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Heart Attack Proof...


Chicken was my favorite food of all....ate it every day...literally.

And it wasn't any of that stuff that made me fat...it was my inability to control how much I ate...I was a pig...still am...

Now I just pig on good food..that was another thing about the china study they found...

Compared to the western diets...the people on the rural chineese diet ate on avg 30% more calories....but weighed 30% less...

Here's a Q&A with the guy who wrote the book "prevent and reverse heart disease"....


His book is very compelling...its more geared towards people with severe heart disease...but he talks about how everyone who eats the western diet has atleast some heart disease (artery blockages)....

The thing that really got me is that 80% of fatal heart attacks happen to people with no signs of prior heart problems....because its the people with only partial blockages and then a piece breaks off while working out or something when your heart rate gets going...it lodges in your heart...boom dead....

He did a study with I think 23 people starting in the mid 80's who had extreme heart disease.....literally referred to as the walking dead...

He put them on the most extreme diet with no meat...no dairy...no oils...and no nuts...or even avacados or coconuts...

What he found is that after 3 weeks the blockages were reduced to half there size in nearly half his patients..or something like that...I loaned the book to a friend...so....

Anyway...25 years later all of those people but one are still alive with no signs of heart disease...after being told they had no realistic chance of living a normal life again...the one who died of a heart attack admittedly couldn't stick to the diet...

This guy went from being sick of patching people up as a cardiologist to teaching people how to fix themselves....I admire the guy...


And believe me...I feel like a toolbox taking this stance...a year ago I'd be the one bashing me about this shit calling it a hoax ect...

But....as long as I'm getting enough vitamins and amino acids to keep my body healthy.....

I see no need to ever touch meat or dairy again....jesus christ I can't believe i'm saying this shit..

Just goes to show you what true fear of a heart attack will do to you.


Active member
we dont need to look far to see that the largest mammals on earth are vegitarian,guerrilas are vegitarian,bulls ect..... as long as we eat a variety its no problem and better for us,because meat tends to be heavier and gets caught in our intestines and rots causing problems for us.basicly if its grown from the ground its good and if its got animal protein its bad. milk isnt bad for us but it is for the cows.
there is horrific acts accouring to the cows like being stomped to death and killed slowly with pick axes ect..... you can look up the ohio dairy farm that was recorded undercover doing these things,on your own if you want the link just PM me but its a horrible video about the truth.

this site contains the plan i follow along with a thourough explination on how it even cures mental illness. http://www.chanwuyi.org/showroom/mo...069892126&customWebPageId=1285147851750356729

we are doing good for the whole world when we made the decision to become vegitarian.

here another site with vegitarian recipies just click on the title of each food for the detailed instructions http://www.plumvillage.org/plum-village-cook-book.html


we dont need to look far to see that the largest mammals on earth are vegitarian,guerrilas are vegitarian,bulls ect..... as long as we eat a variety its no problem and better for us,because meat tends to be heavier and gets caught in our intestines and rots causing problems for us.basicly if its grown from the ground its good and if its got animal protein its bad. milk isnt bad for us but it is for the cows.
there is horrific acts accouring to the cows like being stomped to death and killed slowly with pick axes ect..... you can look up the ohio dairy farm that was recorded undercover doing these things,on your own if you want the link just PM me but its a horrible video about the truth.

this site contains the plan i follow along with a thourough explination on how it even cures mental illness. http://www.chanwuyi.org/showroom/mo...069892126&customWebPageId=1285147851750356729

we are doing good for the whole world when we made the decision to become vegitarian.

here another site with vegitarian recipies just click on the title of each food for the detailed instructions http://www.plumvillage.org/plum-village-cook-book.html

Ron Paul eats meat.


Evolution is a theory too, but only because the large amount of religious people, aka crazies, that don't except is as fact, because science is nonsense to them. Notice how they die at a younger age though.

However I do not doubt that things like magic mushrooms and weed, helped us use our developing brains to have higher levels of thinking, and step away from territorial violence long enough to create better societies.

I think it was some type of psychoactive that separated us from other animals because just eating fat and protein isn't going to give your knowledge on how to do things different. This is the main thing that separates us from other animals, the knowledge we have.

