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Haha. Ladies..If you would?


New member
i never liked the advice "be yourself" because which "self" are you going to be? we all wear many hats in life.

you must be confident to overcome your nervousness.

you can build confidence by just saying hello to a woman. think about it. on an average day how many different women do you see? if you smile and say hello to everyone of these women you see everyday, in a week you will be confident enough to approach any woman you see, and spark-up a conversation.

dating is a numbers game! for example, lets say you see 15 different girls in a day, 10 of those girls you ask out on a date, 5 will say yes, 2 will have sex with you.

keep it short on the first date. never go to the movies on a first date.


Active member
pieceofmyheart said:
Girls can be so hard to figure out...........you'll find one though, eventually.

girls are hard to figure out?

impossible to figure out is more like it....hahah
gotta love em tho

its the mystry of a woman that makes them so attractive and alluring in the first place


New member
refeermadness.. i like your advice.

almost 1 year so far with my current girlfriend. i think every girl has quirks that need to be figured out.

also -- virgins are especially loyal to their first love, so..
hey this is my second marriage first was a disaster!!! i have come to one rule for dating....

you ready?

your sure you want this?????? :chin:

If they aint smokin dont fuck with em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :joint:
I dont trust no one who doesnt smoke da kind :joint:
i look at it this way.... I get along with all those who do as i do.. those in the other catagory wont understand you!! a stoner chic will!!! you have a bad day she roles up or packs it for you and comes to you with a lighter fires it for you blows smoke in your mouth while given you a wet one, then while your blowin she goes down on you..... :yummy:

then between the two you totally forgot about your bad day!!!

NOW THATS A LADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there is an exeption to this pimpin knowledge.........

Just because she doesnt smoke which im assumin you dont know....doesnt mean she cant be showed the light from the green torch!!!



Active member
That goes along with having things in common. But a smoker with a non smoker can be tough, especially if they just don't understand why you like it, or they are ignorant about marijuana in general.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
pieceofmyheart said:
Girls can be so hard to figure out...........you'll find one though, eventually.

Girls are easy it's the Lady's that get ya in trouble.



Getting a girl varies in difficulty depending on what youre going for.

For example, just getting a lay is easy (cause girls, at least girls under 30, are always trying to get laid too, no matter what they want you to think), but finding someone you can put up with seeing/talking to every day is reeeaallly hard.

I just hit the one year mark with mine, and we still get along great..

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
sMack-CFS! said:
For example, just getting a lay is easy (cause girls, at least girls under 30, are always trying to get laid too, no matter what they want you to think)

They want to get laid just as much as we do. They are humans and they have needs just like us. So go out and get you some :kitty: and lay off the :jerkit:
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ICMag Donor
Closet Funk said:
They want to get laid just as much as we do. They are humans and they have needs just like us. So go out and get you some :kitty: and lay off the :jerkit:

Thats true, we do have needs but girls have to be careful, if we give it up too soon, we are sluts and if we dont, then we are frigid bitches, so its definetly a fine line for us girls, guys just get more "experienced" , just my :2cents: every situation is different, ok, im done rambling :D

Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Mrs.Babba said:
Thats true, we do have needs but girls have to be careful, if we give it up too soon, we are sluts and if we dont, then we are frigid bitches, so its definetly a fine line for us girls, guys just get more "experienced" , just my :2cents: every situation is different, ok, im done rambling :D

This is true. I wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a girl that gives it up on the first date. She would be considered as a slut to me so you couldn't of said it better, but me being a guy I would probally still wax it. That's how the game goes. :D
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pieceofmyheart said:
Only women under 30 want to get laid? What are the rest of us, dead?

lol no, of course not.. I just meant that it seems like younger girls are more prone to "getting around", making them easier. like I said, getting a lay is easy, it just takes confidence and you gotta know what kinda game to spit depending on the situation.

but, luckily, I havent had to play the field in a while.. my girl keeps me VERY satisfied. in fact, she wants it more than I do I think.. haha, im not sure whether its a blessing or a curse. :biglaugh:


Bodhisattva of the Earth
ICMag Donor
Yea if ya get banned from the womans forum that means the whole site. I would be nice and respectful to the beautiful ICmag ladies here, we feel very protective of them:)


Take Five...
If I may, my experience has been, if you want a serious girlfriend, meet someone and lay off the sex part until you are both comfy and things are good. Nothing weirds out people more than premature sex. It complicates things real fast. If she is cool and really wants a serious boyfriend, then the sex thing right away can scare her off.

Also, some people (again I'm not specifying male or female cuz we're equally messed!) get a couple drinks in em and it's Mr. Hyde. Years ago I met a hot girl who I met after a show (my band) who was a friend of a friend. She was sweet on me with all the usual affectionate touching and being close and whatnot. Body language was so there it wasn't funny. Unfortunately her friend was there meaning to dump my buddy, so when that happened it killed the mood, real fast. A crying best friend trumps an interesting guy anyday.

Later, we all go out and she brings her boyfriend! (oops - didn't know) A couple drinks and she's doing the cheese grater on my leg (sorry for the crudeness ladies) with her boyfriend three people down the bar! She literally didn't spend two minutes with him. I get the scoop that they are on the rocks and she wants to move on. Red flag #1! Messin with new guys while still hooked to the old one! I try calling her after and no answer, no return of message. I catch her on a friends cell and she's all weird, which I can sniff out immediately. No drinky drinky. Turns out sober she is okay with him and that drunk Ms. Hyde shit is a regular game. Boy did I move on fast.

Moral? Take your time and be sure. It's the only way to find a quality lady. Psss...real women don't like "playas" no matter what the "playas" may think. I don't consider the bang em and leave em thing honourable at all.

Case in point. I met a girl at work, we took our time (I asked her for coffee, no answer for weeks, then we hooked up at an event, started dating casually, and 6 years later I am happliy married to that woman of my dreams ( better actually, I couldn't have "ordered up" a better woman if I tried).

Dating sux and I feel for you (as I do all my cool single friends). Good luck and I wish you the best. Good things are worth sacrificing for.
