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Haze lighting question.....


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
I urge anyone that is into Haze history to research and carefully read what all sides said.

Sam has very publicly called out Neville as a liar and a thief, period. Until Neville himself crawls out from under his rock and answers these accusations, they stand firm. I understand it would be convenient for many if this was left alone, or swept under the carpet,,, don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen.



Well-known member
sup brotha

Haze'C' is still a haze plant and its made from pure Haze x pure Haze so its only natural to see Colombian expression from this plant as well as see some Thai expression from Haze'A' , the Col x Thai genes have been mixed up and both sides are expressed more or less in all haze plants.

very well put ,this is wat i was thinkin myself makes perfect sense that both expressions can be present

so this also goes for mh which can show both expression as reported fruity/spicy

good point as too the was nn not is the best pot i remember that convo he also said that afghani #1 was the most knockout

bout that sk/hz
hopfully daddy shines threw as she looks sat dom more thin leaf type

is it true wen hz is da male it dominates more in crosses ?



Active member
Hi all

hey bigherb,

doing well mate , just came back from a nice walk in the woods , so refreshing.

"is it true wen hz is da male it dominates more in crosses ?"

Well I m not a breeder myself , I ve only made few crosses and I mosty grow for myself and look for and work with local landrace genetics and try to preserve them..
I ve been doing quite some reading on breeding though..so I have a basic idea on different breeding methods. I ve also collected posts from breeders with info on breeding of their lines here is what Shanti has posted about Haze:

hempy said:
"Shanti can i ask you what do you mean by the NH dad being ( its female expression ) I gess curiosety has the better of me lol .."
Shantibaba said:
"Hi Hempy
what I was talking about to do with the female expression of the haze(considering it is a male haze) is mainly describing the effects of this 100% haze male when breed and how it comes out in expression of the female plant of that breed. Considering this male goes back to 69 and nearly everything that has the haze label mixed into its genetics is a result of this single male plant...of course I am talking about seeds breed in Holland in the 80s and 90s by various seed companies but not all."

Shantibaba said:
''Should Haze be used on the male side only?_or does it matter.''

-''Well again it depends upon what you are wanting to achieve. I use the pure Haze male line for any seed I produce with a haze. But actually sometimes if you have bred with one pure haze and then bred it to another pure haze the combination that are produced can be far more better than sticking to a single haze male. It goes somewhat similar to horse breeding. Get a few charts of well bred thoroughbreds and study the male influence. If a male from generation combines with a male with the same blood line in say two or three generations later the results can be almost magical.''

Here is what a mns forum member posted on the above Shantis post:

" http://www.cyberhorse.net/hotlinks/index.php?REGNAMNABREV=REDBUDSRAMBLINGSLIMTWH
It's a pedigree for some random horse. On the far right are the horse's great-great grandparents, and on the far left are the horse's parents. The father seems to be listed on the top. For this horse (RedBudRamblingSlim TWH), the same great great grandfather (MerryBoy) appears 2 times on his mother's side, and once on the father's side. I looked through some other horses, and they also seem to have certain great-great grandparent and great grandparent males repeated/reconnected."

Unfortunately the link doesn't seem to work anymore but you can look for similar charts online and study things.


secretion engineer
ICMag Donor
If I don´t remember bad,Sam said he uses Haze females in crosses...

the results more predictable? :chin:


Well-known member
good to hear
ikno wat u mean i lov da outdoors sucks there no woods round here i go for a run on the beach is my closest settin to mother nature

thx for ur knowledge n these quoted post r appreciated

If a male from generation combines with a male with the same blood line in say two or three generations later the results can be almost magical.''

so can this be referred to 4 ssh line caz both both male hzc were used in the parent crosses

hows it goin bro
thx for that scoop is this also ur experience

If I don´t remember bad,Sam said he uses Haze females in crosses...

the results more predictable?

also interstin considerin haze mist tho not many reports n thunk has great reviews

how bout the titans haze ssh mh nh which use the male hazes g13haze all legends
ive seen som crosses were the hz was male in da X nn it seem to just shine threw



Active member
Hiya Raco,
Raco said:
If I don´t remember bad,Sam said he uses Haze females in crosses...

the results more predictable?
Yes I believe with female Haze plants it would be easier to breed with , esp when it comes to an unstable line like Haze is , the results would probably be more predictable as you said yourself.

I think Neville/Shanti did some very nice work with their Haze hybrids' breeding (SSH,MH,NH etc), they obviously knew what they were doing back then with their males.. ;)
the results speak for themselves..