When I hear people state protein is what made us smarter you have to ask why aren't we getting smarter now since we have access to more food high in protein than any other time that we know of. Only a few people are changing things but their are billions of people who eat a lot of protein yet no major change. I doubt it was protein that moved us but some type of psychoactive that brought more blood to the brain and allowed the food we did eat to be used to make the connections in the brain more efficient because what makes you intelligent is the blood flow to the brain, nutrients, and how strong your connections are to connect your experiences and allow you to see them in different ways and cannabis and mushrooms do all three of these things.


we dont need to look far to see that the largest mammals on earth are vegitarian,guerrilas are vegitarian,bulls ect..... as long as we eat a variety its no problem and better for us,because meat tends to be heavier and gets caught in our intestines and rots causing problems for us.basicly if its grown from the ground its good and if its got animal protein its bad. milk isnt bad for us but it is for the cows.
there is horrific acts accouring to the cows like being stomped to death and killed slowly with pick axes ect..... you can look up the ohio dairy farm that was recorded undercover doing these things,on your own if you want the link just PM me but its a horrible video about the truth.

this site contains the plan i follow along with a thourough explination on how it even cures mental illness. http://www.chanwuyi.org/showroom/mo...069892126&customWebPageId=1285147851750356729

we are doing good for the whole world when we made the decision to become vegitarian.

here another site with vegitarian recipies just click on the title of each food for the detailed instructions http://www.plumvillage.org/plum-village-cook-book.html

I love how ironic you are....

You tell the guy this isn't about politics after spreading your pro vegetarian agenda hehe...

Seriously though man...dairy isn't good for you...linked to all sorts of health problems....

Not only that...i think every person is just a little bit lactose intolerant...because my farts used to be horrendous room/work area clearing menaces to society...and they would linger for 5-10 minutes sometimes...they were fucking epic.

Now I can rip ass all day long and unless you have your nose up my asshole you won't smell it...

I just feel cleaner...WAY cleaner...its weird.


Eating 60% fat will lead the majority of people to clogged arteries by the time they are 60....

Just some genetic types that are able to overcome that assault of fats and cholesterol...

Anyway I'm not trying to tell anyone how to eat...I'm just saying that imo this diet or one very similiar to it is the answer to alot of health problems..including obesity...type 2 diabetes...cancers of all kinds....digestion problems...constipation...

I did the atkins diet when I was 25 years old....I had ballooned up to 295lb and freaked out and the fad at the time was atkins....so I got down to 213lbs in a year and a half but I didn't feel anywhere near how I feel now and my cholesterol level got up to like 270 at age 25....which is kinda scary...

Anyhow...trust me...I envy those who can chow on steak and eggs and chug milk and still be healthy as shit....

Most of us just can't.....

Also...everything I've read says Saturated Fats are the worst ones for you cause they are the ones that clog your arteries.

Anyway...not gonna get into a pissing contest...but the guy up a few comments ago who recommended the chine study is right...and IMO you yourself may want to read it..

sorry but you are mistaken. fat does not clog arteries.

also i do not do the atkins diet. at this point i am eating only meat and very rarely eat a vegetable or fruit. i keep my carbs under 10 grams.

I have been feeling better and losing weight not gaining.

milk has a ton of carbs in it and we should not drink milk what so ever. you would not have gained any weight if you ate proper amounts of calories and became keto adapted.

please do some more research before you argue with me. this isn't about ego and most people on here i find just want to argue.

here is some more information if you would like to see my point of view.

after this, prove me wrong.. i welcome it



As far not eating fats I think this is only a half truth. You see when you eat nut & seeds you are eating fat along with minerals to get the enzymes in your body going to break things down plus so many other nutrients. The main thing that has to be done is that you have to exercise to prevent the problems from too much fat from these foods specifically aerobics because it will hold onto the oxygen you breath in and keep your body young even when you are doing nothing after the workout.

The resistance training helps burn the carbs so they won't build up and cause problems. Remember we are meant to move and lift.

I look at it like this, I want to emulate a plant and use different things for different reason. The leaves will be for my minerals which will help things going, the seeds will be my main source of protein and fat to keep my body structure strong and have endurance(beans, nuts, seeds) and the fruit will be my source of sugars for quick thinking and movement. As long as I eat these three main foods I will be ok.

Another thing people say beta-carotene is not a good source of vitamin A because it converts to vitamin A less efficient than eating it straight tend to forget that vitamin A is fat soluble such as beta-carotene so you need some fat to extract it and make use of it and the best fat for the best conversion would be polyunsaturated fat because this fat holds onto oxygen and sucks it up real well and you need oxygen to convert the beta-carotene to vitamin A and guess which food is high in this fat, NUTS and SEEDS, avocados.

I truly believe a diet high in plant fats(eaten whole not just the oil) along with exercise that brings in a lot of oxygen is the secret to prevent aging and sickness. The only thing is people hate fat so bad or they believe in animal fat that they miss this little secret. Animal fat is not a good source of fat because it isn't giving me what I don't have and can make for the most part whereas plant fats do have what I don't have in all of it. In other words I already have long chained saturated fatty acids so I don't need it from my diet as long as I eat a lot of complex carbs which I can get in plentiful amounts so meat isn't necessary BUT I can't make monounsaturated, polyunsaturated, and short to medium chained fatty acids that plants do make so to me it's common sense to get your fat from plants.

