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Health Canada finally made their announcement.


Active member
I'll miss you vagpunch, be sure to look for my anxiolytic strains at your local pharmacy.


Active member
Back on the dark side.

Cheers PB
Yup.. I need this shit to live somewhat pain-free.. All I want is the ability to grow my few plants.. ( no more than 6) for my personal use. I don't think that is too much to ask as an amendment.

I am on a very fixed income and barely make ends meet. I am on Methadone and that does shit for pain and yet I can't anything of any use prescribed to me.. Yet again because of the abuse which persisted for years and years before the government acted.

I so too will be joining the 'dark side'........yet again. I thought that part of my life was over and done with.

I also see that our wonderful powers that be have yet once again allowed a great money making enterprise to slip through their fingers. Washington will rake in millions if not billions and yet we've already got the Dutch and who knows who else beating a path right into the pockets of people who can barely get by.......

So fucking sad. I am yet again ashamed to be Canadian.......


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
I'll miss you vagpunch, be sure to look for my anxiolytic strains at your local pharmacy.

I would love nothing more than to see all of my ICMag brothers weed on the shelves.

I'm not hating on you guys. Just try to offer some reality on the situation. If you haven't made your money in the MMAR yet chances are you won't.

I'm just saying unless your already know how to do all the stuff the new rules require don't try to learn on the fly. To many people think they just need a minor tweak here or a bit of concrete here. Not gonna happen. The intellectuals and educated will be the ones left standing.
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you think so? I mean I've read the reg about 3 times now. Read the FDA requirements.

I doesn't seem like it would be that difficult? I mean costly yes and probably a lot of work yes but I think its less difficult than you're expecting? I don't know maybe I don't know all of the facts.

And does that mean you're going to have a bunch of equipment for sale?


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor

you think so? I mean I've read the reg about 3 times now. Read the FDA requirements.

I doesn't seem like it would be that difficult? I mean costly yes and probably a lot of work yes but I think its less difficult than you're expecting? I don't know maybe I don't know all of the facts.

And does that mean you're going to have a bunch of equipment for sale?

Perhaps it is easy, but it is a viable business? Are you sure you'll make your money back? How do you know how much to spend? When can the investors expect money back?

What if your production costs are to high and you have to sell for 13 a gram to make a profit and a large scale mega corp can make similar weed for 7 a gram?

Lot's of people may meet the requirements, but it still leaves the golden question; Why should we grant you this license?

A million people are qualified to do a millon things. Few few % get to. Just cause you can doesn't mean you will. Unlike the current MMAR which is do whatever you want however you want...Just stay in your numbers, please.


So what VagP is really trying to say is he fucked the system so none of us can grow now?
1000+ lights?
Thanks brah.


Yea that's pretty much it.
Just fucking with ya.
So yea. excuse me. I am still a lil sour over this whole shit.
You still looking for employees? I saw some adds on CL for workers. Not me but I was thinking about putting an add up.
I hear you where the $ to start up is worth the $, but I would think that's only 1/2 the equation. The knowledge of how to grow is worth some thing aswell.
A million bucks will buy allot of gear but if your hitting sub par #'s and quality it's all for not.
Lots of people grow weed. Few grow kill with good yield.


Active member
Yea that's pretty much it.
Just fucking with ya.
So yea. excuse me. I am still a lil sour over this whole shit.
You still looking for employees? I saw some adds on CL for workers. Not me but I was thinking about putting an add up.
I hear you where the $ to start up is worth the $, but I would think that's only 1/2 the equation. The knowledge of how to grow is worth some thing aswell.
A million bucks will buy allot of gear but if your hitting sub par #'s and quality it's all for not.
Lots of people grow weed. Few grow kill with good yield.

Question is, who really knows how to grow?

Its the people who've made money off the current system.

Its not the guys writing books on growing, its not the guys answering every thread trying to solve deficiency problems on forums either.


Well judging from the ratio of ok weed compared to great weed I have had over my 20+ years of smoking tells me that only a few people grow great weed.
That's just my experience. Others may differ.


Whoever sinks money into this shitty business plan is going under . Who cares if u can grow the finest ganja in the world , if u cant get a reasonable price out 2 market then customers will not bother . You know how many growers there are out there? The Black Market will never die ,just multiply . $8.80 a gram LMAO


Active member
I Don't think these proposed changes will stand anyways . I think we all will be grand fathered . I talked to the clinic today and they feel it will be hashed out in court and then the health safety issues will be addressed through home and safety regulations. much like the new safety regulations for the new proposal .We Will have to junp through the same hoops as big business to keep it safe in our homes . The biggest concerns i hear of are fire , mold and theft .

Well Theft can be easily argued . someone gets robbed for $200 dollars cash . That mean we regulate how much cash money Canadians can have at the home ?

Fire just as easy. Meet fire code . Have a licence elect come in and give you green light. have all equipment certified and inspected every year .

Mold again get a ventilation guy to come and install your ventilation . How many grandmothers have over 30 plants in there living room? I know mine had over 100 at times . Should we regulate how many plants people can have in there homes too ..


at least one judge will disagree and tell them they need to stop fucking around and hire a team of inspectors if that's what it takes.. the time for excuses is over, the time for war is now..


Active member
Serious? Cant see it my self , 25000 grandfathered license holders, aint gonna happen. They already said they dont have the resources to go check 25000 places.

By resources you mean $ cash money Dollars? Cause they do have that .

Or do you mean man power ,employees .imspectors? Cause i know Where to find 100 people myself today that they could train and hire just in my city today.


Active member
I Don't think these proposed changes will stand anyways . I think we all will be grand fathered . I talked to the clinic today and they feel it will be hashed out in court and then the health safety issues will be addressed through home and safety regulations. much like the new safety regulations for the new proposal .We Will have to junp through the same hoops as big business to keep it safe in our homes . The biggest concerns i hear of are fire , mold and theft .

Well Theft can be easily argued . someone gets robbed for $200 dollars cash . That mean we regulate how much cash money Canadians can have at the home ?

Fire just as easy. Meet fire code . Have a licence elect come in and give you green light. have all equipment certified and inspected every year .

Mold again get a ventilation guy to come and install your ventilation . How many grandmothers have over 30 plants in there living room? I know mine had over 100 at times . Should we regulate how many plants people can have in there homes too ..

I agree fully. I've been writing and reading daily to see what can be done about this.

Absolutely insane to think that everyone who grows at home is a health and safety risk!

Make it a provision that if you want to grow at home, you have to call for an inspection...just like any other building inspections.. What the fuck is the problem??

I grow between 3-6 plants and have never grown more at home.. Do not find the need to but could easily pass any inspection because I grow in a tent and never overload the circuit....

All I know is that if these conditions stand the way they are, I'll still grow and the black market and organized 'criminals' and I use that term lightly...very lightly...will spread like wildfire due to the rise in pricing.

Yet once again where the government is making it lucrative for persons of the organized persuasion to make money....

Fucking bunch of idiotic morons we have in Ottawa....


Balls Deep!!
ICMag Donor
They could have avoided this whole mess and just said 1 plant can only be grown in a 1 sqf space. Size restrictions are better.

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