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Health Canada finally made their announcement.


Active member
Power Restrictions would be better . you have a 10 gram / day licence you can use 5k of power total. Grow as many plants as you like . Something like this seems sound . i mean how bad can you abuse the system if you can only have so much power . Be easy for them to check and find abusers they look though the energy records for the residents and see you have a $4k a month power bill in your mobile home well maybe they could dispatch one of there 75 inspectors ifor surprise visit .
Hello Mr Doe the reason where hear today is because you signed a release to health Canada that stated Heath Canada will be monitoring your power consumption . And its been red flagged . So here we are . Whats going on ?

*** upon the inspection they find John Doe has been busy with pottery and been running an electric kiln for the last 30 days ***

I'm sure there is holes in my ideas but i mean somthing else can be done then to take medication from me that i can afford and produce myself and give it to somone else that may abuse the system and over charge me while they do it .


Active member
Another thing how many people paid cash to a clinic to get a doc to sign .Of the 25k licences i bet over half did ?

Health Canada should get into the "Clinic" business . I paid $690 for my licence Thats money most of us didnt mind paying to ease our pain .

Well Health Canda could use that money to hire inspectors . Really How much would it cost to have an inspector come and do his job. More then 600$ .. If so theres a business plan you guys should fight for and go after .


Active member
Thats exactly what they should do if they are soo concerned about safety. Lower plant counts, so that pretty much eliminates gangs growing with licenses. Then make everyone pay for an inspection for electrical and etc... Done. Pretty fucking simple if you ask me.:biggrin:


fuck that.. if anything they should increase the plant counts and put so much weed into the market that the price goes to shit and only growers who do it for the love persist


How about we just call it a plant and everybody can do what ever they want?


Active member
Q - "Can you regulate the hours of home invasions while you're at it"

A- Darwin Awards are cheap and plentiful.


the med man

^^^^^^take it a step further and say most legal businesses are already connected to gangs, money luandering etc.

treat it like cars. you need a license, insurance, and safety measures. if either one is not up to speed you arent allowed to do it. pmv's would pop up everywhere, so would depos, seed stores, officials regulating, government jobs being made, taxes being saved, i real utopia, mm

and keep lots of zoning restrictions. 1 bulb per apt, 6 bulbs per residential, and anything goes for rural/commercial/ag zones...
They could have avoided this whole mess and just said 1 plant can only be grown in a 1 sqf space. Size restrictions are better.

Actually there isn't a space restriction but a friend of mine was told by his lawyer (He sued the gov for my buddy a few times) that there is a height restriction but its not enforced. Don't know off hand on which page but one of the papers that talks about the seed and the plant from HC it says the plant is around 36" or so tall at maturity.

His lawyer told him that's the official unofficial height restrictions.

If HC required everyone to buy seeds and check plant height 80% of growers wouldn't be doing it.


They would just put a screen over their plants at 34' and train em.
Light restrictions are the best idea.
1lb per light.


Active member
The thing people have to realize is that there is going to be commercial producers, but you the consumer gets to choose from which commercial producer you get your meds from.

A smaller company could be like micro brewery , and easily have a niche market of particular strains that they provide. The only downside as I see it, is the Wall Mart effect on smaller mom and pop operations.

Another way I look at it, in my city there has been an influx of burger shops coming to town. You have your McDonalds, Burger kings, Harvey’s, and other fast food burger chains, but the smaller chains coming up like Gourmet burger Kitchen or Five Guys, or The Works to name a few provides a much better product.

So yes, in theory if you apply these principals you to could be that micro brewery or gourmet burger shop.

Well put it this way when March 31 comes and if they expect people to get prescriptions there's has to be an established company ready with stock to be shipped. Who do you think has the resources and connections to be the first out of the gate.

Think about it, if all of a sudden with in two months there's 1000 prescriptions in BC with say 5 grams per day any company that is ready to go would have to be able to sell 10lb per day min and have probably 300lb in stock per month at bare minimum.

This fits in with someone telling me for the last two years that there's a certain tobacco company already set up and ready to go.

Should also add been told yesterday to be prepared for HC to control the THC content and probably not wanting to have plants that are over 11% or so.


Don't most micro brewery's and burger shops come from some guy making home brew or some wicked burgers at home?
Everyone say hey this is really good beer. Awesome burger. You could sell this.
If they couldn't brew or cook at home these places wouldn't exist.


from http://www.benefitscanada.com/news/pot-a-non-issue-for-plan-sponsors-for-now-35130

Pot a non-issue for plan sponsors, for now

April Scott-Clarke | December 20, 2012

The federal government is getting out of the medicinal marijuana business and is looking to move the prescribing responsibilities to doctors and the manufacturing to the private sector. Right now, the impact on plan sponsors is moot, but that could change.

Currently, medicinal marijuana doesn’t carry a drug identification number (DIN)—an eight-digit number assigned by Health Canada to a drug product prior to being marketed. All drug products need to have one of these under Canadian law.

“If [the drug] doesn’t have this number, it’s not considered a covered product by insurers,” says Mike Sullivan, president of Cubic Health.

Under the new proposal, “the government will no longer produce and distribute marihuana for medical purposes. Rather, it would open up the market to companies that meet “strict security requirements,” according to a Health Canada release.

The proposed new Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations “aim to treat marihuana as much as possible like any other narcotic used for medical purposes,” allowing doctors to “sign a medical document similar to a prescription,” for patients to then purchase from an authorized vendor.

Sullivan says that if the transition goes smooth and the private sector looks after the growing and the selling of medicinal marijuana, the likelihood of private vendors seeking approval from Health Canada (and, in turn, a DIN) is high.

“It’s going to be a huge business,” says Sullivan. “And I think it’s going to happen sooner than later. As soon as there is a DIN, it’s going to make it accessible to private plans.”

In the past decade, Health Canada’s Marihuana Medical Access Program has grown to more than 26,000 authorized persons, up from under 500 in 2002.

The government intends to fully implement the new system by March 31, 2014.

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