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Hazeolope on the Horizon



Preliminary Smoke Report on 1st Pheno

Preliminary Smoke Report on 1st Pheno

Kallen- Take care bro, and I can't wait to see you back doing it up big, till then good karma to you and yours. :smokeit:



-I will be sure to update later on with a proper smoke report on this pheno, after a good cure has taken place, but until then, here is a preliminary report-

Odor: Pre-cure, the odor of this pheno in the jar is a mellow mix of chocolate aromas with an oil/grease undertone. Overall is odor is pretty pleasant, though is far behind the other pheno's, imo.

Taste: The oil/grease are really the only scent's that come through in the taste for this pheno, as the chocolate aromas were not present at all. The burn is overall very smooth, though that is to be expected with a 2 week cure, and burns to a clean white ash.

Buzz: With the first hit of this pheno, you are hit with an immediate head rush, which carries just a touch of raciness with it, though not bad by any means. The second hit pushes the head high much further, giving at ample head, while a slow bit of body buzz begins to make itself apparent. With the third hit, I have started to feel the body buzz, and in a strange way it is like the two components of the high are competing, with the head high remaining the strongest of the two. Each successive hit seems to build up the head more and more, while the body component of the buzz seems to plateau around the 5-6th hit. Overall the buzz is quite nice for a morning toke, as it gets you a bit relaxed, while getting your mind ready to ready to complete any task with ease. The only downside I can see, is that if you don't smoke a lot all the time, the buzz could possibly come across as too speedy and confusing to a novice smoker.

*Note- test performed under controlled conditions with a sg gridded 4-arm straight.:smokeit:


Thanks a lot Justa, I am sure you will definitely find something awesome in there. Take care:smokeit:


Another Hazeolope Down at Day 76

Another Hazeolope Down at Day 76

Probably the highest yielding of the bunch, and she also carries that great g13/haze smell, she along with the other keeper will be revegged until sampling can take place of both.










Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Great report bro sounds like a great smoke, nice job on the grow that dried bud looks great m8
Stay safe


Thanks a lot Shaun, appreciate the kind words dude, take care and good karma to you and mel:smokeit:


Another Hazeolope Down at Day 77

Another Hazeolope Down at Day 77

Well, after going to check out the grow room this morning, I noticed that one of my hazeolope girls, the one with the couple seeds, was calling out to me that she was done. Rather she was yelling it at me, by the way she was standing.:smokeit:









Looks absolutely lovely, can't wait to taste hazeolope onday. I've experienced that kind of cat pissy smell and a buzz that got amplified but didn't change a lot with powerplant before, greenhouse's The Church also smelt a bit like that. So are the more chocoloupe or fruit skunk leaning phenos not that great smelling/tasting in comparison?


ArcticBlast- Thanks a lot bro:biggrin: Take care:smokeit:

dreadvik- thanks a lot dude, good to see you by again, how are your girls doing at the moment?

zdb- you know, to be honest, I am going to have to wait for the rest of the hazeolopes to come down, and get a decent cure, before I can make any real decisions on them. With the exception of one so far, which I don't care for the smell or taste one bit, but I will write more on that later, when I throw up some pics and a preliminary report.

NellaK- Great to see you back dude, and yeah the girl tried her best to hold up under pressure, but in the end it was just too much:booked: Take care bro:biggrin:

oregon_guy- Hey dude, good to see you, I will have to drop by, and check out those O*Hazes of yours. Not so much scissor hash off these girls, pretty resilient trichs. Take care dude:smokeit:


Thanks a lot Sleepy, be sure to stay tuned though, because there are still 2 girls that need to come down, with two of them getting the chop tomorrow. Take care dude.:biggrin:


Cut down at day 83

Cut down at day 83

Well, earlier today two more hazeolopes were pulled, after a very long flush, leaving just one girl left standing, which I am thinking will be left to hit day 85-90:biggrin: Unfortunately I am not feeling all the great at the moment, so I will just put up some quick shots, but you can believe I will post a much more detailed pre-cure report and some pics.

First Girl

Second girl

Take care everyone, good night and good karma:biggrin::smokeit:

Retardo Motabon

ICMag Donor
Wicked looking herbs! Get your rest buddy, we need you tip top so we can see more of your wonderful herb shots!:biggrin:


Don't drink and drive home, Smoke dope and fly hom
ICMag Donor
Wow Seismic they look fantastic bro you have done a great job with those thats for sure
They look nice and fat'n'chunky packed with resin i can almost smell em from here

Nice work on this cross OJD

Stay safe bro


Retardo Motabon- Thanks a lot bro, its been a bit hard getting rest, but I made some edibles a couple days ago, and they are helping a little bit. Take care bro, and talk to ya soon.:smokeit:

Doobieduck- Thanks for dropping in DD, its always an honor, as I really enjoy your photography dude. Take care and stop by anytime:biggrin:

shaunmulok- Thanks a lot dude, I am definitely still surprised at how much these girls grew and chunked out considering the ultra low veg time, and small pots. I would love to see what the girls would be able to do outdoors, given the amount of light, and that they would actually have some root space. Take care dude, its always to good to see you man, good wishes to you and mel.:smokeit: