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Happy Frog vs. Ocean Forest, side by side comparison grow


Thanks for stopping by everyone. At this moment I agree that the Happy Frog soil needs more nitrogen. But to look at the plant, I'm thinking that the plant used the nitrogen earlier. The Happy Frog plant is definitly a bigger bush than the Ocean Forest plant, HF is also inches taller than OF plant.

So I'm thinking that the beneficial soil microbs help the plant process the nutrients quicker, thus running out sooner.

Just a thought as the side-by-side goes on.

OF left; HF right

It is obvious that the HF plant is starting to turn yellow. This is a natural flushing process that I enjoy, but it is sooner than I like. I have given them nitrogen in their nutrient schedule, which should show from the OF plants greeness. I believe that the OF plant is going to turn yellow and flush right on time with my nutrient schedule.

I am hopefully getting a few extra rooted clones of GDP again for the side-by-side to be redone. I believe results must be duplicated. I will probly be re-doing the experiment with a slightly different nutrient schedule, but we will see. I'll have to think more about it.

This side-by-side is getting really exciting for me. Deficiencies have shown their face, and results are getting closer and closer. :headbange


Well I just got some decent pictures of my GDP that is 58days flowering and decided to post them. Hopefully everybody enjoys!

Had a few nutrient problems with this one early on, but I got it fixed just in time.


Active member
Ya, thats not GDP.
It looks kind of like a chemdawg 91 hybrid maybe.
But thats just a total guess.
Whats it smell like?

It's pretty obvious that Happy Frog won, right.
From the pic's it look alot better, IMO.
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New member
Which is better?

Which is better?

I was out at sqwirl's checking out his GDP's again recently and it's a hard call for me. The HF seems to be maturing faster than the OF. They both look so good though, and so close together in terms of size and trichome coverage, that I think it will take a couple smoke downs to decide!!! :joint: :rasta:

Keep it up sqwirl's!!

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New member
I'm not the most seasoned professional by any means, but I would describe the smell as a lemon/citrus type smell. I've been trying to figure out any other distinguishing characteristics about the GDP's smell, but I can't put my finger on it. Sqwirl will probably be able to shed some more light on the matter, he's much more seasoned than I am.



Was cutting down a different GDP yesterday and got some pictures of the bud structure.

This one has had some nutrient problems. This plant reminds me somewhat of a Haze. THere are a bunch of differences.

The closest thing that I believe it smells like is Sensi Star. The smell reminds me alot of SS but with a diesely funk in there. When I grow it to it's full potential It gets crazy skunky.


yea GDP definately does not have nug structures like that... for sure looks like some primo smoke tho!
Nice thread! I've used both Ocean Forest and Happy Frog, and Happy Frog is my favorite of the two now. Like in your thread all the plants seemed to thrive better in it.


9 weeks into flower, 1 week left!!!

9 weeks into flower, 1 week left!!!

I got some pictures of them at exactly 9 weeks into flower. When I originally started this thread I was planning on only going 9 weeks. But since then I've decided to let them go 10 weeks. So I had them on a 9 week nutrient schedule instead of 10. This means that this entire past week they have been getting flushed and will continue to be flushed this oncoming week.

The Ocean Forest plant is starting to yellow up, about 1-2 weeks after the Happy Frog plant. When moving the Ocean Forest plant I realized that the stems on it are not as strong as the stems on the Happy Frog plant. They are flimsy, where the Happy Frog plant has nice strong stems that are holding the buds up. The buds on the Ocean Forest plant might be a tad larger, but it is hard to tell.

I'm really thinking that the Happy Frog soil helps the plant metabolis the nutrients faster and more efficiently. If I would have stayed on the 9 week flowering schedule the Happy Frog would have been flushed perfectly.

Heres the pictures of the plants at 9 weeks into flower. It is hard to tell, but the Ocean Forest plant is yellowing and flushing.

Theres alot of bud on these little ladies. I'm getting excited about the smoke report. We still have a month until it comes, but anticipation is amonst us. I believe I have been able to get a very respected member on these forums to agree to do a smoke report for me. I will also be having my good friend Stratosphere helping with the smoke reports.

