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138W CFL`s - 36 plants (bagseed) by Bud_Monster


After reading the Forum for the past year or so, I finally motivated myself to start my own little grow.

Plus the economy is going down, gotta start saving money... .

Here are some details:

lights: 6 x 23W CFL`s Warm
space (temp): 1' x 1,5' x 3' (30 cm x 50 cm x 100 cm)
dirt: Country Farms Potting Soil [1,5 $ for 8lbs, can`t beat that ;) ]
ph meter: Wardley Mid Range PH Indicator [3,5$ local pet store]
water: tap w/ "ph down" (it usually goes in 7.5 range)
seeds: 36 bagseeds (there most likely from some mex. brickweed)

Being a first time grower I`m mainly interested in learning new stuff, keeping it as a side hobby (not spending x $$$ on it), not really interested that much in yield since I smoke from time to time. However I would appreciate some good bud.

About the current setup; Since I don`t know how many actually are going to turn out mutants/males/drop dead I just planted whatever I had on hand.
I know the space is pretty small, if it turns out that most are good. I`ll probably give some away to a local grower and stay with 14 or so. Doubling the space for them, since their`re in a the bottom of a book shelf. So I`ll probably grown on "two level".

In the coming days, I`ll puts some tin foil (low budget) on the sides and buy a timer for flowering.

They`re currently at day 2.


Feel free to drop in and leave a comment.
All advice and critique is deeply appreciated.
hey bud monster ... congrats on starting the new grow! Things are looking great too, you have a lot of little babies popped up!

A quick suggestion ... raise those seedlings up to like 2" from the lights so that they don't stretch. Watch them carefully so they don't burn, but since you have limited height space, you want to keep them short.

Hopefully it's not a mexican sativa ... commonly what brick weed is made of ... those are tall and big. We shall find out!

Goodluck man ...



Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
happy new grow Bud Monster... Many here suggest using flat white paint over tin foil by the way as it's more reflective.. and probably safer with the lectrics n that :smile:

best of luck


Day 4 - New Hardware

Day 4 - New Hardware

Day 4 (03/10)
Lights 24-0

Just got back from home depot with some hardware for an additional setup for my babies, since they`ll def. outgrow what I have now. It`s a "classic" Rubbermaid setup, I`ll be done with it probably by Friday so I`ll select the the best 6 and put them into the box. The rest will stay in the bookshelf until I`ll determine which will stay (around 8).

Here are the pics from Today.

JamieShoes: Thanks man! I`ll have to stick with the foil for now, since I plan on moving in the near future and it would be awkward explaining to the landlord/movers why my bookcase is painted white inside. However since my plants easily are going to outgrow my current space.
I`m setting up an additional rig which will have its wall painted flat white (1st coat drying right now).
I`m so jealous of the space and setup you`re working with.

osecretgardeno: I followed Your advice, now they`re sitting on top of some manual I had lying around. Actually I was worried about the stretch also. Hopefully they`ll stop stretching now, I also have a dome on top of them all the time so temp. isn`t a problem at the moment. Thanks for the advice. I just red your thread, always wanted to try buckets but for my first grow I figured I`ll go the easy way, nice looking plants btw.


Father, Carer, Toker, Sharer
wow thanks man - some people have being saying some awfully nice things about my little garden lately - makes me all pleased with myself - I'll have to watch that though, in this game I think complacency is probably one of the biggest enemies... that and spider mites ..lol

everything is looking great in your grow too mate.. the little ones are showing plenty of willing arent they? I have some cfls in my veg box too and find you can get very close to the seedlings (as secretgarden says, within 2 inches) that way you really get the most from your cfl - the idea is that if you had an equivelant watt cfl, that because you can get it so much closer than a HID that you get more useable growing lumens (something to do with how the lumens are weakened over distance from lamp to plant)...amazing what you learn round here isnt it? :smile:



I have some cfls in my veg box too and find you can get very close to the seedlings (as secretgarden says, within 2 inches) that way you really get the most from your cfl - the idea is that if you had an equivelant watt cfl, that because you can get it so much closer than a HID that you get more useable growing lumens (something to do with how the lumens are weakened over distance from lamp to plant)...amazing what you learn round here isnt it? :smile:


Yeah, lowering the lights closer to the plants will also reduce stretching. I did some tests with my own cfl grow and a light measurement meter. 2 Inches seems ideal. With each inch further away the output was dramatically dropped.


March 27th

March 27th

So from the about 32 plants I left 12 for further grow. Choosing the most promising ones.
I didn`t use wet paint for the inside since it`s a bookcase, I`m thinking about moving in the future and it would suck explaining why the inside is white.
However I finishing a rubbermaid cab, which has 3 x 43W CFL`s, intake and outtake with 80mm PC fans, painted white, active carbon filter mat on the fan. Which I will use to develop the best 6 plants from the current grow, the rest I`ll leave in the bookcase.

