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Hazed starting over! Time to convert? Help!


Active member
if the plants are soft and "leggy" Hit em with Cal Mag in a foliar application! it helps harden stems and make em healthier... also a Potassium Silicate product would also help, but thats for the roots zone.... don't think anyone advises to foliar Silicates...?? anyway, the vert is looking very good :yes:

silver hawaiian

Active member
if the plants are soft and "leggy" Hit em with Cal Mag in a foliar application! it helps harden stems and make em healthier... also a Potassium Silicate product would also help, but thats for the roots zone.... don't think anyone advises to foliar Silicates...?? anyway, the vert is looking very good :yes:

Funny you mention that - The back of the bottle of ProTeKt suggests using it as a spreader..?

Dunno. .. ?



Botanicare`s "Silicablast"/potassium silicate @ 5 ml per gal was in my juice from the get when I started havin limbs snap left and right under their own weight on my first krusty bucket runs almost 20 yrs ago.....

Hardens stemwalls up guaranteed.....now....Your drawing looks good except the lungroom in the middle won`t take care of 2 rooms at a time with lights on simultaneously without major air exchange and a/c Bro , so just remember less dialed rooms are better than more undialed one`s....and....

With each bloom room yas need as much sq ftg for lung area to not replace bad air back into the grow area too fast.....and also....

Yas need a pre-veg area with T-5`s to harden off fully rooted cuts to the point yas can just put em in each fliproom and keep em runnin 12/12 constantly /perpetually......

NEVER veg in your fliprooms cuz it fucks up rotations.....Yas want each room a month or so apart in age so each room will harvey every month or so strain dependent.......then it`s .....

Simple.....Babyshit....Get ta work my buddy......Holler if I can help .....



"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
What if you made the height of the flower chambers lower, and allowed for the space above to give you the cubic footage needed for your lung room. I have something very similar planned for my new site, just thinking out loud...


Tom 'Green' Thumb
With heat rising it might cause the rooms to be hot? I've never used the space above but it sounds logical, but I could be wrong. Anyone else care to comment?



if the plants are soft and "leggy" Hit em with Cal Mag in a foliar application! it helps harden stems and make em healthier... also a Potassium Silicate product would also help, but thats for the roots zone.... don't think anyone advises to foliar Silicates...?? anyway, the vert is looking very good :yes:
Im sorry bro, what I meant was the stems havent gotten woody yet, like they do at the end of stretch.
Does AN conni have enough ca for coco? My water is like 59ppm
and if I go much over 400 ppm I start getting tip burn. The plants are nice and dark green, I actually had to taper down a tad on the ppm's last week.
That room drinks 12 gallons a day right now.
Im using AN conni a-b, bud x (mag) protek silica, and drip clean. at 400ppm.

Just caught up. :good:

Impressive reboot Hazed! Like a phoenix from the ashes..

Thanks for the kind words glad to see you here bro!

Funny you mention that - The back of the bottle of ProTeKt suggests using it as a spreader..?

Dunno. .. ?
Lol, you just made me actually read the label on the stuff I have. Grotek says nothing about it, so I mixed up some spray for around the building. This stuff seems to work like a spreader, cool!

Botanicare`s "Silicablast"/potassium silicate @ 5 ml per gal was in my juice from the get when I started havin limbs snap left and right under their own weight on my first krusty bucket runs almost 20 yrs ago.....

Hardens stemwalls up guaranteed.....now....Your drawing looks good except the lungroom in the middle won`t take care of 2 rooms at a time with lights on simultaneously without major air exchange and a/c Bro , so just remember less dialed rooms are better than more undialed one`s....and....

With each bloom room yas need as much sq ftg for lung area to not replace bad air back into the grow area too fast.....and also....

Yas need a pre-veg area with T-5`s to harden off fully rooted cuts to the point yas can just put em in each fliproom and keep em runnin 12/12 constantly /perpetually......

NEVER veg in your fliprooms cuz it fucks up rotations.....Yas want each room a month or so apart in age so each room will harvey every month or so strain dependent.......then it`s .....

Simple.....Babyshit....Get ta work my buddy......Holler if I can help .....

Yeah and I walked right past the protek and botanicare products and grabbed this crap, lol. Im just no good without weed!

~Part time job just turned into full time and my boss is a stoner, so life is good!~

How about this idea,
The front rooms will have passive intake from that front wall, so that air will have to run under the util/rez in vent pipes, then up the wall and dump onto the grow. Heat will exhaust into the attic space and will be vented from the shops gable end.

The two rooms in the back will have the same exhaust setup, but will use passive intake from the lung room. Those two rooms will have alternate photo periods and ballasts will flip with the front rooms.
Honestly, I will be happy just getting one side together for the winter.
Uh, I plan to use one room for sativas, you know I didn't come by this name dishonestly,lol.
Thank you, I will probably be bugging you with pm's when the time comes...

What if you made the height of the flower chambers lower, and allowed for the space above to give you the cubic footage needed for your lung room. I have something very similar planned for my new site, just thinking out loud...

Well Im hearing ya bro!
Hmm, how about a raised floor? Open the door to the room and either step up to check the outside of the grow, or move the steps and crawl into the center of the grow.
Could use that space to pull cool air into the center of the grow or close it off in the winter to conserve heat too?

