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Have you looked at the North Pole lately?


But hey........keep buying those lead acid battery cars that need to be charged with more and more coal fired plants.


Having roof top solar and storage to charge your electric car while you sleep is the way we're headed. In fact it's already a reality.
Seems to me that one side of the debate yearns for utopia while the other craves dystopia. I'll be ecstatic if we can somehow find our way to that utopian world but am begrudgingly prepared to settle for something in the middle. Why anyone would want to live in a dirty, polluted world is beyond me, but it is what it is.


Active member
...polution is bad, climate change hysteria is bullshit.

...it's idiotic to think we know enough about the climate to make these alarmist claims and then to use these claims to justify taxing the American people trillions of dollars thst is then redistributed to other countries.

...we should all be able to agree that pollution is bad and should be stopped and cleaned wherever possible but the Paris Climate Accords is just oppression and robbery, period.

...people need to focus on facts and logic, not alarmist rhetoric designed to inflame emotions.



Active member
I am curious if anyone noticed an influx of pathetic haters on ic lately.

It seems like there's more than the usual amount.

I suppose if I was a conservative pot grower I could be confused enough to spend time shitting on any thread.

Remember when we were bonded together against the tyranny that is the war on drugs?

Maybe we don't have to look very far to find a newer obstacle.

Pathetic haters...conservatives...shit on threads ??? What's up? Because someone doesn't agree with a progressive narrative they shouldn't post or comment on the topic at hand???

tyranny that is the war on drugs?

Yes ! It is tyranny when any government decides what a person can and cannot do by themselves. It is also tyranny when a government taxes it's populace in order to have them conform to political narratives. Such as this global warming bs. It is one of the biggest scams in modern history that enriches everyone except the common citizen...who has to flip for the bill...who has to conform to the whims and desires of the global elite.

Sorry if you think a pot site should only be composed of only liberals. I say that only because you singled out conservatives as the haters, who shit on threads. Guess what...conservatives also enjoy marijuana...and they also enjoy freedom. As a matter of FACT...they are the only ones fighting for a limited government and the restoration of freedoms....THE ONLY ONES. p.s...I really, really hate commie loving sumbitches like Sanders...so I will admit some level of bias :)

On a side note...I say fuck socialistic programs that place burdens on everyday people. The USA..and it's capitalistic system...has giving the world it's modern lifestyle. Thanks to freedom. And thanks to people that were free enough to build the business that changed the world and did so without millions of pages of regulations. To those that disagree...move to Europe or go to Venezuela and live the progressive dream...but don't try and turn the greatest nation ever into a 3rd world shit hole welfare state.


Active member


...polution is bad, climate change hysteria is bullshit.

...it's idiotic to think we know enough about the climate to make these alarmist claims and then to use these claims to justify taxing the American people trillions of dollars thst is then redistributed to other countries.

...we should all be able to agree that pollution is bad and should be stopped and cleaned wherever possible but the Paris Climate Accords is just oppression and robbery, period.

...people need to focus on facts and logic, not alarmist rhetoric designed to inflame emotions.


Heyhey, just calling it like I see it my man. You guys act like the so called climate change debate is an undecided 50/50, but as you know, the reality is that about 97% of climate change scientists believe it's real. If we were to be fair into the future, any subsequent debate would reflect those numbers. 97 climate change scientists to 3 of you guys. Do you even know why you pick on climate change to go all flat earth on (anti science)? Why not gravity or a zillion other subjects? Got $10 that says you won't go anywhere near that:)
You can't look at climate change in isolation but as part of a whole. Pollution and climate change are intimately connected, as are rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and a ton of other “western” diseases in our children. Throw in environmental devastation, eg poison rivers, creeks, oceans, air, blah, blah, and we' have a bit of a problem You anti science, climate change denier guys are just mouthpieces for the machine, the same machine that's ripping you off and poisoning your children. You've gotta the love irony hey. The machine (capitalism) is starting to devour itself, as had to happen if we stayed on this trajectory. It doesn't give a flying fuck about you, me, the planet, it's just a machine. I was just reading that in the next decade or 2, over 50% of Americans will suffer from diabetes. And that's just one disease. Just a theory, but I'm wondering if this is what's powering the research into artificial intelligence. Seems reasonable, the machine needs unit's (us) to service it, but if that same machine is making us too sick for that job, then AI comes to the rescue. Not to our rescue, but you get my drift.
Speaking of which, I had one of the more bizarre conversations of my life on xmass day. My family , like most, is about 50/50 progressive/conservative. I got into a rave about how, imo, it's downright evil to poison our children with junk food, (Macca's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, blah, blah), chems, etc, and then have them endure all the subsequent health problems they will most likely take to the grave. Making money out of children’s ill health seems a little over the top to me. Here comes the bizarre. Sitting opposite me are a conservative father and son, and the father is arueing for the right to have the freedom to slowly poison anyone he damn wishes too, after all, everyone has the right to make a buck hey, and the son, who btw is one of the now 1 in 4 young western people now suffering from a major mental health problem (1 in fucken 4) agrees with his dad. They reckoned I'm just a another fucked up leftie hippy, who wants to impose an even bigger government on them. Now if you extrapolate that attitude out to people, the environment and beyond, there's no doubt we're stuffed.


