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Hello everyone, have been lurking your boards for a while, thought i should finally register so i can post!

Im a long time toker, complete n00b grower tho, i have grown a cpl autoflower plants but i wasnt that impressed so iv decided to grow something else, an old timer friend gave me some seeds he made, there is no name for the strain, iv smoked it before tho and its peng, iv got sum pics if i can figure out how to upload lol. I wanted to know how big u think the plant will get cos its dawned on me that it mite be bare tall, and that would bait me out (live 2 doors down from a fed!) anyways oncw i figue out how to put pics that would help lol



Active member
srry, shld probably add the pot is quite big, no perspective in this pic, god im stupid... dnt actually know the volume lol. planted seed in half 2l coke bottle on 1st june, sprouted a few days later, repotted to this pot last week, so plant is aprox 30/35 days old, i'm not feeding it anything (is in 75% peat soil) starting to prang about how tall its gna be! was maybe gna repot again in a few weeks but might not if keeping it in this one ensures it stays small.... tbh could all be for nothing, might be a bloke! seeds arent fem and have only popped one due to living next to loads of ****s...


Active member
here are some more pics, does it look healthy/unhealthy? The snails love munching on it, i'v been bringing it inside at night and leaving it on a windowsill so it gets first light in the morning then putting it outside... i know its probably sooooo crap to most of you but iv only grown a few cannabis plants before, and those have been inside so to me i'm really quite happy to have managed to get this far with it, main problem has been slugs. Does the leaf look healthy? I noticed its not all green and has some little flecks of white or yellow, is this ok? Im sorry for all my newb questions and general n00bidity, cheers



Active member
Cheers mate! Nice to meet you too! Its only the one plant, i kept having to move it (hence the many diferent backgrounds) but think its probs ok to stay in one place now.. Im a bit scared to germ more than one at a time because i live in a very densely populated area with lots of ppl looking over my garden, probably would only get a slap on the wrist with one plant if one of my neighbours called the filth, cant trust em round here!

yts farmer

Well-known member
hello souflondon.

are you growing that outside?

i dont know anything about growing outdoors but i do know that plants grown in natural sunlight grow huge and grow quite quickly.

you might also check out if you have enough time to finnish it outside if it does become a female. i think you dont have enough time but hopefully someone more clued up will chime in.

why not try a ring of salt around you pot to stop the slugs getting to it.

good luck.
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Active member
yes mate, its outdoors in the day and indoors on a windowsil at night (because of the slugs) i dont think it will finish outside either(but i can hope!), iv got a 300w cfl lamp i can use on it inside for finishing off even tho 300w isnt much, its better than nothing i guess :D

The seed donor told me that his line "comes from various bagseeds found in the 80s" and he had no idea what it was in the first place, so im not really sure what to expect, iv never seen them in flower before but iv smoked some from him, always very lemon smelling... If i rub the stem it smells strongly of lemon pledge, wish i had a bit more experience to know what im doing!

Harry Lime

Active member
:tiphat:Hey Souflondon, the plant looks fine to me
maybe check some pics of male and female preflower so as to not waste your efforts on a chap.

then get some slug protection in pronto. one they decide, they will destroy your plant very quickly. don't use pellets, they end up poisoning animals that eat slugs. I wouldn't use salt either, at least not on the compost in the pot.

providing you got a girl, sunshine plus 300watts of cfl should get you something worthwhile.


Active member
Cheers Harry! I know the slugs and snails are buggers, one finds a plant and then a few nights later brings all its mates along and they decimate! I had some chillies in the garden this year too, they even ate them! Even the HOT chillis!

I'v not been putting slug pellets for that exact reason, dont want to hurt other wildlife... Iv found that shooting the slugs with an airsoft rifle is pretty funny, you can get lots of them like that and then the blackbirds come and eat the corpses in the morning, still i havent managed heavy enough mollusc-ercide to make a big difference. Have just had an autoflower seed sprout that was in another 2litre that i forgot about... Those auto seeds seem to take a long time to sprout in my peat soil mix! (been in soil for 2 weeks + ) Its a skunk from white label seeds, hopefully it stays small and discrete lol :D

mack 10

Well-known member
Hate them slugs as well. they can really mesh your plants up.
good luck on your grow.

yts farmer

Well-known member
:then get some slug protection in pronto. one they decide, they will destroy your plant very quickly. don't use pellets, they end up poisoning animals that eat slugs. I wouldn't use salt either, at least not on the compost in the pot.

i should of been clearer but i was suggesting putting a ring of salt around your pot to act as a perimeter to stop the slugs and snails getting close to the pot to stop the climbing up the container.


Active member
Thanks mack! Ye i'll give the salt rings a go, problem is its always got to be near a wall to hide it and the little bastards drop off the wall into it or onto it, they are like ninjas! Really slow motion ninjas lol


Active member
Thanks Saviour of m! :D

Here is a small update, its starting to make branches now, im not sure what the weather has been like in the rest of the uk but its been HOT at my place last 2 days, lots of yummy sun and i guess that has helped it!
Should i do anything to it, i.e remove any fan leaves, or just leave it be? My instinct would be to just leave it alone but im not sure!

Also got that little seedling in the first photo, that is a "skunk automatic" from whitelabel seeds which is a subsidiary company of sensi seeds, so far i wouldn't reccomend them because out of a 5 pack of seeds only 2 germinated, and one of those (this one) took a longggg time to sprout, probably will keep it in the 2l fizzy bottle to keep it small, may well become a windowsill jobby once its large enough to recognise as ganja, im so paranoid lol


Harry Lime

Active member
i should of been clearer but i was suggesting putting a ring of salt around your pot to act as a perimeter to stop the slugs and snails getting close to the pot to stop the climbing up the container.

Alls good Man. we got there between us:laughing:

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