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