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Harassed by a cop, Would I be in jail if.....?

Harassed by a cop, Would I be in jail if.....?

  • yes

    Votes: 24 70.6%
  • no

    Votes: 10 29.4%

  • Total voters


cant stop wont stop
It's funny this subject came up......

My friend was at a party on New Years Eve. The party was a couple houses down the street, probably about 15. On his walk home to his ladys house he got stopped by a bunch of cops who had a K9 dog. They made him get on the ground and he said the dog was literally barking in his face.

They took him to jail on a FELONY ATTEMPT TO BURGLARIZE charge.

When he arrived to court, the older folks who decided if they were going to press charges or not REALIZED THAT HE WAS THERE SONS FRIEND! They said he wasn't even the person who they saw outside of there house, yet they were never even spoken to before he was taken to jail!

He spent 2 nights in jail as and had a bail of $50k! ALL FOR NOTHING!!

How fucked up is that??

Thats totallly fucked but not uncommon.

THis and many of these posts make me sick. our forefathers would be vomiting on their shoes.

americas slogan is


dont let them fool you into thinking anything lesser.


Active member
^ that is totally fucked. He needs to sue the shit out of them.

Thats what I said, but he doesn't think any lawyer will be willing to try and sue the city... I tell him he's an idiot, i'll do the research, if he wins the case he has to give me 50%...so where I do I start lol.

EDIT: I reconfirmed tonight that the victim did show up in court and say that he was not the person they saw out front of there house. So, what gives the cops the right to throw him in jail ... for being drunk in public? Maybe..but thats one night, and not $50k bail..nor a FELONY BURGLARY charge on your record... Can you imagine if there would've been a similar identification or they didn't know him from previous years? I understand it happens all the time but its shocking when it happens to someone close to you.


Well-known member
man, there are dickheads in every group. i have been let loose "with a stern warning" by so many police that it is amazing. black, white, brown, albino, etc. catch a bad one, or a good one on a bad day, or run your yap at them, & all bets are off. it's amazing what a few "yes sirs" & "no sirs" in the right places can get you through. saw a cartoon loosely based on this. two guys sitting in jail, one says to other "if i had known what "sentence suspended" meant, i never woulda hollered "i'll get you for this, motherfucker!" life is, largely, what YOU make it... :whistling: AOH


Active member
Walking around on Private property you need permission from the owner,sort of like wanting to ride a dirtbike on new development property ya gotta ask permission first.It worked for me alot of the times.Ask first.Usually its a private security person is doing the job,but a cop doing the job means its pretty serious whats going on in your surroundings.Ask the owner.I'll bet they will say No please stay off and maybe give you a hint whats happening out there.

Something bad is happening in your neighborhood so you have a cop patrolling to keep out folks who are doing something to this owners property.Stay AWAY.You're only digging a hole to trying to Save your "rights' and nothing really happened but you were told to take care of your warrant and stay off the property.

Cops can be smart-asses and sometimes its on purpose to see if you can get all disorderly and take you down.Since you were nice,you were let go.Now you wanna fight this cop because of your rights were violated.I don't think he did anything wrong.You may got a ticket for trespassing but that what it is.

About warrants,they can let you go if its a long time ago or its not that important like jaywalking..really depends.You got let go.The above post about "Stern warnings" does bear forethought.

Lets see now..I have been let go when I got Stern warnings,no tickets when:

Going 80 in a 55 mile an hour speed limit.
Was a smart mouth back at a cop and claimed ear infection.
Skateboarding in a bowling ally
Swimming at night at a public high school
Having a weed smell in a car on private property on the highest hill in town.Searched and let go.1/2 ounce was in the sock.Maybe he felted it,but didnt want to deal with the arrests on private property since all of us was sleeping from a smokeout.

Pushing a mini bike down the street with my friend on it.We told the cop no gas in it but buddy got a ticket but not me and my other buddy,But that cop was the biggest jerk-harrasser 10 houses down.He quit and became a spokesman for the police dept a few years later.
When he was a cop I even ate a burning joint in front of him when he pulled up with his wife in the next car and flashed his badge saying"put it out" I said ok..Ate it.He drove away but his wife was exxxxtemly pissed off probably at him.Hence being the police spokesman now.

One bowl at a time.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I rent within that private property. therefore I was not trespassing. therefore fuck that cop. Dont defend those nazi dicks.


Active member
You're right..I don't defend them..let them put their jobs on the line.The public does care if a police does step outta line.

you live within that private property? Wow..thats harassment for sure.

But a cop patrolling the private property says something bad is out there..careful my man

I was watching how a person (off-duty) cop was shot on another person property because he killed the owners 15 cats and harassed him.
that po-po sure didn't belong on someone's property killing his cats!


Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^holy shit. anyone one who kills someones cats just to be a dick deserves to get shot.

ben ttech

Active member
and I am lucky I'm white, because that guy looked like mark ferman.

funny you say that,
just the other day, i saw a car with a forsale sign which interested me, so i called and met the person with the key to it on the corner it was parked.

inviting him on the test drive, i was disturbed to find us pulled over three blocks away for no traffic violation.

mind you, im white; and the owner in the passenger seat is as black as it gets, so...

the officer comes up and you can see hes JUICED on something...
a fucking hop head anywhere else...

his first sentence as i roll down the window is " are either of you on probation or parole???"

so... theres no doubt this is harassment right from the start...

i said " i dont know" with a comical smile on my face as it occurs to me, that ive never prepared myself for defending my right under this circumstance...

officer "WHAT do you MEAN you DONT KNOW?!?!?!?!"

me... " uhh, asked and answered..."

officer " you know you CANT drive around like THIS!!!!":

and now im thrown offtrack, cuz i know the stop is bullshit, but the manner he goes about raising the issue as if hes god throws me; never heard it before...

i say with a slow obvious shrug, " ive not idea what your talking about"

he then points out to me the "forsale" paint on the windows... the DMV temp taped in the back window, the crack in the windsheild...

blah blah blah...

i replied " ive never heard of anyone white getting pulled over for such things..."


so after sitting in the back of his car for 10 minutes while they ran my DL, it comes back clean... and this prick turns around and asks "so, how much are you going to offer him for the car???"


so they let me go, and i wander back to the car, where the owner is still sitting... and he says to me...

"those were REALLY nice guys!!!"


and then i think about it and realize,
15 minutes traffic stop, and nobodies fingers go broken or their grade school kid shot through the head...

and it occurs to me, hes right...

that WAS a couple of nice guys...
if you were a black man living the life here...

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
A black friend of my got arrested yesterday for a traffic ticket he forgot to pay. It wasnt near as old as mine. just one more example.

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