With heat rising it might cause the rooms to be hot? I've never used the space above but it sounds logical, but I could be wrong. Anyone else care to comment?


Thanks for stopping in man! Good point, and thank you for mentioning that!
If I raised the floor 3' then I would have 7', so with pots and leaving a foot up top then that doesn't give me enough room to go two rows high with a doughnut does it?

Im thinking TGT has a point. I might be getting to close to the ceiling.
Got a lot of figuring to do, right after this bowl!

Thanks for the help guys. Keep the ideas rollin!
BTW, Starting to smell good in the flower room!:biggrin:

silver hawaiian

Active member
ProTeKt 2.5ml/gal

I love this place Hazed

My kinda joint - anything I can do to help? Shovel some stuff? Wash a few containers?


"I'm not a pezzamist, I am an optometrist"
ProTeKt 2.5ml/gal

I love this place Hazed

My kinda joint - anything I can do to help? Shovel some stuff? Wash a few containers?
My bottle of ProTekt has a foliar application listed as one of the uses. I believe someone was asking about foliar feeding the silica...


ProTeKt 2.5ml/gal

I love this place Hazed

My kinda joint - anything I can do to help? Shovel some stuff? Wash a few containers?

Thanks SH! That should raise the ph a tad also, which couldn't hurt!
Show up 12-21-12, we are having an "end of the world" party!:biggrin:


4.5 weeks 12/12

4.5 weeks 12/12

I have been adding the silicate product to the nutes and am thinking its a little to late to be spraying stuff on the plants.? The THCB is real susceptible to bud rot.

Im working on getting enough veg plants together to at least mono crop one weed doughnut but also have a chemdog IBL, Deep Sweet Grapefruit, Liberty Haze, and Master Kush pheno hunt from clones coming up and will likely end up with a mixed scrog again.

Gonna pop 10 Sweetest Sativa, 5 Skunkman Sam's mixed Skunk X's and 5 Zamaldelicata beans soon, and start workin on head stash.
Got a few pics this morning;

The scrog is about 2' above the screen, Stems are hardening, got some more thinning and trimming work to do on it tonight!
The more developed plant at the bottom of the first pic is that Hindu Kush #15, that plant is an animal.



Fuckin critters........Kill em all and let God sort em out......

Good luck....DHF.....:ying:...........

Ichabod Crane

Well-known member
And so Mites... Dead Mites... Blah Blah...Lol.

Turn your exhaust fan off at night and throw three or four Hot Shot No Pest Strips on your floor fan over night. Then turn on your exhaust fans when your lights come back on. Do this and it will knock them back till harvest. May not eliminate them but will reduce the loss with out hurting the buds.

Water this room last after all your veg and clone plants. Treat these plants the best way you can to eliminate them.


Fuckin critters........Kill em all and let God sort em out......

Good luck....DHF.....:ying:...........
Hey I been battling stink bugs for the past month. Didnt know stink bugs would kill plants until I started to notice yellow spots on the leaves of my veg plants.
The stink bugs suck out juice from under the leaves, and leave some toxic sht in the plant tissue. I killed every last one of those fkrs though!
Mites done already had judgement day, lol, probably got sent back to me!
Good to hear from you man!

Turn your exhaust fan off at night and throw three or four Hot Shot No Pest Strips on your floor fan over night. Then turn on your exhaust fans when your lights come back on. Do this and it will knock them back till harvest. May not eliminate them but will reduce the loss with out hurting the buds.

Water this room last after all your veg and clone plants. Treat these plants the best way you can to eliminate them.

High IC!
Thats just what I did, about 4 days ago. Also sprayed the perimeter with bayer advanced, I think I got em.

A few weeks ago I went quail hunting, came back and realized I forgot to empty the dehuey. Walked my stupid ass into the room and must have brushed one plant with my pant leg.

Could only find mites on that one plant, and they were just on a few lower leaves. About time I had some good luck for a change.

Been working crazy hrs and driving 3 hrs there and back. Thanks for helpin out bros, I will catchup with ya all this weekend and post a couple pics. Take care...Hazed


Awesome dead mites.:dance013::dance013:
:woohoo: Ya thanks for comin to my rescue! I never had it this easy. Got lucky and just happened to see them on a leaf with that 1k bare bulb shinin through when I was watering. Keepin a watchful eye on sht now!

Those are the only kind I like :biggrin:
Yeah you and me both. Anything but smoked, lol, smoked tastes shty!

So I been runnin an old magnetic ballast on the scrog, and a nice new digital ballast in the doughnut.
Would it be a bad idea to switch the two?
Reason I ask, the scrog looks like it could use a little more light , and the 4' dougnut is actually getting fans bleached pretty good.

I think I can tell that digital is throwin out more light just lookin at it with welding goggles (dont own a light meter).

Im really impressed with this vert grow, thanks for draggin me to the deep end, everyone!
The plants look like theyre gonna put out pretty good!
Got chunky buds on everyone, so no fat colas to get moldy, got my fingers crossed on this fuckin grow, I am not able to provide a whole lot of fresh air!

One more week till I can afford to start building some decent grow rooms. Hope your all having success! Take care...Hazed

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