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Help! What would be a kick ass grow cab?


Hello fellow cannabis enthusiasts! I need your help.

BC Bloombox is quite exactly what I'm after, but it's SO expensive that I think it would be better to make one. That is - get someone to make one... I've got ten thumbs and no technical skills.

So are there anyone here that have drawings of a kick ass grow cab that is so self explainatory that I can just take them to a handyman and get it fixed?
LOL - I was going to post that if you could afford to pay someone to make one, then surely you could afford to buy one off the shelf...

...Then I checked one out on Ebay. How freaking much???? Bloody hell, someone's laughing all the way to the bank on that one!

At that price, I'd imagine the drawings might be quite hard to come by. Photographs and sketches would get the ball rolling, but the devil would be in the detail. Whoever is going to build it really needs to understand a fair bit about what it's supposed to achieve - Ideally someone who's built a few before, exactly what BC have done!

Not to say that it can't be done, but it looks like a lot of experience went into the design of that thing. I recommend that you start reading up in the micro grows section.

$3500 though? Seriously? $3500?
how hard is it to build a square box, i dont get it.

Building a square box is easy.

Building one that will maintain the correct environment to grow killer bud stress-free when you're new to growing is not so simple.

It's very easy to forget how long it takes to gain valuable experience.


Hehe, thanks a bunch, all of you. The links posted are good, but not the kick ass grow box I'm hoping someone have seen.

Yes, I'd bet a saturday nigth that I'd be able to build a square box. But it's a long way from a square box to a kick ass grow cab.


Just get a tent. Why waste time, get one of those and get to growing. They support the correct environment well - a hell of a lot better than a wood box does.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
^^ yea, a good tent is so much easier. Can tear it down in minutes if need be. .


Licensed Grower
ICMag Donor
2x4's, panda poly, white duct tape, 1/2" staples and staple gun, zipper door....done

Will cost you way less then a tent


Thanks a bunch for your advice guys, but a tent or some simple stuff just isn't what I'm hoping to get here. I'm hoping someone has seen some kick ass grow box drawings that is so easy to read that I can just bring them to a handyman and get it done.

Money is obviously no object, as it would be an alternative to the BCNL Bloombox.

(But I'm starting to fear those drawings doesn't exist, and I'm not the man to make them)


Hello fellow cannabis enthusiasts! I need your help.

BC Bloombox is quite exactly what I'm after, but it's SO expensive that I think it would be better to make one. That is - get someone to make one... I've got ten thumbs and no technical skills.

So are there anyone here that have drawings of a kick ass grow cab that is so self explainatory that I can just take them to a handyman and get it fixed?

Make a rough drawing of what you want with its rough dimensions and any handyman worth his salt can build it. Fine tuning it (e.g. cutting holes for ventilation and power cord access, light proofing etc.) is straightforward enough for even the most inexperienced. If he doesn't know what you want it for, I suggest you have a valid reason ready...and stand back.

Edit: If you're looking for furniture grade woodworking, forget the handyman and take a look at some wardrobe style cabs. There again, about the only thing needed is a few well placed holes, light-proofing, install your equipment and you're off!
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Thanks for that link, I got the thread but missed those large pics. I will definitely look closer at this setup despite two plant grow.


Well, since I am retarded when it comes to technical stuff like this, ANTI's cab is to complicated. He states that the fine drawings has changed. So I'm currently reading up on this NGB cab, and as a creative dreamer I have our bedroom drawer dresser in mind. I guess the NGB could be scaled up a bit, and be combined with the stealth of a dresser.

I'm using a word document to fill in instructions to the handyman. It actually looks as I'm in the planning phase. Perhaps I don't have to spend my entire fortune and then some on the BCNL Bloombox after all.

Thank you guys for the friendly advice.


Hi, I once again need help from you seniors.

1. What growing medium would be the best if I need the NGB to be on its own for 7-10 days?

2. Ventilation is a bitch on the NGB, I think that for the stealth I need it vented to the floor. I'm thinking a tube from the upper left utility room and down trough a hole in the floor (10x10 cm in the back left corner). Would a carbon filter blow that air easily if placed in the utility room? Or need it to be down at the bottom (and thereby stealing mother/veg room)


New member
Help! What would be a kick ass grow cab?

Here is a pic of my first cab I built. It was as CFL setup, 1 125w blue for veg and 125w red for flower.. Plus 6 55w flouros for lower levels. The cab was bought from a local store . I installed a fan wired to thermostat for temp control & a couple vents for intake. Wasnt hard at all. Was actually fun! Cut a few holes, zipped in a couple of screws & there u have it.


I'm still on my first grow now but have decided to use this cab for veg with my 400w mh . I have a 4x4x6.5' tent with 2 600w hps switchables with air cooled hoods for flowering. The hoods are cooled by a 400 CFM exhaust.. But the cab itself was easy!