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heady's maine adventure: gavitas, blumats, and the wicked lobstah soil mix


Active member
I don't know if you.know where it is from.but there are lots of imposters.

Lots of lore as well.

I have the Aj diesel. Lots of debate weither it is the sours or not, but regardless a 10 when done right. Any others don't hold up to the hype of the name, so many watered down wannabees.

Strong lingering greasy taste, with a long floating buzz.

The chem offshoots are the pinnacle of strong grass.

If you ever come across Dope dog jump on it, really special lady. All the plus es of ChemD with out the anxious debilating buzz. Instead it has a happy debilitating buzz, with all the chem nastyness you should expect. It's also has this fruity side to it that is awesome.


PRJ we had limited space and money so i used a lung room design in an attempt to consolidate our environmental controls---ac, dehuey, etc.

we're also in a residential neighborhood so i didn't want to be blasting 1000+cfm into the yard even if it was scrubbed lol.

this way i just use one giant carbon filter in the flower room, and it dumps odorless air back into the lung. with the amount of air exchange i can smoke blunts in the lung room and you can't smell it on the other side of the door.

once the weather gets cooler in the fall i'll be drawing in outside air using a thermostat controlled intake fan.

one last reason for the lung was because i could build the hvac like the rooms were big tents. this is my first grow scaled up to this size, so i wanted to limit the amount of giant leaps i was taking lol.

if i were building out commercial space instead of a basement i'd probably have gone with a sealed room design.

Killer setup, I'm kicking myself for going with 2-1000's instead of 3 or 4 600's. I also have a low ceiling, even though I'm running air cooled hoods on light movers, the girls in one of my beds settled 3" from the hoods after the stretch. After adjusting the fans I was able to keep the tops of the colas around 75-80f, but its the light intensity that's an issue now.

Anyways, you mention in taking from outside air in the winter. When you talk about a "lung" is that a room where the air comes into first to be conditioned before entering the room? I'd love to draw air directly from outdoors, but in the PNW our winters are very wet/humid, and I'm concerned with bringing that kind of moisture into the room, and the summers get pretty toasty, and I would be blasting air in at 90-100f +. Right now I'm pulling in aipacked the airducts in the house, I'd like a better system.

I'll have to look up the lung system, how big is your lung compared to your room? Do you both draw in air and exit air in the lung?

Those 10gal pots are sweet, I'm running similar sized pots for my moms, only I made fabric pots that fit into milk crates. Have you run anything smaller for multiple cycles without changing out the soil? I just got turned on to oldtimers bonzi mom thread, I'm planning on doing some breeding projects, so my mom room is going to get pretty packed, and people keep giving me new strains I can't pass up, my friends bringing me cannatonic and girlscout cookies tonight.

Well, I'm going to push on through the rest of your thread, thanks for the invite! Youve got a sweet setup. How are you liking the govi ballasts, are they worth the hype/price?

heady blunts

prescription blunts

i do love my chem and sour but i feel you on the confuzzled nature of the highs. i look forward to get the opportunity to grow out some verified chem cuts to identify which are the expressions that i remember fondly and which are the ones that give me a foggy head.


thanks for stoppin by! havent seen ya on the mag for a while. hope all is well!

that trim squish vid i made with our MEDTREE acdc cookies trim, a 16.75g patty squished at 220*F yielded 3g rosin for a return of 18%! cbd dabs ftw!

theres a learning curve of course but niw that ive got the r&d out of the way id say it takes me 5--10 min from weighing the starting material to finishing collecting the oil. it gets even more efficient when i pre press and wrap several patties at a time then squish them in quick succession.


thanks F.A.M.! hows your squishin goin? it quickly becomes an obsession, amiright? :biggrin:

an under eye roller is a glass vial with a steel ball dispenser so you can apply whats inside by rolling it over the area you want to treat. i have a chronic case of puffy under eye bags, so i figured i should try puttin some hash on it. works great! just make sure to decarb cause the acid form cannabs burn like hell if you get them in your eyeball :cry:


welcome! the lung system is functioning great! since that post we've split the flower space into two flip rooms and upgraded the ac to a 15a window unit (kicking ass btw).

ive been reading posts from DHF for years and storing away his good advice until i could make use of it. he's written extensively on the lung room system and i consider him the utmost authority on the subject.

in many ways its a sealed system, but compartmentalized rather than isolated. our lung is larger than the flower rooms and also feeds our veg and prop areas. we control the environment in the lung and use traditional linear ventilation for each room, drawing from and dumping back to the central lung.

im still loving the gavitas, especially with the el2 controller. i can put the lights at 750w and set an auto dim temp so the plants get as much light as i can give them and on super hot days they just turn down a bit automatically to keep temps in check.

now that the price on the 315 lamps has come down, however, im pretty set on going with those for my next garden build. at the time of the build out last year they were still price prohibitive for us.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
finally got a decent pic of lazy lightning---although it still does not do her justice!

she absolutley shines and sparkles in the jar. SUPER loud greasy lime and cedar, fills a room the moment the lid is cracked. lots of sour lime on the palate, and she leaves that woody flavor coating the mouth long after a sesh.

a chem sour haze powerhouse that finishes in 63 days!

as for effect, melty said it best, "she peels your wig then puts you to bed!"


the rosin is devastating.


ive also been slackin on pics of this lovely cut roostaphish selected and shared with me.

from mota rebel's lung candy line (kksc x rez straw d) this girl is VERY strawberry haze, with great structure and only needs 10 weeks to ripen.

creeper haze high with a flood of euphoria. major day brightener.

pardon the messy trim :biggrin:


her rosin



passing the gas

nice looking buds, but that rosin!:tiphat:

so do you use the same press cold to make up that "package"?

cool set up, id like to see how it works more. what provides the pressure?


