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heady's maine adventure: gavitas, blumats, and the wicked lobstah soil mix


Active member
Heady...Great thread and congrats on being legal. Forgive me for not reading the entire thread yet..I was wondering if you are still using the same soil recipe posted in the beginning of this thread? Also is the Benton's a Maine vendor? I will google it. I am hoping to source it locally without having to order it..
DF's Carolina Blue x DigiBerry looks incredible..He's a good dude and I am happy hes got good peeps working his gear..

heady blunts

prescription blunts
awwwww you guys are the best! :shucks: :grouphug:


ya i started these from f2's i made from the second half of a pack DF sent me a while back. i don't think i shared the cut with more than one or two peeps so far, but some of the beans have made it further than that :smoke:


i hope i sent you the pm i intended to last week. i really appreciate your post. thank you for sharing---your kid is REALLY lucky to have such a great dad!

yes! the sublinguals are RAD! i love them. i use a carrier oil rather than alcohol or veg. glycerin. decarbed rosin is my preferred concentrate. i usually do 1g per oz of oil (almost all veg oils i've tried have worked---olive, coconut, mct, etc), but its possible to do probably 10x that concentration. the strongest i've made is 4g decarbed rosin to 0.5oz oil.

i haven't messed with VG cause i dont think it can hold that much...but that's more of a hunch based on absolutely zero experience.

i'd itching to try infusing honey/agave/simple syrup with rosin but i haven't gotten around to it yet. if anyone has any experience infusing sugar candy without a carrier oil please chime in with any suggestions!


great to have you! hope life is treating you well :)

frank is totes a great guy. i like to consider him a friend even tho we've never had an opportunity to meet in person :huggg:

ya benton's farm is the name. it was some small compost company that the garden center by me had a few pallets of. i included it cause i like to have a little steer or horse manure based compost in the mix.

you could use coast of maine's schoodic blend or vermont compost company's compost or whatever. (for you west coasters that bu's blend malibu compost is a great product.)

not only am i still using the same mix, i'm using the very same soil! they've been treated as no-till containers. same dirt in each ten gallon geo-pot as the first time i planted in them last summer. the only input added in the few hours between harvesting a full sized, fully mature plant and cutting a hole for a new 1/2 gallon transplant is few inches of home made kick ass worm castings and malted barley from the brewer's supply store. i'm very pleased with how well it's been functioning!

the home made worm castings really close the loop IMO. i add basalt, neem cake, crab shell, kelp meal, and a few handfuls of some aeration amendment to some nice compost and fill a big ass smart pot with it. then i add a bunch of worms and water it ocassionally so it doesn't dry out. in a couple months the worms have worked the whole thing a few times over, and you can screen the adults out, start a new bin, and you've got tons of the best worm castings you've ever seen at your disposal!

heady blunts

prescription blunts
fun stuff

here's that extra strength rosin sublingual i just described. i made it for the beyonce concert! ahhhhhhhhhh!!!! i worship bey in case you didn't know. the show. was. EVERYTHING.


a batch of my anointing oil (multi-use topical oil)


summer lip balm---coconut lime shea butter---yum!


canna, coffee, and chamomile under-eye rollers


this is really exciting, i've been testing out some cannabidiol distillates and crystals to see if they are effective in my formulations. initial tests are really promising! this is crystalline CBD derived from US grown type III CBD cultivars by an extractor in CO. i'm having my lab test it, but he sent me a lab report from another one of his clients that tested at 99.7% CBD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaa that's nuts right? shit is cray.


heady blunts

prescription blunts
mega was feelin generous and shared some of this glorious GG4 hash rosin budder he made with me. it was so good i had to take a pic.


i haven't been able to keep a close eye on my trim lately, and the quality has suffered a lot without my control-freak discipline. when it's not cured properly AND stored improperly, terpenes degrade, oils degrade, plant material degrades, and i end up with rosin that is less pretty and less delish than i'm satisfied with. that goes into the decarb pile haha! good thing i've been making all these topicals!

anyway i decided to gumby hash some old nugs i had laying around and make a little hash rosin of my own, to provide contrast to some of the greener trim rosin i've turned my nose up at recently.

it came out crazy looking! damn! i wish it didn't cause hashing the material first adds a lot of labor. this is why i am so nuts about how i handle my trim! it should squish out like this!


i love dabbing these perfect droplets


heady blunts

prescription blunts
a few flowers before i say goodnight?

CTOG finally back in the jar. i missed her so!


looked good before it even hit the jar


cut our first lazy lightning down. i can't wait to smoke her! she smells AMAZING!!!! lots of sour d on the nose, very lime! and GREASY as hell! we squished a few popcorn nugs with mega for an early sample. dabs so good they make your eyes roll back into your skull!


we tested one of the OGX x snowman girls we grew from genetic freaked's cross, another honor student! look at those high scores! not only that, but she's got a huge calyx to leaf ratio and she reeks of culinary herbs and dead teeth! yum!



ICMag Donor
You're thread makes me literally grin from cheek to cheek - the massive variety and top quality across all the various products is simply inspiring. :respect:

So you're just getting your first LL down? Wait till she dries up and more of her woodier haze notes come out...not that you've not had her already. ;)

For anyone curious - OGx is a plant that Genetic Freaked kept from a seed run of Ganja Rebels OG/Sour D x OG/Chem D - (or something like that, can't remember exactly) - but thus why he called it "OGx".



Active member
i'd itching to try infusing honey/agave/simple syrup with rosin but i haven't gotten around to it yet. if anyone has any experience infusing sugar candy without a carrier oil please chime in with any suggestions!

You can definitely make hard candy with little or no carrier oil if desired. What I normally do is mix the decarbed extract with the flavoring and food coloring and gently warm it while the sugar mixture is melting and coming to temperature of 300F. Remove it from the heat, when the temp drops to about 280, dump the extract/flavor/color mixture in and stir it up. My lazy ass has even decarbed the extract in the boiling sugar mixture, simply keeping the temps around 290 for 10 minutes before the final climb to 300. Don't get the flavor or color that hot though, youll get a real bitter flavor.

With that said, some of the loranns and other flavoring oils are in a soybean oil base already, not to mention its totally possible to add quite a bit of coconut oil to a hard candy without changing the texture or appearance (a la badkittysmiles). Ive done it both ways, and the presence of coconut oil definitely changes the way it hits. Without the oil its sets on more like a sublingual or alcohol based spray or something of that nature. Not as much of the first pass metabolism/11-HO-THC activity.

If you dont want to use any oil at all, you can just use heat and a tiny bit of ethanol to dissolve the extract, which will obviously cook right off when added to the molten candy. :rant:


Active member
not only am i still using the same mix, i'm using the very same soil! they've been treated as no-till containers. same dirt in each ten gallon geo-pot as the first time i planted in them last summer. the only input added in the few hours between harvesting a full sized, fully mature plant and cutting a hole for a new 1/2 gallon transplant is few inches of home made kick ass worm castings and malted barley from the brewer's supply store. i'm very pleased with how well it's been functioning!

the home made worm castings really close the loop IMO. i add basalt, neem cake, crab shell, kelp meal, and a few handfuls of some aeration amendment to some nice compost and fill a big ass smart pot with it. then i add a bunch of worms and water it ocassionally so it doesn't dry out. in a couple months the worms have worked the whole thing a few times over, and you can screen the adults out, start a new bin, and you've got tons of the best worm castings you've ever seen at your disposal!

Thats a great summary of the no till mindset and process, i guess i really need to get some bigger containers. the 5 gal buckets give me a couple rounds before they need to be recycled and reamended. All that mixing is for the birds!

heady blunts

prescription blunts
just repostin a few pics in the ol' thread.

some trim rosin.

cush x white lotus


birm's thunderstruck (ACDC s1)


CTOG (tahoe og s1)




i think this squish was CTOG


heady blunts

prescription blunts
<===[update continued]

first time growing out an elite. ECSD. she didn't disappoint. we had to take her down early so i'm sure she'll be even better next time.


we fucked up on backups for the MEDTREE rainmaker (ACDC x (apothecary OG x prohibition OG)) and were so bummed about it that we left the poor seedling plants hanging in the drying room for 3+ months completely neglected, untrimmed, and unjarred.

well last week my garden partner bumped into them and knocked a big nug off one. holy shit! it smelled great! it smoked even better!

goddamn these were so nice i'm super pissed we lost them. we've got one last pack in the vault but i think medtree discontinued the line, possibly because it's being worked into several other lines of his right now.

either way this shit is gorgeous to look at, great smoke, probably all woulda tested in the type ii range is my guess. sorry for the crappy lighting in the photo, but hope it gives a sense of how lovely these buds are. colorful too!



Active member
How long did the sours get to go? Looks like 8 or so weeks.

10 is my sweet spot, some like 11 weeks. Still awesome smoke. Wait until to squish some 10+ week sours. Definitely the peeps favorite.

Your rosin and nug Pics are inspirational. One of my co workers just asked me what I was wowing at.
Awesome thread Heady. I wanna hear what you think about the ecsd. All all these beautiful buds and rosin... man i wish we were neighbors..

heady blunts

prescription blunts
my guess is we prob took her down just before nine weeks.

my intention was to go eleven.

i'm surprised how potent she is even when chopped so early. makes me wonder what they do to the mersh SD to make it so weak sauce.


Heady, you're killing it!
Ive got a couple of questions about the amazing rosin pressing video...
How much trim went in?
How much rosin out?
how much time does the process take?
Thank You Heady! very inspiring.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
killin it bro.
whats an under eye roller?
your squish game is on point yo.