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Help me identify this deficiency

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
Since you're in a "hot" soil mix, doubtful the additional nutrients would be necessary, at least till some of the in-soil nutrients are burned-off via time and uptake. I checked, and from the info I've seen, your soil is already buffered. To what ph level...IDK. Do some Google searching for what other users have encountered.

Personally...I use aspirin on my ladies to stress the lady to produce nanners for femming. Not a chance in hell I'd use aspirin in a foliar or feeding solution. Plus, did the poster of that recipe say what Mg tablets to use, or would any size aspirin do...? Since I use the femming with aspirin technique, am curious how close to the stress line that addition will take you.

Doubtful your runoff ph number is even close. I'm unfamiliar with the particular brand of soil you're using, but does it mention lime or oyster shells or anything else that can be considered a buffering agent? (does it say "ph buffered" anywhere on the label?)

Adding lime if you don't know the buffering capacity of the soil is suicide. In other words, if it's already buffered, and you buffer it more, you are jacking the ph too high, and will not be able to rectify the situation. (you can't take it out once it's in)

Old leaves are old news. What does the new growth look like? (pix would help)

Have you got a thread on that aspirin causing a female to reverse and produce pollen to pollinate a clone of itself or other progeny? Aspirin sounds easier than Colloidal Silver.


I'm landing with the fellow who suggest a P issue, I agree. I use aspirin frequently and it's never once caused hermaphrodism. However, I use it at the rate of one 325mg aspirin per TWO gallons water.

No reason why organics can't be mixed with chemicals IF the chemical applications are very light, and I mean very light. Also, microbes can be reinoculated (though efficacy would be rather questionable).

You can take that crystallized molasses and turn it into a liquid. You can also use other sugars, though their nutrient profiles are a bit different than that of molasses. I have used malted barley extract, panocha (aka panela), date, and palm sugars along with molasses. Molasses (in its liquid form) is the most fun to eat.

Another FYI--water splashing on the leaves and causing burns is a fallacy. There are products, for instance OxiDate, that are known to be phytotoxic. But water itself does no harm.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
I'm landing with the fellow who suggest a P issue, I agree. I use aspirin frequently and it's never once caused hermaphrodism. However, I use it at the rate of one 325mg aspirin per TWO gallons water.

No reason why organics can't be mixed with chemicals IF the chemical applications are very light, and I mean very light. Also, microbes can be reinoculated (though efficacy would be rather questionable).

You can take that crystallized molasses and turn it into a liquid. You can also use other sugars, though their nutrient profiles are a bit different than that of molasses. I have used malted barley extract, panocha (aka panela), date, and palm sugars along with molasses. Molasses (in its liquid form) is the most fun to eat.

Another FYI--water splashing on the leaves and causing burns is a fallacy. There are products, for instance OxiDate, that are known to be phytotoxic. But water itself does no harm.

He apparently uses aspirin to cause a female to reverse sex, produce pollen and shag a female copy of itself to produce feminised seed. I want to see it.


Yes, but I'm thinking he must seriously increase the concentration as compared to what I use to gain the same reaction typically triggered by CS or GA. That was why I posted my ratios, because if used as I do it has never caused such a reaction. :)
Well I did as the recipe said, and the aspirin is 500 mg.. And with 16 aspirin that must be 500mg pr gallon then.. Maybe, just maybe I should have asked how big an aspirin to use! Oh well! Only time will tell if she will change.

Here are some pics:



Sorry for the quality on picture 1
Thought it might be good to share how the 'rest' of the plant is doing

Its not that I thought the problem was severe because, after all, its not a lot of leaves and only lower - And the budding on this plant is pretty sweet - but im afraid of my two other plants, their budding seems a little stunted - could just be that they are a bit slower and im inexperienced, i dont know! This is the only one with frost so far though, almost 4 weeks in.
And thats what I was worried about :) The other two plants dont seem to.. bud up properly.

I just realized they properly arent the right aspirin. These contain paracetamol. Have I just properly fcked up my plant?

After a wiki search i see i should have asked for pills with acetyl-salicylic acid - we have those, its not the ones i bought and used.


Salicylic acid is what you're after with the aspirin. It can also be gained directly from the willow tree. I have no idea if you've properly or improperly fucked up your plant, but will assume that it's feeling no pain.
haha SeaMaiden :) i dont even know if that was meant as a joke, but it made me laugh :)

Yeah, used the wrong pills! I really, really hope my equipment arrives tomorrow, so i can take some clones of this baby before something terribad might happen.


You can take cuttings, put them in a Ziploc baggie (don't seal it completely) with some moistened paper towels and they'll survive easily for around two weeks, often longer. Yes, this is how I cheat.

And yes, it was meant as a joke. :)

How do I get my own avatar up? I keep clicking the links, selecting the radio button for custom avatar and I don't get an option to upload my avy.
Salcylic acid is the key ingredient for femming.
NSAID's don't cut it as most have none.
For femming, I tried the Gibbrellic acid, (Mega-Gro) and failed miserabaly. Burned the branches, ran out of product. Couldn't afford more for further tests.

You can cross-check my statements on Google, but this was the first link I clicked just now...
Aspirin Your Plants

Once I collect the pollen, I'd chop the majority of the roots and branches, (leave some healthy leaves for photosynthesis) and re-veg in fresh soil. (with a good flush to remove as much remaining aspirin in the remaining rootball) She comes back 'clean'. No more nanners, and makes a great mother plant.

Only aspirin I can find lately has NSAID plastered all over the bottle. But not all 'aspirins' have the acetylsalicylic acid any more. Gotta check the Active Ingredients. If aspirin, it should say aspirin, not NSAID. I did find a sugar-free low-dose (81 mg) aspirin without the NSAID markings, but just started with the first dose this morning. (6 81 mg tablets) Not sure what these coatings will do for the process either.

Anyway...use care with the dosage. I know from experience EXACTLY what happens if you overuse it, lol.
Jeez. Left the computer for a few minutes while in the middle of doing that post, and about 20 responses. You guys are quick...

Just saw the rest of the plant. Looks like oversplash might have been it. The rest looks deep green, (a bit heavy on nutes) but pretty good.


That number of tablets per what volume of water or liquid? I bet that's got to play a role in it. Like I mentioned previously, I use a 325mg tablet per 2gals water.

The first post of that link is the article that I shared in my previous post. :)

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