Well next week I'll get some pictures of the ladies at their last meal, then after that probably a few weeks break while they are curing.

:joint: :headbange :rasta: :wave:


It was an interesting last week. The flushing really shows what the soil is made of. The Ocean Forest had some different nutrient problems that showed up in the flushing. I'm sure you can tell from the pictures.

Ocean Forest left, Happy Frog right:

The Happy Frog plant flushed very clean, how I like to see a plant flush. When I took the soil out of the pots I was in for another surprise. I thought that being in only 1 gallon pots that they would be root bound. That was not the case. The roots were very healthy on both plants. I did notice that the Happy Frog plant seemed to have roughly 16oz more soil. When breaking the soil up I noticed that they both filled the soil out nicely with roots. No Problems with either in the root health department.

A parting Happy Frog canopy shot


thanks for the comparison sqwirl! now to find a shop around here that carries happy frog, looks like your imposter gdp loves it. :D


Well today I spent the morning taking the fake gdp buds off the plant and putting them into jars. I had a couple observations that I'd like to share. First off the Happy Frog plant seemed to be just a bit denser than the Ocean Forest plant. But the Ocean Forest plant seemed to have slightly bigger nuggets. At the moment the Happy Frog plant weighs 39.5 grams and the Ocean Forest plant weighs 37.0 grams.


New member
Those plants are so cool, we should do a row dedicated to the fake GDP sometime. This was a really cool thread, I transplanted all the sour og's to 3 gallons with straight happy frog based on your observations with this experiment so far. I remember talking to you about doing a mix with the metro, but those leaves look like such a clean yellow there at the end on the happy frog it just didn't seem right. I'm already anxious to see your next side-by-side, great job with this.



Smoke results

Smoke results

It's been fun smoking the buds grown in different soil. I would have to say that they both smoke excellent. It is extremely hard to tell one from the other, or to decide if one smokes better. I really don't feel one smokes to much better than the other.

I have given samples out to a few good friends for testing. So far all of my friends have came back and said the Happy Frog plant is dominately better than the Ocean Forest. They also agreed that it was a hard decision to pick between the two. Two of my friends said "Happy Frog takes the win hands down", this was after I told them which was which. Total blind testing.

Strato and I sat down one night and took 7 rounds of snappers. We used the vaporwand to light our snappers and took massive hits through Strato's double perc roor. After each round we would compare the hits against each other and only one could win. The results:
4-3 Strato
5-2 Me
It was always a hard decision to pick a winner each round. I do feel the Happy Frog plant has a slight edge on the Ocean Forest plant. It seems to hit me a slight bit more.

Went hiking this weekend with good friends and was able to get a few creative nug shots during our safety meeting.

I have an extremely respected IC member doing :joint: smoke tests as we speak. I'm excited about him chimming in and telling us which he liked better.

It was a hard decision, a photo finish, almost a tie, but I feel the Happy Frog plant won by a hair. Still Unofficial Results, official results to come in the future. lol :joint:


sqwirl said:
I have an extremely respected IC member doing :joint: smoke tests as we speak. I'm excited about him chimming in and telling us which he liked better.

i cant wait to hear what he has to say, lol. here's what i thought of the samples:

pretty close though i do feel like the happy frog is a little more high quality, especially if you are a cannaseur. :rasta:


I'm glad you've came up with your conclusion H&L.

If you haven't been to this link and checked out his smoke reports I highly recomend it. H&L did an awesome job with the report

In the near future I have plans on doing another comparison grow in this thread. I have talked to a good buddy about helping me out on this. We are going to be filling his room up, having 50% of plants in HF and 50% plants in OF. This will give us a bigger experimental group to work with and help this comparison to be a bit more scientific.

I'm taking the clones sometime in the next week, so it will be at least a month until we start posting on this. Just wanting to give everybody a heads up.


I love them both but have had fungus knat problems with hf.thanks for the show it was great.


Active member
Excellent thread, Thanks !
I've used real crappy soil in the past and every grow shows deficiencies real quick, now for the ffhf


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