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Haha. Ladies..If you would?


Active member
Heres a story. Id like your .02 on it.

So today I run into this girl. Id met her a while back at the counter at a local shop, talked for a few seconds, got her number, and moved along. Called her, invited her out, she said shed call me back. never did.

So today, run into her again. Same place. Whatever. She absolutely beamed at me. And I ask her why she never called back. She mentioned that I was playing poker that night. I informed her that i play on thursdays, but wouldnt mind meeting her any other day. Making it kind of clear that Id rather go out with her for a night, then play poker at some dive. Whatever again. Im pretty stand-offish about the whole thing, in retrospect. I said that it was her turn to call me if she wanted, gave her MY number, and told her she should call me.

She did. :yoinks:

So she invited me to lunch. She doesnt know much about where it will be, or when. Said shed call me tomorrow morning to tell me. Sounded like she wanted to talk but was like..just wanting to make it quick? I dont know how they think.

After I hung up the phone, I blinked at myself. I kind of wanted to get to know her a bit better before I go out to lunch with her and a few of HER friends. Thats an intimidating situation. So I call her back, and ask if she has the internet. She says no. I inquired as to her phone charging situation. Ugh. I say ill just talk to her tomorrow. And we hung up.

I sounded more desperate than I first thought. It was something that I shouldve just thought of on the phone with her at first. But my dumb ass forgot, and I had wondered all day. haha. Anyway, long story short.

Should I even go?

What the fuck is going on. -_-;
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pieceofmyheart said:
Stop over analyzing everything. She is probably as nervous as you.
True. Woman can get just as nervous over a man as we men can get over a woman. Just go out with her and have a good time. But, most importantly, be yourself.


********* Female Seeds
ICMag Donor
Thisbuds4u said:
True. Woman can get just as nervous over a man as we men can get over a woman. Just go out with her and have a good time. But, most importantly, be yourself.

That is it in a nutshell. treat them like gold and they will walk all over ya treat them like crap and you'll beat them of with a stick. These words are from a friend of mine who is the biggest male whore I've ever met. Women just standing in line to get hurt wtf. me on the other hand treat them like gold and was luck enough to find one I liked over 20 years ago and still act like it's our first date sometimes.

Just be you man if she didn'yt like what she saw she never would have called.



ICMag Donor
POMH has some good advice, just be yourself and go hang out with her, if you guys hit it off make another date, if not no harm no foul, its not easy for a girl to make the first move[at least thats how I would feel] so just go with it and have fun!


My little pony.. my little pony
Unless youre on an episode of Elimidate I would suggest ditching the friends considering its just a lunchtime meet. Otherwise youre not just being evaluated by one girl you are trying to get to know, you get grilled by the whole group and chances are if one of them doesnt like you by the end of lunch stick a fork in you as you are done. If just the two of you meet and she likes you then she will defend that when you do meet the friends. Or you could tell her that you feel uncomfortable being there with her friends, so you invited your mom along.


Yeah take Mommy and have her bring a notepad and a tape recorder. Then tell her she will be recieving a grade at the end of the date.


ICMag Donor
BagseedSamurai said:
Heres a story. Id like your .02 on it.

So today I run into this girl. Id met her a while back at the counter at a local shop, talked for a few seconds, got her number, and moved along. Called her, invited her out, she said shed call me back. never did.

So today, run into her again. Same place. Whatever. She absolutely beamed at me. And I ask her why she never called back. She mentioned that I was playing poker that night. I informed her that i play on thursdays, but wouldnt mind meeting her any other day. Making it kind of clear that Id rather go out with her for a night, then play poker at some dive. Whatever again. Im pretty stand-offish about the whole thing, in retrospect. I said that it was her turn to call me if she wanted, gave her MY number, and told her she should call me.

She did. :yoinks:

So she invited me to lunch. She doesnt know much about where it will be, or when. Said shed call me tomorrow morning to tell me. Sounded like she wanted to talk but was like..just wanting to make it quick? I dont know how they think.

After I hung up the phone, I blinked at myself. I kind of wanted to get to know her a bit better before I go out to lunch with her and a few of HER friends. Thats an intimidating situation. So I call her back, and ask if she has the internet. She says no. I inquired as to her phone charging situation. Ugh. I say ill just talk to her tomorrow. And we hung up.

I sounded more desperate than I first thought. It was something that I shouldve just thought of on the phone with her at first. But my dumb ass forgot, and I had wondered all day. haha. Anyway, long story short.

Should I even go?

What the fuck is going on. -_-;

BagSeed....has anything happened with this girl??? ....did you guys ever go out??...last we heard she called you?? ....inquiring minds want to k now :D ...hopefully you guys had some fun if nothin else :joint:


ICMag Donor
awww I'm sorry to hear that...sheesh!!!...woman?!?!...cant live with em cant figure 'em out!!...just keep being yourself and you will meet the right person, treat ppl nice and they will ,for the most part ,treat you the same way back :smile:


Active member
Since her ive been screwed over twice more. Its great being in the dating world. God, do I want a girlfriend. Something steady. Fuck this crazy shit.


ICMag Donor
Dont get discouraged Bagseed.....just when you least expect it you might meet the girl of your dreams :D
there is someone out there for you, you just havent met her yet...keep lookin and in the mean time have some fun!
We have a 22 year daughter that loves to smoke weed and all her girlfriends do too, so they are out there, just have to find 'em :D
Good Luck!
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Closet Funk

CeRtIfIeD OrGaNiC!
Now she is just playing games with you. Girls like to do that. When she does call you back give her some of her own medicine and avoid her for awhile. She might like it.


Active member
man, there should be a dedicated forum where stoner guys can come and ask nice stoner girls for advice....cause honestly I know these two girls I blaze with, we've all been friends forever and they always break the average girl down for me...they really do like the silent control...don't let them play with your head too much man. later all...and ladies...thanks for your insight...

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