Active member
Heyhey, just calling it like I see it my man. You guys act like the so called climate change debate is an undecided 50/50, but as you know, the reality is that about 97% of climate change scientists believe it's real. If we were to be fair into the future, any subsequent debate would reflect those numbers. 97 climate change scientists to 3 of you guys. Do you even know why you pick on climate change to go all flat earth on (anti science)? Why not gravity or a zillion other subjects? Got $10 that says you won't go anywhere near that:)
You can't look at climate change in isolation but as part of a whole. Pollution and climate change are intimately connected, as are rising rates of obesity, diabetes, and a ton of other “western” diseases in our children. Throw in environmental devastation, eg poison rivers, creeks, oceans, air, blah, blah, and we' have a bit of a problem You anti science, climate change denier guys are just mouthpieces for the machine, the same machine that's ripping you off and poisoning your children. You've gotta the love irony hey. The machine (capitalism) is starting to devour itself, as had to happen if we stayed on this trajectory. It doesn't give a flying fuck about you, me, the planet, it's just a machine. I was just reading that in the next decade or 2, over 50% of Americans will suffer from diabetes. And that's just one disease. Just a theory, but I'm wondering if this is what's powering the research into artificial intelligence. Seems reasonable, the machine needs unit's (us) to service it, but if that same machine is making us too sick for that job, then AI comes to the rescue. Not to our rescue, but you get my drift.
Speaking of which, I had one of the more bizarre conversations of my life on xmass day. My family , like most, is about 50/50 progressive/conservative. I got into a rave about how, imo, it's downright evil to poison our children with junk food, (Macca's, Kentucky Fried Chicken, blah, blah), chems, etc, and then have them endure all the subsequent health problems they will most likely take to the grave. Making money out of children’s ill health seems a little over the top to me. Here comes the bizarre. Sitting opposite me are a conservative father and son, and the father is arueing for the right to have the freedom to slowly poison anyone he damn wishes too, after all, everyone has the right to make a buck hey, and the son, who btw is one of the now 1 in 4 young western people now suffering from a major mental health problem (1 in fucken 4) agrees with his dad. They reckoned I'm just a another fucked up leftie hippy, who wants to impose an even bigger government on them. Now if you extrapolate that attitude out to people, the environment and beyond, there's no doubt we're stuffed.

Okay...I can only go so far into that....so shitty. How about trying to break it up a bit for Christ's sake?

Let's give it a shot shall we...

Heyhey, just calling it like I see it my man. You guys act like the so called climate change debate is an undecided 50/50, but as you know, the reality is that about 97% of climate change scientists believe it's real.

Really? 97% ? lame...

Here are two questions to ask anyone who pulls the 97% trick.

1. What exactly do the climate scientists agree on?

Usually, the person will have a very vague answer like "climate change is real."

Which raises the question: What is that supposed to mean? That climate changes? That we have some impact? That we have a large impact? That we have a catastrophically large impact? That we have such a catastrophic impact that we shouldn't use fossil fuels?

What you'll find is that people don't want to define what 97% agree on--because there is nothing remotely in the literature saying 97% agree we should ban most fossil fuel use.

