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HAARP Engineering 'FRANKENSTORM' Hurricane Sandy - CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! ‏

headband 707

Plant whisperer
can you show me his invention working? and actually the best discussion I saw about it was on a conspiracy theorist website. I just have this b.s. alarm in my head that says "if something sounds too good to be true, it usually is." He wouldn't be the first free energy scammer. I will surely eat crow if he demonstrates the device working as advertised and allows other physicists to analyze the working machine. Until then I'm calling b.s. That is all.

Yeah I will have to agree with you on this under duress lol.. Let us not forget that Sun/Wind/Wave power is all free!!! It's that machine that they keep on showing in videos that has not been put into the mainstream. But if Tesla did it then it's going to be shrouded in BS. I believe Tesla when he said he figured it out. I also believe Edison took everything Tesla did and I also believe that our power companies would stop at nothing to keep the flow of cash going to them. It all boils down to who you believe really stay safe headband 707 :tiphat:


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Epic fail in reading my previous posts Hempkat, you're mixing me with someone else, only thing you got right is I said you need in-depth brainunwashing. :laughing::moon:

How is it an epic fail when you reiterate the kind of name calling and insulting behavior I attributed to you in your reply?


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Can you give me some example of proof you need to be even a little convinced TPTB are working together against everyone else?

This has to certainly weigh something:

"The idea that a few bankers control a large chunk of the global economy might not seem like news to New York's Occupy Wall Street movement and protesters elsewhere (see photo). But the study, by a trio of complex systems theorists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, is the first to go beyond ideology to empirically identify such a network of power. It combines the mathematics long used to model natural systems with comprehensive corporate data to map ownership among the world's transnational corporations (TNCs)."

"Reality is so complex, we must move away from dogma, whether it's conspiracy theories or free-market," says James Glattfelder. "Our analysis is reality-based."

"When the team further untangled the web of ownership, it found much of it tracked back to a "super-entity" of 147 even more tightly knit companies - all of their ownership was held by other members of the super-entity - that controlled 40 per cent of the total wealth in the network. "In effect, less than 1 per cent of the companies were able to control 40 per cent of the entire network," says Glattfelder. Most were financial institutions. The top 20 included Barclays Bank, JPMorgan Chase & Co, and The Goldman Sachs Group."


I'm not asking for proof that TPTB (aka the extremely wealthy) are working against the interest of everyone else. That's nothing new. What I would need proof of are the specifics you've attributed to the conspiracy of TPTB. Like the HAARP project being a weather weapon for example. Everything you and Trichrider have shown as proof used the terminology of speculation. You have even admitted that your beliefs are Opinions you have formed. Opinions aren't proof and very rarely do opinions end up being "The Truth" yet you give your opinions so much weight that you honestly believe the only way anyone could believe otherwise is if they are brainwashed and so you judge them as needing to be unbrainwashed which when it's based on opinion unbrainwashing is really just a different form of brainwashing.


Kiss My Ring
not to worry.
no need to worry either way. if it's true there is nothing you could do since it is a classified project. no one is going to derail it since it's significance is beyond nuclear weapons.

failing your own investigation into the capabilities of this technology and then berating our information and theories is rather short sighted is it not?

while many aspects of physics are still unknown even to the experts let alone us laymen, some are taken for granted.

take the second law of thermodynamics. high pressure will flow into low pressure...

HAARP heats the ionosphere causing it to expand into space.

the low pressure would then be filled with the higher pressure from surrounding atmosphere effectively guiding the storm.

if you couldn't follow some links from the dozens i provided to get at least a critical understanding of the concept, i seriously would have to doubt your credibility...

have a good turkey dinner!

i gotta get back to napping in front of the tele...my lobotomy is wearing off.


Active member
Hard to send any proof your way Hempkat when you admit quitting reading after the first page, when the wording on it didn't meet your requirements.
If you looked any deeper you would have seen that it all ties together very well.