And I 'll say it again..Nev was not just a clever seed seller but he did work with Haze seeds and he did real breeding work before he ended up with his successful lines.


bigherb said:
"so can this be referred to 4 ssh line caz both both male hzc were used in the parent crosses "

No , I think this refers to NH and MH as these 2 lines use both Haze A male as well as the Haze C male. SSH according to Shanti has only Haze C male .

Shantibaba said:
If a male from generation combines with a male with the same blood line in say two or three generations later the results can be almost magical. "
From what I understand from Shantis post is that if you combine a male plant with another male plant both from the same blood line in say after two or three generations the results can be surprisingly good. So if I understand things correctly he refers to 2 different male plants but these come from the same line.


Well-known member
much thx

So if I understand things correctly he refers to 2 different male plants but these come from the same line.

haze A haze c n r both created from the same bloodlines
as you said depenin on selection of hz diff expression show

the ssh uses [SK#1Haze'C'] x [NL#5Haze'C'] same male possibly diff expression as stated the nl#5hz is spicy peppery nn sk#1hz was neva released

soo im wonderin 2 males were used wit da same bloodline it still dont qualify

another note is that the g13haze male is still being recognized as one of the best breeding males around since wat 88

wen is that o.haze of da new school thread gettin started



Active member

"So if I understand things correctly he refers to 2 different male plants but these come from the same line."Yes you understand correctly.

"the ssh uses [SK#1Haze'C'] x [NL#5Haze'C'] same male possibly diff expression as stated the nl#5hz is spicy peppery nn sk#1hz was neva released

soo im wonderin 2 males were used wit da same bloodline it still dont qualify

Yes SSH doesn't 'qualify' , as it uses only one pure Haze male (eventhough its bred in both its parents). NH & MH are using both pure Haze males though so these do 'qualify'.

"wen is that o.haze of da new school thread gettin started "

As you said and I agree with dubi its time to try and make some new 'Haze' lines , before most great pure sativa lines get hybridized or lost.. Too bad the illegal status of cannabis is far from helping..

With the help of new technologies, internet and all the knowledge available today it theoretically should be much easier to achieve similar results to what the Haze Bros did back in the old days.
I m sure there are still great lines out there..too bad almost every breeder out there nowadays doesn't even bother with collecting/working with landrace genetics.. Seems most don't even want to do 'real breeding' anymore..feminized seed production seems to be the new trend..and so many companies have even stopped making regular seeds..its a real pity if you ask me..I m not against feminized seeds , they have their uses and I have grown some fem lines myself , but breeding is not one of them imho..esp if not done properly with lots and lots of testing.. Anyway I hope and believe there are still enough passionate people out there that can and do make some nice work with landrace genetics , preserving them or breeding with them to create new lines , and I have great respect for them.


Well-known member
Yes SSH doesn't 'qualify' , as it uses only one pure Haze male (eventhough its bred in both its parents). NH & MH are using both pure Haze males though so these

fully understood 2 diff males only qualify

As you said and I agree with dubi its time to try and make some new 'Haze' lines , before most great pure sativa lines get hybridized or lost..

it seems ace seeds n team reef r som of the only stand up guys contributin to this philosiphy currently much thx too them both and all who spread and preserve

With the help of new technologies, internet and all the knowledge available today it theoretically should be much easier to achieve similar results to what the Haze Bros did back in the old days

if it was only that easy ,we dont hav the traditional imports from yesteryear nor the ability to select the cream of the crop from large selection

we be lucky to hav a hanful of the original genetics available to hb at that time
colombian wacky weed, smcg, apg,highland oaxaca gold, golden thai, highland thai just to name a few

as you said out there but dont seem available



Active member
Yes bigherb ,

thats one of the reasons I really like the ACE , I don't know about reef , I 've never really looked into his lines to be honest so can't really comment.


hi all i havent read all of it but bottom lines this for it to be haze it had to of come from the sourse meaning haze brothers and only 2 breeders got it being neville and sam.

The mr nice line is diffrent to sams you only need to ask those that have grown oh and those that have grown nh and it has nothing to do with nh haveing some nl5 in it trust me i have grown nh and it grew like i would expect a pure sat to act.

There orthenticity is not in question both worked with real haze.

Im not going to even quote sam or shanti i know what neville collected was not wat sam has and both the A and C haze that was selected came from the same haze line and if you think a breeder like neville or shanti would not back up there perent lines think agine they still have pure haze.

