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Hola Axiom

Welcome amigo, great to see you and your babies!

Thanks for sharing!!

Peace, hhf


Hola axiom,

Muito bonita flores, thanks for sharing..keep the pics coming bro, love to see them.

Peace, hhf


Hola Amigo's

Well really warm and sunny day here today, feel for you brothers deep under the snows. Days are lengthening noticeably no here, starting to get a lot more sunny so sprouting time for sure..got a lot of the Hazes up already and doing another wave soon when the moon is right.

Here is a little update on that CGxHaze that has made it through winter in the tunnel and is appearing happy now in flower. Will have to use the darkening system to finish this one and maintain 11 hrs light.

Really exciting time for me this time of year..

Peace, hhf

Nice colours and delicate forms..

Very pretty purple traits carried over from the Haze males..



Skunk 89 (cheese) x Haze, grown indoor by a friend, day 58.

Peace, hhf

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looks good. I just got tom hills pure haze. Hope they purple up like yours.
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only wish i could come lend a hand,or a leg.. have shovel~will travel :wink:



putting on weight & ~slowly~ maturing...she is also displaying some hermaphroditic tendencies



putting on weight & ~slowly~ maturing...she is also displaying some hermaphroditic tendencies

Heh Bro,

Shame about the Hermie traits..what week you at now? lost track with the in and out.

Peace, hhf


@ 11 weeks & there is a situation that requires a decision , the problem is thus > yellow male pollen pods ... this sativa is a very very impressive female, and i've showered her with loving care (despite the fact that she reeks like dog poop) ... she is slightly hermetic and i do not seem to have any control over what she wants to do ... the buds are outstanding and getting heavier by the day, but each day they get more contaminated with bananas... i am tempted to gently sacrifice her in lieu of better genetics from a benefactor ... i'll try to get up a pic so some of the experienced haze gardeners can give an opinion if he(or she) would care too


Active member
I'd pull em off.
Most likely it's from something you are doing.
But it could be genetic being a Haze.
Let the experts answer for ya.


Its COOL to DROOL!!!!!!
yea jsut tweez em off not big deal really if you spot em and catch most of em youll be fine, i think i already see seeds tho..if so its very late..but seeded buds arent bad at all!!


Hi Axiom,

Shame..got much worse huh, looks like they have been coming for a couple of weeks, as you have some seeds in there it looks. As it is in the latter stages of flower it try to tweezer them off and manage a bit longer. Unless you have anything else in there to protect.

Its possibly environmental, but would suggest its genetics at this later stage, not uncommon with the sats to push out some nanas at the end, some say sign of a strong plant.

Shame bro, was looking mighty fine up to now...

Peace, hhf