And those who say low fat is good that is only true if you don't plan on using your brain a lot such as doing creative things or doing mental work all day such as stocks, making music, reading or anything that requires constant brain activation and being active or doing a lot of movement throughout the day like walking, sex, standing, etc.

Also, you need fat to make use of the iron and calcium from the greens you eat. This is why beef is considered a good source of iron because it has so much saturated fat that it helps the body absorb the iron but this fat isn't good for us if we eat carbs because we make this fat. When you saute your greens in a tablespoon of olive oil(2 grams of saturated fat per tablespoon) or even better coconut oil(14 grams of medium chained saturated fat per tablespoon) or clarified butter from grass fed cows you get the minerals without the problems are long chained saturated fats which you make again unless you eat no carbs which is why the atkins diet worked to prevent the problems associated with saturated fat but you need carbs so i wouldn't do that diet unless you don't want to experience life as a whole in it's fullest capacity because the brain loves sugar and it helps get substances made quicker than fat would which means you can get more things done in a shorter time frame.


Active member
I love how ironic you are....

You tell the guy this isn't about politics after spreading your pro vegetarian agenda hehe...

Seriously though man...dairy isn't good for you...linked to all sorts of health problems....

Not only that...i think every person is just a little bit lactose intolerant...because my farts used to be horrendous room/work area clearing menaces to society...and they would linger for 5-10 minutes sometimes...they were fucking epic.

Now I can rip ass all day long and unless you have your nose up my asshole you won't smell it...

I just feel cleaner...WAY cleaner...its weird.

yes the agenda muahahahah


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we have been eating nuts since humans have been around. i think they are fine in moderation

Ya..the diet the author talks about eliminating nuts is when someone has heart disease and is trying to reverse it..

I personally eat nuts a few times a week.....the diet (or lifestyle I guess) just calls for no more than 10% of your calories from fat...and zero animal fat..

Just no animal fats or dairy....


sorry but you are mistaken. fat does not clog arteries.

also i do not do the atkins diet. at this point i am eating only meat and very rarely eat a vegetable or fruit. i keep my carbs under 10 grams.

I have been feeling better and losing weight not gaining.

milk has a ton of carbs in it and we should not drink milk what so ever. you would not have gained any weight if you ate proper amounts of calories and became keto adapted.

please do some more research before you argue with me. this isn't about ego and most people on here i find just want to argue.

here is some more information if you would like to see my point of view.

after this, prove me wrong.. i welcome it


Again...I'll believe the cardiologist who has studied it for 40 years and puts all his faith into it that a diet high in fat results in heart disease...


Another thing he talks about is how everything revolves around the endothelial cells...like they are responsible for keeping the blood flowing regularly and keeping everything from gettin clogged up...

But animal proteins and dairy products and high fat oils ect damage these cells and stop them from being able to do their job..which leads to plaque buildup in the arteries and eventually heart disease...

He even said in one study it showed that after having ingested (is that the right word?) olive oil the persons veins constrict within minutes...or something like that...

Also...her's a link to some success stories of people who use this diet...they call it the mcdougall plan but its essentially the same exact thing...

Some of the stories are actually pretty cool...



Aksala, this may be true but what was eaten with the olive oil, this makes a big difference. Also, what was the body strength of the person being studied, what if the patient was not active because like you stated endothelial cells are very important for blood flow and guess what keeps it going and stay toned, you guess it fat(mainly from plants) and oxygen which you get a lot of from nuts,seeds and aerobic exercise at least an intense aerobic exercise. I know I'm not going to be running for an hour when I can get way more oxygen in my body if do sets of going fast then slowing down and repeating this process until I'm tired.


"Lipid metabolism and signal transduction in endothelial cells.
Whatley RE, Zimmerman GA, McIntyre TM, Prescott SM.

Nora Eccles Harrison Cardiovascular Research and Training Institute, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Endothelial cells have the capacity to metabolize several important lipids; this includes the ability to store and then metabolize arachidonate, as well as the capacity to synthesize platelet-activating factor (1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine). Arachidonate is predominantly metabolized via cyclooxygenase to PGI2 although the spectrum of prostaglandins may vary depending upon the source of the endothelial cell. Biosynthesis of eicosanoids and PAF are likely to be an important physiologic function of the endothelial cell as these potent lipids appear to have a role in maintaining vascular tone and mediating interactions of the endothelium with circulating inflammatory cells."