The fact is no sativa can be called haze unless its the hybrid from the haze brothers wich had diffrent combinations threw the years in short they x there best sativas to make seeds thus creating haze and each year the line changed as they were not breeders but just growers and made seed for each crop and they struck gold.

Do any of you rember haze in the 70s ? Im woundering becouse i never heard the term haze untill i joined the on line community but i rember this mj in the 70s that was called tripping weed here and i belive it was haze why well at the time we were also getting lids of acupulco gold and other intresting lines like african black and so on.

The tripping weed i belive was haze looked like complet shit no real flower form to it more like airy stringy leaf flower yet it went for $20 a small coin bag and an oz bag almost full of very good seedles sativa would sell for $25 the tripping weed i smoked was just like the madness and what i found nh to be.

Any way back to the post topic haze or sativas dont like to much lite in flower if you give them to much intecity in flower your flowers will remain very airy and even look like there in a semi veg state best move the haze lines or sats to the outter of the space in short further away from lite in flower but in veg give them as much as you like.


Well-known member
sup brotha

thank for droppin in nn enlightening us

hi all i havent read all of it but bottom lines this for it to be haze it had to of come from the sourse meaning haze brothers and only 2 breeders got it being neville and sam.

agreed ,but how bout reeferman

id lov to kno wat is ur description of haze bros haze ?

There orthenticity is not in question both worked with real haze

im very interested too kno which is a closer representation too the legend we all hav heard growin up ,caz it seems nev by a long shot

im more interested in nev's line for many reasons as l33t quoted it seems sams admitts his o.haze is gone



Active member
Hiya hempy
thank you for your input mate.I don't think there is anyone that doubts really that Sam & Nev have both real Haze Bros Haze.If you read the previous pages you 'll see the discussion is on more focused on other things like acquisition of Haze genetics,persons and dates as well as inaccuracies on both sides' stories. Regarding the Haze name itself..yes people that were there back then in the US should be able to tell us if the term/name Haze was used pre HazeBros. Like I wrote in a previous post,if it was used..all people are free to use the haze term.If it wasn't..then people that sell 'Haze' lines that don't come from and can't be traced back to the Haze Bros should simply not be using the name in order to not mislead customers and avoid any confusion.BTW Sam seems to believe that Haze was not a generic term and wasn't used back then..the Bros were the first to use it according to him.
Sam_Skunkman said:
"A pure Sativa that smelled like Skunk? California Communes growing Skunk in the early 60's?Haze a generic name? BOEL grew very small amounts of weed, mostly in Hawaii.The name Original Haze was made up by R.L. around 1970, I made up the Skunk #1 name."
Regarding indoor Haze flowering and lighting.. I know well what you mean about the undesirable re-veg/foxtailing effect/fluffier flower growth that seems to appear when plants are placed way too close to the light and/or right under the HIDs.As I 've said in before,I don't really believe that its the intense light itself they seem to 'hate' , causing the bad effect ,imo its the very high radiant heat levels from the HID's or the combination of the two.

Sativas/hazes do like high light levels and surely grow fine even under very strong light.Afterall areas where sats/haze genetics come from (ie Thailand, Colombia, Mexico) all have intense sunlight throughout all year and such genetics perform great in these areas of the world so I don't see why sats would hate strong light..Having said that I know that such genetics can be grown with less intense light with no problem whatsoever and still perform well. In my experience though,the more the light(up to a point) the more the yield, the more compact the flowers/plants and the faster the maturation as well , which is quite important but easily overlooked. This has been documented by others as well and according to tests,seems with ~90-130 watt/sq ft the results are the best,coincidence or imo probably not..sunlight is of approx that intensity as well (approx 100+ w/sqft). Personally I grow sats/hazes with 80-100w/sqft with great results and had no problems whatsoever.
Me and a friend that tested the same 14-16 weeker NH clone in diff rooms with almost identical setup (pot size,medium etc etc) but with different light intensity, (100 w/sqft vs 50 w/sqft) saw that the cuts that were more compact/hard were the ones that were grown with more light..and the difference surely was noticeable...I m sure its all a bit pheno/strain dependent as well but thats what I've seen with more than a few diff lines and diff phenos..

I 'm not saying if you put the tops too close to the HIDs it will be better,as after a certain point light bleaching occurs and so this unwanted 'reveg growth/foxtailing'effect appears.I m only saying that with high wattage per sqft the results are better in many aspects. I pesonally keep plants 40-50cm from 600w lights and I prefer large aircooled hoods esp if growing during the summer.They really seem to help, esp with strains that are prone to react badly when placed close to the HID lights. Btw during last few weeks I like to hang the lights a bit higher as I find it helps with stopping the plant from producing any new flower growth on the tops and most importantly taste seems better n more complex in the final product.

