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Crazy X Seeds Breeder
HHF,i've just recieved a pack of your F1 CG x CG and heirloom Haze, i'll be getting them on the go in the next 2 or so weeks with a bit of luck and spare space and i'll hopefully be working with them if i can find a good M and/or F of each.
I can't wait to get them on the go.




i've just recieved a pack of your F1 CG x CG and heirloom Haze, i'll be getting them on the go in the next 2 or so weeks with a bit of luck and spare space and i'll hopefully be working with them if i can find a good M and/or F of each.
I can't wait to get them on the go.

Hola MJMat,

Cool brother, make sure you come back and post some shots in the thread here. Im just starting a few seeds for this years explorations so be great to see some of those plant to amigo!

Peace, hhf


thx all ... docleaf .. i want you to know that i respect the plant greatly ... as a general rule i am a "light" feeder of nutrients ... i try to give them what they need & no more then that ... in the begining actually under fed her ... she just does not like to skip a meal when only in a 5 gallon container...

hhf ... thank you for letting me hang out as i want to be a haze man too :yummy: but i need to learn how ... i will keep up dates posted right here in this thread ... peace~nexus~


interesting to note that a bunch of strains (including this female) were triggered to flower @ the same time ... couple months later & some of them are ripe and gone & most are nearly done, but the haze is just really getting going ... nice to see her put on weight ... she is going to take her sweet time ~peace~nexus~


interesting to note that a bunch of strains (including this female) were triggered to flower @ the same time ... couple months later & some of them are ripe and gone & most are nearly done, but the haze is just really getting going ... nice to see her put on weight ... she is going to take her sweet time ~peace~nexus~

This is the equatorial genetics from the haze in her amigo, used to being under 12/12 or thereabouts from birth. As Raco says, introducing a pure Colombian that has been maintained pure in equatorial conditions increases flowering time even further, taking more back to her roots after acclimatisation in California.

The Equatorials are very slow to react to flowering effectively, outdoors even our NLxHaze cross will only begin to flower in early October, a pure NL is down and dried by then here.

Peace, hhf


Active member
Nice thread guys.
I love haze!
I am looking for a Haze for breeding.
I'm after that real skunky spice taste and smell.
No fruit at all if possible.
What do you guys recommend?


Hola HHF, first batch is in the soak, plan on runnin um from cuts, so be a bit before they hit flowerin, but ill update with pics in veg before toppin for cuts.

THOHaze has started showin sex(50%) 4 fems/one male and 5 left to sex within 2wks under 11/13.

the first 5 to sex, i left a few branches on um, the other 5 i cut back real close to the stem, and they need a bit more vegatation, before they show there sex. did this just to see what stretch(guagein for a 4ft ceilin) i would see between a plant with a few mature branches, and one with no branchin at the start of flower.

been tryin to get a good handle supercroppin these plants to have a plant that is gonna finish @ 32 inches or less. a finished Haze at less then 4ft......think it can happen?

thanks again bro, very much appreciated.


muddy waters

Active member
man what beauts hhf. stuff to be proud of for sure. a couple ?s if you don't mind-

when you say 18-20 weeks indoors that's from germ? how long do you think they'd take if they went under 11/13 from the beginning?

do you decrease the nitrogen they get at a certain point?

does their smell permeate the premises?

any idea how they'd do hydro or bioponic?

thanks for sharing


Hola HHF, first batch is in the soak, plan on runnin um from cuts, so be a bit before they hit flowerin, but ill update with pics in veg before toppin for cuts.

High Bro,

Wooot! that is great news.

THOHaze has started showin sex(50%) 4 fems/one male and 5 left to sex within 2wks under 11/13.

Cool that's fast! That line really appears to respond well to the 11-13 lighting. Im looking forward to seeing our line under those conditions, and the combination of them both. I like Tom's line. It looks very good to me, best of them out there and pretty much the Thai side as opposed to (what i think) is this lines Colombian dominant side, we will know a lot more when you compare them. So very interesting indeed.
the first 5 to sex, i left a few branches on um, the other 5 i cut back real close to the stem, and they need a bit more vegatation, before they show there sex. did this just to see what stretch(guagein for a 4ft ceilin) i would see between a plant with a few mature branches, and one with no branchin at the start of flower.
Good ideas. Thanks for sharing this bro, lots of work and understanding i think still to be had on these for indoors and how we get the best of pure Haze indoors. So thanks for sharing the experiments here amigo. Be great to keep this a 'Haze growers' thread. Lets explore them together..

been tryin to get a good handle supercroppin these plants to have a plant that is gonna finish @ 32 inches or less. a finished Haze at less then 4ft......think it can happen?
I think it can happen and if we find a way of doing it sure many of those lessons will apply to others growing indoors. As there is not many set ups that will allow these to run wild indoors.

