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Harborside San Jose---CLOSED


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
"In recently unsealed affidavits attached to two of the raids, narcotics agents accused the dispensaries of selling pot for profit, violating state guidelines that medical marijuana be distributed only by nonprofits.

In their investigation of Angel's Care, undercover agents who bought marijuana with such names as "Orange Kush" and "Grapefruit Diesel" argued in court documents that the operation sold pot for street prices 12 or 13 times the cost of growing it.

"I believe that it is highly improbable Angel's Care Collective generated no profit from projected annual sales of $5,880,000, with a 75 percent markup on their marijuana," wrote agent Dean Ackemann"

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
"In recently unsealed affidavits attached to two of the raids, narcotics agents accused the dispensaries of selling pot for profit, violating state guidelines that medical marijuana be distributed only by nonprofits.

In their investigation of Angel's Care, undercover agents who bought marijuana with such names as "Orange Kush" and "Grapefruit Diesel" argued in court documents that the operation sold pot for street prices 12 or 13 times the cost of growing it.

"I believe that it is highly improbable Angel's Care Collective generated no profit from projected annual sales of $5,880,000, with a 75 percent markup on their marijuana," wrote agent Dean Ackemann"

....so when did profits in the health care industry become illegal? I'd wish they would tell that to the pharmaceutical companies who reap windfall returns or my health insurance company who charge me through the fucking roof for coverage.


I didn't know it was illegal to make a profit on legal pharmaceuticals.

I (and you, and everyone else) did know, however, that it was illegal to make a profit on "medicinal marijuana".

C'mon now, let's not play dumb... that is insulting. If you do something illegal, well, don't go crying uncle and complaining about how it's so unfair when you get caught. It's a part of the game, you know what you're potentially facing when you play with fire.


Active member
This is the name of the game, a constant alteration of law, guidelines and rules to bend towards the favor of whomever can make it bend best for them.

Many gardens are 'legal' but that doesn't mean they don't chop down all your plants and throw your ass in jail for the night. They let the legal system sort you out, but that's off topic. It's going to be interesting to see how this one pans out, political influence from Oakland on San Jose etc etc. Lots of dollars involved in this one, the most important ones as well: the for profit ones.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
....so when did profits in the health care industry become illegal? I'd wish they would tell that to the pharmaceutical companies who reap windfall returns or my health insurance company who charge me through the fucking roof for coverage.

feel me? shit!

el dub

The individual county sheriffs in CA make the difference between a safe haven and a dangerous spot to do bidness, imo.



Active member
It does seem that dispensaries charge too much from the surface. Though, it's hard to understand a business from the surface. Its REALLY expensive to run a company.

Nevertheless, a police RAID is a stupid approach to dealing with this. What a joke. If they suspect that these non-profits are actually turning a profit, I am sure there is another way of auditing them. This is just abuse of police power.


Harborside sells around 7lbs. a day I don't see any break in those $65 1/8th, or $60 bho g's. Legalize marijuana will only bring in larger companies like Marlbro in my opinion. Keep it a medical state and hide what you do. FEAR mongering hahaha. so Funny. What up Krunch? I feel ya about those med companies making a profit. Thats what Prozac and Viagra were made for, it's all about profit. San Jose is just stopping what has happened to SF and Oakland before it gets worse.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
It is highly irrational, even ludacris, to suggest r.j.Reynolds or phillip Morris who's sales are between $60-150 billion a year would risk federal drug manufacturing charges for a few measly million dollars.


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
Ya thats something we herd all the time. No company is going to risk Fed charges.
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ive heard there is a lot more to this story then it seems on the surface..

we all know the owner of harborside is a business man first. he was a contributing factor to the passing of colorado's law banning private vendors. and has his hands in clubs there too.


The ghost's of the past just pause and listen.
Seems the oppressors who thought that their way was the right way are now crying from the actions that stem from their decisions made Nov.2.
And the ghost just listen,
And shake their heads in disbelief that once was at the fingertips to be grasped but instead was cast away,
Never to be seen again in this lifetime.
(or in the words of my grandmother....you made your bed, now lie in it. Wait and see how long until your so called decriminalized mj gets repealed as well. Oh! and welcome back to reality Cali, your not in Disneyland anymore. You spoke with your vote and THEY listened.)

Clackamas Coot

Active member
if he tries to invade oaksterdam or SF there will be mass protests in the streets...
I can see the signs now!!! "Can someone drive me to the revolution? My Volcano is in the shop!"

Hopefully their BMW's and Hummers are in good running order in order to spread the word - "Protect the Cali 3,000 commercial growers and their income!"

Not exactly 'We Shall Overcome' but it's a starting point of sorts perhaps.

Or not.



Active member
That just sucks, Angel's Care was a decent club too.

Angel's care was very cool. They didn't seem into the money at all to me. Not at all.

I also like Harborside. While expensive, I believe DeAngelo has a great idea. I believe he gives a lot back to the community.


do you think it would only be a million dollar profit? Really. Well as of now on the news in Mendocino County were I live marijuana far exceed sales of grapes and have a higher profit margin. I'd take a whole winery and convert it to a marijuana farm. HAHA Having day laborers at $8 an hour cutting and trimming. LOL If not Marlbro an idependent company. People have bakeries why not manufacture a pack of marijuana cigarettes? Just my opinion.


I'm not sure if any of you know much about the gambling scene in California... but in California, cardrooms (not including Indian casinos) are not supposed to have any interest in the outcome of the bet, and cannot participate in the hand/bet other than providing the facilities and services to deal out that bet. So in the house games (blackjack, pai gow, etc), what you have is an outside banker who plays the role of the house in those games, and pays out/collects accordingly. It is illegal for the house/cardroom to be the "banker".

In 100% (I guaran-fucking-tee you) of the cardrooms, the banker is simply an outside entity that has very strong ties to the cardroom owners, although not published since it is an illegal tie involving illegal money funneling, laundering, diverting, etc. I guarantee you there is not a single cardroom in California where the "outside banker's" money is not traced back to the cardroom owner/operator.

In other words, if Philip Morris wants to get involved, they certainly can and will, but you just won't hear about it as "Phillip Morris", it will just be some "Growing Partners International" or some seemingly completely unrelated company, on paper.

There are PLENTY of others in this world with billions upon billions of dollars burning in their pockets to invest. I will say, only in the illegal drug and gambling business are people not extremely happy with something like a 50% annual return. There are already MANY MANY people (individuals, corporations, etc, with no ties whatsoever to the tobacco industry) with big money that are dying to get into this business.

I think it's very elementary and laughable to be thinking that the only big players in this game will be from "known" tobacco companies, probably based on the premise of similarities in "smoke" product. The common theme among would-be investors are not "smoke output of product", but "massive profits from product". That includes every single for-profit corporation out there (or so they hope). Why are tobacco companies singled out as the would-be players? Again, a laughable concept cooked up by minds of children.

Mark my words... in less than a decade, there will be stockpiles of marijuana that people are sitting on and unable to move (even high-quality), where supply will greatly out-strip demand by astronomical margins.


I believe Harborside closed because of the raids on other clubs like San Jose Patients Group. The task force is supposedly using monies granted the department for Meth enforcement to raid pot clubs. Harborside and some other clubs have decided to close until the situation is sorted out. The voters Santa Clara County just approved measure u which imposes a 10% tax on Cannabis sales.The city council and the police are not on the same page. http://www.sanjose.com/news/2010/11/10/medical_marijuana_raids http://www.sanjosecriminaldefenselawyersblog.com/2010/10/santa-clara-county-stepsup-dru.html