Well-known member
Been trying to bring your 2.0 into our circle here Chunky. Being more difficult than expected, kinda getting the run a round a bit. It will happen though. If my memory serves me correct it is a 10 ton, with a hand pump.

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Been trying to bring your 2.0 into our circle here Chunky. Being more difficult than expected, kinda getting the run a round a bit. It will happen though. If my memory serves me correct it is a 10 ton, with a hand pump.

It's making the rounds....

What state are you in if you don't mind my asking?

heady blunts

prescription blunts
thanks friends :)

roosta we'll get that 2.0 to maine soon enough. i wouldn't be surprised if it's already there. lots of IC heads in state. have yet to come across it tho.


i use 5x3 pid-controlled, cartridge-heated platens i bought from @timewizard_greyfox on a 10 ton DAKE hydraulic shop press.

for the prepress i got a die made at the local machine shop and i use it with my old harbor freight a-frame shop press with a 4 ton jack.

it's nice to have a separate press for the prepressing so you don't have to futz with the platens once their installed properly.

luckly i've got a museum of old presses layin around from the last 18 months of rosin R&D :biggrin:

also, all of my rosin i press from trim unless otherwise noted.


passing the gas
thanks friends :)

roosta we'll get that 2.0 to maine soon enough. i wouldn't be surprised if it's already there. lots of IC heads in state. have yet to come across it tho.


i use 5x3 pid-controlled, cartridge-heated platens i bought from @timewizard_greyfox on a 10 ton DAKE hydraulic shop press.

for the prepress i got a die made at the local machine shop and i use it with my old harbor freight a-frame shop press with a 4 ton jack.

it's nice to have a separate press for the prepressing so you don't have to futz with the platens once their installed properly.

luckly i've got a museum of old presses layin around from the last 18 months of rosin R&D :biggrin:

also, all of my rosin i press from trim unless otherwise noted.
how deep is that 3x 5" die for the pre press? how many grams pack in there?

how long is one of those pucks pressed for and at what temp?

your shit looks extra dope and I'm fix in' a try me some after seeing your setup.
I've got sooo much trim…

is that stuff completely decarbed and ready to dose?

heady blunts

prescription blunts
the pre-press die has 1/2" margins, so the patty ends up 2"x4" and has some room to expand without overshooting the platens. the well is 1" deep and i can easily fit a 1/2 oz and probably could fit 2x that much if i tried. i like to keep around 1g/sq. in. but i'ev gone above that with good returns. there's a lot of R&D involved with this tech.

i pre-press cold, with no heat. i don't have a pressure gauge on my little 4t press, but i'd estimate i crank down to about 75% capacity, so i'm applying around 3t = 6000 lbs = 750 PSI to the cold pre-press.

for the heated press, i generally use 220*F for pressing trim (or flower). dryer material sometimes needs a bit more heat to get moving, but you sacrifice terps and there's a larger potential for unintentional decarb.

hash doesn't need as much heat and when i get some for pressing i ususally try to squish it at 160--180*F. the more melty, the less heat is needed.

rosin is not/is hardly decarbed if made correctly. the key is moving the oil off the heated area immediately after it is freed from the pressing material.

i've written about all of this in greater detail if you go back through the thread.

i always recommend watching the elysian research tutorial videos on youtube. that's sunfire from the rosin tech? thread (@sunfire_ranch on IG). he's been a major influence on my rosin tech and those videos better explain some of this stuff.

for edibles/topicals/whathaveyou i save up the pressed chips and when i've got a ton i do a simple ethanol wash to collect whatever oil is left. i decarb that.

i have a hard time decarbing pristine dabs with crazy terps. seems like a waste. i'd rather smoke that.


Well-known member
finally got a decent pic of lazy lightning---although it still does not do her justice!

she absolutley shines and sparkles in the jar. SUPER loud greasy lime and cedar, fills a room the moment the lid is cracked. lots of sour lime on the palate, and she leaves that woody flavor coating the mouth long after a sesh.

a chem sour haze powerhouse that finishes in 63 days!

as for effect, melty said it best, "she peels your wig then puts you to bed!"

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the rosin is devastating.

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ive also been slackin on pics of this lovely cut roostaphish selected and shared with me.

from mota rebel's lung candy line (kksc x rez straw d) this girl is VERY strawberry haze, with great structure and only needs 10 weeks to ripen.

creeper haze high with a flood of euphoria. major day brightener.

pardon the messy trim :biggrin:

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her rosin

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Both cuts look stellar and that rosin looks delicious. I have to give it a try one day soon.

heady blunts

prescription blunts
so i've had a couple heads with extremely high standards and many years of puffing and growing experience stick their nose in the lung candy jar and say "smells exactly like her mama! strawberry cough all the way."

props to roost on the bullseye selection!


Active member
Heady, Id like to hear your reasons for pressing trim instead of using a kief tumbler to reduce the volume/eliminate a large portion of leaf matter. I think I remember you saying its because you run a lot of variety and dont have a lot of material to process per strain, but was wondering if there are maybe any other undisclosed as of yet nuances to pressing trim vs. kief/dry ice/sift. Is it a terp thing?

Stay killin it, Heady!


Active member
I'll take heady for president, seeing as our choices this election season are less than stellar. Not to one up you mrS0ul :biggrin: