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Help me find out why i waisted/failed my crop

An other way to see if a plant is done is maybe when it does not to eat anymore food and when the PH is dropping. I don't know if it's because i use chelated nutrients, but at the end of the cycle, the PH instead of rising slowly, begins to drop ; at this time i begin to flush and i think it's harvest time soon.
What do you think of that?


5.2 club is now 8.1 club...
Actually, it's not zero effect, the weed is racy and not trippy at all. Don't lead to yawning or calming or great sudden appetite. There is an effect but i don't like it. Some firends like it because it's not couchlock at all. Not me, i like couchlock

Like others have said, you just took it far too early. Lots of good advice posted right here already.

If it says 55 days on the seed packet, that means 55 days in perfect conditions, if you stress the plant with heat, it delays the plant, so 55 could be ridiculously early.

Never harvest on X days "because it says that on the packet" ... you will just be wasting X days to grow bunk that would have been stellar if you just left it a few more weeks.

Different varieties have different effects when taken early, most Indicas are rubbish, some Sativas are OK, some not. You genetics are not necessarily at fault, but the harvest time certainly is.
Since this problem, i've put lower lightings in my tents. I don't know yet the results but it smells a lot more in the tents, and the trichomes are more visible. I think i fucked up my crop because of too much wattage. It's good to know it at least!
I thought that heat issues were leading to hermies, but not to almost no THC.

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