Have you ever tried to take clones in 12-12 with these? this might help to keep them small. Its not the physical size of the plant i have found that matters as much as the size of the root system. If your can take them into flower early and use bending and training this i think is the best bet from what ive see so far, when they are real young brutal training is possible, 90 degree bends easy. I would go for a horizontal grow, training the main stem right down to the floor if you can. They are very flexible. I think the leaders off the main stem would then grow upwards and finish about 2ft.

Ive not used the supercropping technique with these, or anything else apart from TW. I think this could also work, it is for sure worth a try. Go for it, lets see. It does stop the main growth tip shooting for sure. However, these will develop just as big branches as soon as you do that and you may need to be over them daily to make sure you get all the tips cropped. Ive noticed with the pure Sats and especially these types with very thin stems that they take a long time to recover from bending and stem pinching. I think you may end up having to use a combination of all these techniques. Like supercropping to the main stem, training to get it down low and then pinching or bending the leaders that come up. Especially the first few branches. They are very resilient to training and will be fine.

Another thing i noticed was that if i repot them to a very large pot, jumping a normal repot from clone this stunts them, they tend to stall in growth and fill the pot with roots before growing up again, can stall and slow growth rates for a couple of weeks in the grow. It does not effect yeilds as the plant has more resources once it has got sufficient root development, so tends to really 'bloom' later when in heavy flower. This might be something to experiment with. Im thinking cuts rooted on 12's and then into a first pot, then into a much larger pot as she starts to flower. I did this after trying root trimming.
thanks again bro, very much appreciated.

No more thanks are needed amigo, it genuinely is my pleasure seeing them shared and loved.

when you say 18-20 weeks indoors that's from germ? how long do you think they'd take if they went under 11/13 from the beginning?

I think circa 18 weeks from rooted clones..dont honestly know the answer to the question Muddy. Have not grown them under that light regime indoors. In fact be interesting to see how these respond to that.

do you decrease the nitrogen they get at a certain point?

I do not increase Nitrogen at all during the grow. I am not good to advise on the ferts to use, that is something to experiment with too, I make my own ferts, using nettles and alfalfa during veg if i need it and comfrey based flowering ferts. Ive found that with more available Nitrogen to pure Sats they will flower longer and start to shoot more at the tips and in the flowers. So i tend to steer well clear of any N during flower.

does their smell permeate the premises?

No, they are not particulary 'smelly' at all. In fact the smells are quite unusual, nothing like the dense smells of modern hybrids. No skunky type strong smells at all. Think delicate flower types.
any idea how they'd do hydro or bioponic?

Ive found all pure Sats and Heirlooms that have been created and maintained organically struggle in hydro, mostly due to PH imbalances. This they do not like at all. I am sure there are hydro growers who can master these indoors, however i would not recomend this line for that. BioPonic is to me the same. PH imbalances occur frequently. Soil based solutions are i think they best way with the Heirlooms.

Thanks for dropping in guys!

Peace, hhf


Farmer John said:
Ah, I just love hazes...beautiful plants guys..

deres a Haze grower that can make dem colas dance:D

hola FJ, hows the weather:D



muddy waters said:
when you say 18-20 weeks indoors that's from germ? how long do you think they'd take if they went under 11/13 from the beginning?

18 to 20 weeks flowerin Muddy, does not include a veg. IME, flowerin from sprout, just doesnt give the plant time to develope a good rootball. i think the trick indoors is extreme cuttin back of the plants in veg (any straight sativa imo)

with Haze, you will see plants flip under 12/12, and some that continue to veg. my OP has been under 11/13 and 10/14 for well over a year just for sativas. the cuts i rotate in with the long flowerin plants do just fine, and i do notice a few that produce a larger bud under the equatorial flowerin schedules.

sativas also will seem to never finish under 12/12, they just keep goin, when doin a equatorial sativa, i find it finishes much better when movin the lightin schedule durin flowerin. endin with 10/14.

do you decrease the nitrogen they get at a certain point?

straight sativas tend to be somewhat finicky with nutes. as they go so long, there are times when they draw alot of nutes and other times seems they need none, its a balancin act to bring a 20 week plant in nice and healthy(green)

with Haze, i use a 1/2 of the recommended dose, and skip a normal feedin in veg. so if im feedin every 3rd waterin, with Haze i feed every 4th waterin.

once they hit flowerin, i use 1/4 dose veg nutes untill they settle into flowerin, watch the lower fans, for deficiencys and adjust as required. keep in mind when you upcan, they have plenty in the soil, so no nutes till you see they have gobbled up the new soil.

once the stretch is over, i begin flowerin nutes, nute till 2 wks before finish, and then plain water.

ima dirt farmer so cant help ya with hydro, from what ive seen from hydro grows id imagine they would be just huge.



ICMag Donor
most 'Haze' cultivar can be flowered at between 0-14 days
sativa are an equitorial species
flowered early in soil they produce healthy root systems.
indoor sativa like large substrates of soil/cube
indoor sativa dislike overfeeding.
treat them mean and keep them keen.

dLeaf :joint:
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those ladies are very pretty hothouse.

take care and stay safe, WOLF