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going to take/dry/smoke her...she is still quite luscious & could flower on, but my instinct is say "fare thee well my honey" ... i'm not really all that upset about it as i know she got a fair shake & i learned a bit more about sativa gardening in the process

"and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make"



"and in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make"

This is very true brother and ive enjoyed watching her grow. Like this one, i enjoy cannabis plants, over winter have some time and no pressures of seed making so its great just being able to see this little one flowering away, lol, like her a lot.

Be interested just as much in the smoke report to bro.

Peace, hhf
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Nice photos Axiom, like them and looks good.

Spring is nearly upon us here, time to go to work, potato's are in and it is time for a new round with the Haze. This year will be all about finding those 1%er Males, nothing less will do. So round one with the germinations..We will also be planting directly to ground in other gardens and locations and seeing what we can find deep down in this line. Others will be selecting females in their gardens, but here it is a year of males.

Round one..

And a little Thai x Haze cross...very, very vigorous this one.

peace, hhf
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i'll help look for and preserve male haze if you want...i know you don't need any help.but thought i might just ask anyway :yummy:



i'll help look for and preserve male haze if you want...i know you don't need any help.but thought i might just ask anyway

Concentrate on selecting the females that work well all round for you brother. We can then share some of the male pollen we have from selections with all other growers with exceptional females, as we will make a mix of pollen fromm good males as well as selected individuals. Identifying the 1%er females would be a great help..

Peace, hhf