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Health Canada finally made their announcement.


Active member
Was told on the phone through a MMAD lacky, that "they expect large producers to be big tobacco and big pharma"
To be expected no doubt, just thought it was interesting as they said it in a kind of tone to dissuade me from inquiring further.
Was told on the phone through a MMAD lacky, that "they expect large producers to be big tobacco and big pharma"
To be expected no doubt, just thought it was interesting as they said it in a kind of tone to dissuade me from inquiring further.

Well put it this way when March 31 comes and if they expect people to get prescriptions there's has to be an established company ready with stock to be shipped. Who do you think has the resources and connections to be the first out of the gate.

Think about it, if all of a sudden with in two months there's 1000 prescriptions in BC with say 5 grams per day any company that is ready to go would have to be able to sell 10lb per day min and have probably 300lb in stock per month at bare minimum.

This fits in with someone telling me for the last two years that there's a certain tobacco company already set up and ready to go.

Should also add been told yesterday to be prepared for HC to control the THC content and probably not wanting to have plants that are over 11% or so.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Gas chromatagraph will do that for you and only runs about 25 G's to get it. Does not include gases etc. Peace GS


i know of a gentleman from the lower mainland that has received an extremely large amount of money from a joint effort of pharm company and a certain government party to set up a huge grow area,has yet to load it with plants but it is now finished and awaiting his commercial license


Genetic Resource Management
And anyone have any links to where i can purchase equipment to measure thc/cbd and so forth? And tools to inspect with?

A used Gas Chromatograph is about $30,000, plus you'll need standards and a VALIDATED methodology, and an experienced chemist to run it and interpret your results. A used HPLC is about 15-20K. We're discussing whether to offer this service to others, as we're in the process of installing our analytical equipment.

Well put it this way when March 31 comes and if they expect people to get prescriptions there's has to be an established company ready with stock to be shipped. Who do you think has the resources and connections to be the first out of the gate.

Think about it, if all of a sudden with in two months there's 1000 prescriptions in BC with say 5 grams per day any company that is ready to go would have to be able to sell 10lb per day min and have probably 300lb in stock per month at bare minimum.

No offense intended, but you guys are missing the forest for the trees. There's already a player in this industry from Europe who is producing herbal cannabis inline with all the proposed regulations, and they can start filling the demand as soon as the initial licenses are granted. Why else do you think the changes included licensing for the importation/exportation of herbal cannabis? The initial licenses start early 2013, and the MMAR and MMPR will run consecutively for a period of about a year.

Should also add been told yesterday to be prepared for HC to control the THC content and probably not wanting to have plants that are over 11% or so.

Highly doubtful, the standardized products available in Europe are 19% and 12% THC respectively. HC made it pretty clear in the MMPR that producers can grow any variety they want.

If serious players are looking for clarification on the regs or the science behind standardization, there are consultants you can hire to educate your group.... this is now about the science of producing medical cannabis. If you are 'just a grower' and don't understand standardization in production for medicinal crops, you are not going to be able to compete against the players coming into this market, period. Every grower currently licensed under the MMAR wants a piece of the new pie, and 99.99% of them have absolutely zero chance in getting a license under the new regs.



Active member
the less licences to grow the eaiser it is for the govenment to control and thats what the police and government want total control and all the profits . So Chimera is right 99% of people appllying for this has 0% . Your wasting your time chasing this licence . Think about how you can spend this time fighting to keep what you already have !


Active member
I agree with all that except the 99.99%, I'd peg it at 99.94% There's got to be a few!
the less licences to grow the eaiser it is for the govenment to control and thats what the police and government want total control and all the profits . So Chimera is right 99% of people appllying for this has 0% . Your wasting your time chasing this licence . Think about how you can spend this time fighting to keep what you already have !

I'd rather wast my time chasing a possible business then help keep a broken system going.

Personal growing is over, HC is giving you a way out with prescriptions and is allowing the creation of a market that can deliver the medicine. If you can't afford the medicine its really not anyone fault eventually the market will settle at an appropriate price but only if you can get smaller players into the field.

Green Supreme

Well-known member
Does the word complacent mean anything here? Like settling for the girl in front of you, because it would be more work to find a different one. Peace GS

teemu shalanie

WeeDGamE StannisBaratheoN
reed between the lines , I also seen that blerb about importing /exporting it ,
and if u think they dont got this system, game, set , match , u r smoking too much of your own crops,..... ( Is giving up our medical Cannabis industry to foreigners a good plan ?) I say fuck that and anyone who helps facilitate that. taking power away from people giving it to government/ corperations,...,
means 99.99% of everyone else can go back to Illegal growing.