It’s likely that 97% of people making the 97% claim have absolutely no idea where that number comes from.

If you look at the literature, the specific meaning of the 97% claim is: 97 percent of climate scientists agree that there is a global warming trend and that human beings are the main cause--that is, that we are over 50% responsible. The warming is a whopping 0.8 degrees over the past 150 years, a warming that has tapered off to essentially nothing in the last decade and a half.


Sources: Met Office Hadley Centre HadCRUT4 dataset; Etheridge et al. (1998); Keeling et al. (2001); MacFarling Meure et al. (2006); Merged Ice-Core Record Data, Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Even if 97% of climate scientists agreed with this, and even if they were right, it in no way, shape, or form would imply that we should restrict fossil fuels--which are crucial to the livelihood of billions.


Sources: Boden, Marland, Andres (2010); Bolt and van Zanden (2013); World Bank, World Development Indicators (WDI) Online Data, April 2014

Because the actual 97% claim doesn’t even remotely justify their policies, catastrophists like President Obama and John Kerry take what we could generously call creative liberties in repeating this claim.

On his Twitter account, President Obama tweets: “Ninety-seven percent of scientists agree: #climate change is real, man-made and dangerous.” Not only does Obama sloppily equate “scientists” with “climate scientists,” but more importantly he added “dangerous” to the 97% claim, which is not there in the literature.

This is called the fallacy of equivocation: using the same term (“97 percent”) in two different ways to manipulate people.

John Kerry pulled the same stunt when trying to tell the underdeveloped world that it should use fewer fossil fuels:

And let there be no doubt in anybody’s mind that the science is absolutely certain. . . 97 percent of climate scientists have confirmed that climate change is happening and that human activity is responsible. . . . . they agree that, if we continue to go down the same path that we are going down today, the world as we know it will change—and it will change dramatically for the worse.

In Kerry’s mind, 97% of climate scientists said whatever Kerry wants them to have said.

Bottom line: What the 97% of climate scientists allegedly agree on is very mild and in no way justifies restricting the energy that billions need.

But it gets even worse. Because it turns out that 97% didn’t even say that.



Active member
I just love PragerU ! And so should you...



Well-known member
I meant opportunistic pathetic haters.

Thanks for allowing me, and mostly others to illustrate the point.

Just because someone has a different outlook don't make them a hater.

I really don't think global warming would be the end of the world, a lot of liberals and Socialists do. I'm more libertarian myself and I would love me some global warming it's cold as hell outside. Lol

Of course people are going to have to move further inland which is easy for me living on a mountain. But some scientists say it's already too late even if we stop driving cars and burning coal.

Just because we are all against the Drug War really most are only against cannabis prohibition, I'm against opium and cocaine prohibition as well. Crack heads and junkies will do their thing might as well give them access to clean drugs and not need to go through gangsters who go through cartels which Mexico has more death than Iraq over drugs!!


Well-known member

it's good when we talk about the science, such as it is
and when you look at graphs like these, it should give you pause
and it is impressive what we have done as a species, at least in some respects
but does anyone believe the trends these graphs show are something that will continue indefinitely?
i hope common sense will tell you that this can not continue indefinitely


Speed of Dark
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it's good when we talk about the science, ...but does anyone believe the trends these graphs show are something that will continue indefinitely?
i hope common sense will tell you that this can not continue indefinitely

Reminds me of how absolute zero was first predicted. Gasses shrink at a consistent rate so the equation was followed until volume should equal zero and that was declared 'Absolute Zero'.
Pretty close too. Subsequent science shows gasses liquifying rather than disappearing, but still...
Now we have the expansion of the universe. In reverse it shows the universe to have zero volume 13,800,000 000 years ago.
Big Bang they say, completely ignoring what happens to the gasses in the ideal gas law.
Something happened then, but it was not magic, that I know.

Trends shown in graphs have the same limitations. They are accurate within parameters that are less than infinite, way less.
But inside that range the trends they show are true.

Wendull C.

Active member
Yeah, but how many times have these fucks been caught cooking the books? Australia most recently ocean sensor data being ignored because it didnt fit the alarmist agenda. And lets not forget east anglia university and their crooked bull shit. So who is telling the truth in a room full of liars who only want more grant money.
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