Day 21

The mistakes I made so far:
Putting the lights to high relatively to the plants, now I`m watching for that little bit better.
Covering up the wall to bounce of some extra light, since I put up the foils I definitely can see the difference.
Nutes... got little excited when I saw nutes at Home Depot and put about 1/3 of the normal dose to gallon of water and watered them. They weren`t ready for that yet.... .

Growits - Thanks for the advice, I`ll lift the plants up in a moment :D.

gladysvjubb - Pretty straight forward if you ask me, I was aiming to make it as least expensive as possible.

Triple P - Puff puff pass!

Keep growin'


Hey bro. I love seeing a fellow grower keep it simple. That way you don't end up (like me) collecting massive amounts of equipment you'll never use. :noway:

The way you have those lights setup is getting you nice even distribution. Thos plants are growing straight and look very happy.

Have you considered topping them at the 2nd or 3rd node? That's about the only thing I would do in your situation; everything else is on point. I'll stick around for this one. I'm always excited to see how bagseed turns out.

just wondering and correct me if i'm wrong, but IF your are using tinfoil..... won't that convert your light energy into heat energy, cooking yer plants? tip: hit up zellers and look in their gift wrap section. Look for foil wrapping. its like .25 cents here in canada and its exactly like mylar! VERY REFLECTIVE! comes in a pack of three sheets. Good grow and good luck :)


They germed, they grew, they died.

They germed, they grew, they died.

April 14th - Day 31

The plants are in a fatal state, due to negligence, major PH problems and nute burn...

After thinking through my previous setup (book shelf) i went to HD an bought
a typical Rubbermaid setup. From the moment I left the plants in there, they`re getting better but still look crippled/migdety.

I think that at this point there is nothing I can do to save them or get them big etc.

Hopefully this will teach me a lesson to plan carefully and aquire good genetics for next grow.

Any comments or rants are welcome ;)



Hey man, I've seen worse.... grown worse. I got a couple bags of really hot MG and lost a bunch of veg time. Don't feel too bad bro... it happens to the best of us.

All I can really think to say is maybe you're over-watering a bit, but also..... spraying foliage can wreck your plants too. I bet they perk up. Sometimes they just need to grow out of it.


osecretgarden: They`ve been put into flower after the first week of veg. Since I got hyped about the 12/12 from seed method. Another mistake... :D

been: Thanks for the encouragement. Why does spraying leafs ruin foliage? I figured to keep the moisture up in the box, I`ll spray the leafs thus also avoiding watering the plants.

bush master: You were right, tinfoil raises the temperature.
However in my situation that`s good, because I like it pretty cold.


been: Thanks for the encouragement. Why does spraying leafs ruin foliage? I figured to keep the moisture up in the box, I`ll spray the leafs thus also avoiding watering the plants.
I'm just paranoid about salts I guess. :crazy:




try using cool lights for the veg, and the warm for the bloom.
i would give them maybe a cup of water every 2 days, not
sure how big those pots are?? but they look to be a gal or less.
never seen a soil CFL grow, ive been DWC for a minute now, &
sometime it does more than i would like in the space i have(not
complaining), im looking a about a zone or two off 3 clones from
some bag seeds. using 4 26 watt warm cfls for the bloom
and 2 26 watt cool cfls for the veg, but for the space they are
in i think imma have to down size the light size in the veg spot
due to the excess heat, cuz it has no fan, been having to leave
the flap open and seal off the bloom spot when its time for lights
out. oh yea, unless your gonna keep buying dirt u may want to
consider composting(cheap n easy)...





but for the space they are
in i think imma have to down size the light size in the veg spot
due to the excess heat...

i got it now ppl. I had to take some of the books from under sit it str8 on the cab floor, which sucks kinda because the plants have more stretch, and grow way faster than i would like, a little over a week faster to be exact, might have to get some smaller bulbs, not quite sure just yet... but ye the MK is doing well, chopped the afghans and sweet, because they got out grown by 7 and 12+ inches in this last 3.5 wks, so currently they have begun their 24hr diet, and i will be expecting great things from these who can be found in the genepool of anything smokin... I think that'll do it for now... ummm, ye
im out...
Last edited:


been: I`ve been spraying them since the beginning and didn`t see any buildup.
Next time I`ll invest in a humidifier.

ekz_ray: I give them about a 2 cups every 3 days on average. They usually dry out by then. However I just flushed them because the keep loosing bottom leafs. Not nute burn, but keep on getting spots, dry out and turn yellow.
N K P is OK, water PH is around 6.3. Probably the soil, since I`m having these problems since the beginning and probably tried every trick in the book expect chaging the soil.

Also next time, I`ll probably top them and LST also.

I`m putting another batch of seeds for germination right now.