Active member
If you think people will buy your "Brand" and stay loyal then by all means good luck . But when its costing you $5 dollars to produce 1 gram good luck turing that out day after day when you can get it all day everyday in any city in canda for less . the black market can supply at $1.50 a gram and still turn a profit. You couild never compeate with that . Most of us are sick and on a fixed income .. So I feel many that abuse the legal med system are not going to be loyal ,the rest of us simple cant pay what you charge unless its covered by health plans . Sound like a failed business plan . Im jsut saying do run to the bank and dump your cash into it just yet , I myself seem to think it will get all hashed out in court befor march 2014 ..


Active member


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
Alright. Time for VagP to be serious for once. I'll give it to you straight, no chaser.

In very early 2008, MedMan came to my house. We were shooting the shit and I told him about a botched surgey my GF had just gone through. It led her to have sever hyper sensitivity and chronic pain in her arm and chest. He knowing that I grew weed sat me down and told me step by step how to et her to obtain 'a license to grow weed'. i told him he was nuts and had no idea what he was talking about. He told me to come to his house in Mission. So, a few weeks later I went over. He opened the door to his grow room and I was blown away...All this was legal? How? Why? Is this real life?

Our minds went in to hyper over drive. This was it. This was our 'DotCom' era. I read and read and read up on the MMAR. I called Health Canada dozens of times. Nobody evern knew about it.

MedMan and I spent hundreds if not thousands of hours scheming. 3 weeks later my GF had applied and 2 months later she had gotten her license. It was on.

Since then I have had a absolutley crazy ride in the MMAR program. I have ran 1100 lights at once. I've seen insane amounts of violence. I have seen brothers hate eachother. I have lost friends and I have made new friends. I have seen tons of people go belly up and very few succeed.

The biggest downfall in this program is that growers think being a grower is enough to make it in this buisness. It's not. You have to be a business man to make it in this buisness. I have never thought of this as a grower. I have always thoughtof it as a business. I deal with everybodylike a fucking shark. If I can save 85 dollars by grinding a electrician down, I will. You have to in business or you will get eaten alive. Building costs, electrical costs, permits, electricans....all the greedy rats came out of the wood work to take my money. No chance.

Then the 2nd problematic issue arose. WAYYY to many people got licenses and thought 'I got a 98 plant script. That's 50 in veg and 50 in flower. If I set up a 50 lighter, I should hit atleast 50 pounds. 6 crops per year, that 300 pounds. My licenses is worth 600,000 dollars.' Actually, your licenses is worth nothing. My $100,000 dollars is what makes your license worth anything. I know people sitting on there licenses waiting for that angel investor to come along and give them 'the money they deserve'...Really? You went to Dr Godard, paid him 500 bucks and got a license. Your 2 hours of work is worth a quarter million dollars a year? 21,000 people have a license. I bet 10,000 of them have nowhere to grow.

Now, we have these proposed changes. I go to the grow store everyday, sometimes twice and I have never seen a bigger bunch of idiots yapping away. Everybody with a licensed grow thinks they're going to be a distributor. Everybody. Not a single person I have met, know of or heard of has any inclination how to start a proposal (execpt maybe for Chimera). I worked for the federal government. First as a program supervisor, and later as a licensing officer for the minsitry. I suspect we'll have a lot of unhappy growers with cocncerete slabbed warehouses and barns.

This is the end. Some people jumped on the gravy train in 2005. Some like me and MedMan in 2008. Some like Teemu in 2010. Many of you missed it. I missed the 'DotCom' era. It pissed me off. Every few years you have something emerge, whether technological, argricultural or intellectual that offers up a lot of money. The businessmen always make it. The followers never do. I had always been a follower and finally manged to jump on something right when it was blowing up.

NONE of you are going to get a licenses to be a distributor. None. Zero. You may end up working at a licensed facility, but none of you will have a license under your name or a company you own. Zero. Maybe Chimera because of his decade plus of research working with the plant.

I suspect many 'growers' will lose everything trying to be a distributor. The businnessmen will see a program that has been abused, butt raped and milked for everything possible for the AVERAGE person. They will move on and wait for the next big thing. I think many of you should also. I know I will. April 1st, Im done. Retired. What side will you be on?

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