Regarding compact flowers again,I will try to explain why I think its not always really important to have hard/compact nugs.. As long as I get maximum yields and as high resin production & potency as possible,I don't care if the buds are not grown as compact as they could become under different environmental conditions. Afterall if you flower a plant with low temps the plant will naturally produce more compact flowers than if grown with higher temps (higher heat levels),this is well know by many growers..but thing is..although you get more compact buds with less heat..the yield will be less and you basically lose as you harvest less amount of bud/resin/THC per plant in the end. With low heat levels flower formation becomes more 'tight' so the plant has less surface exposed in its attempt to resist to the harsh conditions,like cold air/wind. Plants need heat and they will react in order to try to stay warm if not enough heat present in their environment.
So..if a plant decides to grow more compact flowers,it not always means its better..If I can get more total bud weight from same plant and the 'cost' is a bit more airy flowers, I will go with the 'more weight'..(as long as smoke quality is not compromised of course). Imo compact flowers,although nice to have,don't mean much..unless you grow commercially..or..think that having compact flowers is more important that having more medicine. One reason I don't really dislike airy flower growth is cause light will penetrate better the buds.. Airy bud growth means larger flower surface area exposed to light..and flowers that get more direct light are almost always more potent and develop better (ie calyxes swell more) and faster(more light=more photosynthesis) than those that don't receive as much light.

To sum up imo as long as one manages to keep the light levels high without having plants too close to the hot HIDs..the plants will use all the strong light and will not show any of the undesirable growth we talk about cause the radiant heat levels will not be great. This can be achieved by using high wattage/m2 lighting like lots of 1k lights hanged high above from the ceiling away from the plants.This is the best type of lighting for indoor sativa growing.


Active member
im more interested in nev's line for many reasons as l33t quoted it seems sams admitts his o.haze is gone
Hi bigherb,

just to avoid any confusion, I only said that Sam said he has lost his best OHaze clone/s and that is what Sam said himself. I didn't say he admitted that his OHaze is all gone/lost. Sam says he still has different OH clones. According to him though none of his clones came from the US , all were selected/found in Europe , after he worked with seeds and did selection.

Sam_Skunkman said:
"No Haze mom was saved as a clone from California."

From: http://www.icmag.com/ic/showpost.php?p=335540&postcount=65



ICMag Donor
Where is this Neville dude when ppl wanna chat to him??? :D

On the light thing,, generally speaking the more light the denser the flowers will grow,, otherwise cannabis will grow under even the most miserable light conditions.

All the best with the grow.


Where is this Neville dude when ppl wanna chat to him??? :D

On the light thing,, generally speaking the more light the denser the flowers will grow,, otherwise cannabis will grow under even the most miserable light conditions.

All the best with the grow.

Weres neville i would say growing plants and breeding call it a hunch and why would he bother posting to the on line community ?.

Shanti knows him very well on a personal level as does one more that posts on this site yet if any one posted facts on what neville has done in the past wich infact doc that has come about in many posts by shanti alone people call it bull shit.

Doc just like you did in the GH forum saying shanti did not breed the widow but inigma did funny how you know things yet were not there to see it first hand my friend did you do lunch with arjan to ? lol..

Fact is doc only 2 had real haze neville and sam both diffrent haze lines and your mates at GH dont as dont many others that claim to.

As for sativas or haze loveing high intence lite in flower wrong agine.

L33 we have spoken about this and its not the heat mate.

I had a post which is gone now at a diffrent site with pictures to prove what im saying is fact.

flowers away from the lite even say 2 ft will be quiet airy yet a flower behind the ceramic fiting were the hps lamp sits in will fill out nice and tight and you cant tell me its not hot there it is infact but its dark no lite intencity.

Growing sativas indoors and out doors is diffrent i have tryed to explane this for years i dont claim to be any type of expert but 30 years of growing mostly sativas has its education.

Indoor grown sativas tend to fill and mature from the bottom up were if there grown out doors tend to fill and mature from the top down why is that maybe you guys can explane it to me then.


Well-known member
my man

wen ur right ur right which is almost always sorry unc just too lazy to go bac a page nn quote you direct

but that wat i meant his o.haze the strongest/bestclone o.haze as you all kno it is no longer available

According to him though none of his clones came from the US , all were selected/found in Europe , after he worked with seeds and did selection.

exactly yy i ask which is a closer representation of the haze bros haze as the oldtimers kno her ,but it seems evident