Active member
I'm not asking for proof that TPTB (aka the extremely wealthy) are working against the interest of everyone else. That's nothing new. What I would need proof of are the specifics you've attributed to the conspiracy of TPTB. Like the HAARP project being a weather weapon for example. Everything you and Trichrider have shown as proof used the terminology of speculation. You have even admitted that your beliefs are Opinions you have formed. Opinions aren't proof and very rarely do opinions end up being "The Truth" yet you give your opinions so much weight that you honestly believe the only way anyone could believe otherwise is if they are brainwashed and so you judge them as needing to be unbrainwashed which when it's based on opinion unbrainwashing is really just a different form of brainwashing.

I'm not going to spoonfeed the evidence to you, take your eyeballs out and look for urself.

I looked at my previous posts AGAIN, you sir are putting words in my mouth. And don't get stuck at the wording again, I could've used any word instead of opinion that describes my picture of this phenomena.


Kiss My Ring
another reason evidence is lacking...

Darpa’s Plan to Trap the Next WikiLeaker: Decoy Documents

WikiLeakers may have to think twice before clicking on that “classified” document. It could be the digital smoking gun that points back at them.

Darpa-funded researchers are building a program for “generating and distributing believable misinformation.” The ultimate goal is to plant auto-generated, bogus documents in classified networks and program them to track down intruders’ movements, a military research abstract reveals.

“We want to flood adversaries with information that’s bogus, but looks real,” says Salvatore Stolfo, the Columbia University computer science professor leading the project. “This will confound and misdirect them.” (You can make your own fake doc on the research lab’s website, too.)

The program aims to scare off uninvited riff-raff as well as minimize insider threats, one of the greatest vulnerabilities in military networks. Fake “classified” documents, when touched, will take a snapshot of the IP address of the intruder and the time it was opened, alerting a systems administrator of the breach.

With that trail of digital breadcrumbs, agencies can track down prying eyes more easily. It’s not only a way to stop the new “systemic threat” demonstrated by “the recent disclosure of sensitive and classified government documents through WikiLeaks,” as a summary of the project notes. The deeper goal is to make hackers and whistleblowers jittery about whether the data they’ve stumbled on is actually real.

With Congress demanding the Defense Department work on eliminating insider threats, feds have been in overdrive trying to prevent another document-dump at the scale of WikiLeaks, even going to the extremes of threatening to prosecute airmen who let their families read the site.


This decoy-detecting project is funded as part of Anomaly Detection at Multiple Scales, a program to design ways of sniffing out “malicious” insider threat behavior. It’s not the only Pentagon program aimed at weeding out disloyal troops. Led by Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, former hacker-rockstar of the freewheeling Boston’s L0pht collective, Darpa is dreaming ways to detect signs of subversion or infiltration as part of a program called Cyber Insider Threat.

Under this plan, the decoy docs would undermine hackers’ trust in the integrity of data, make them question whether releasing it in the public domain would be worth it, and force WikiLeakers to do more work verifying their authenticity. (Take the document we made above, for example.)

“If we implant lots of decoys in a system, the adversary has to expend own resources to determine what’s real and what’s not,” Stolfo tells Danger Room.

If a bogus document is actually released online, it would shatter the credibility of the whistleblowing website that published it, said Stolfo. So even after an attacker has hacked through firewalls, tricked intrusion detection technology and gained unfettered access into a system, he’ll hesitate before making away with the goods.

Columbia University has a pending patent application on the decoy-creating technology. Stolfo co-founded Allure Security Technology in 2009 to make products based on that technology.

“I don’t know who has the patent for the concept of deception, though,” he joked. “It possibly dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. Now we’re trying to automate the process.”


Kiss My Ring

Government Documents Link Global Warming to Advanced Military Climate Modification Technology

Documents from 1966 reveal the mission of the military and federal agencies to modify the climate

It’s unacceptable that the UN/IPCC continue to push CO2 as the cause for climate change but refuse to acknowledge the military has been actively engaged in Climate Warming Weapons Technologies for more than twenty 20 years.


TITLE: “Present and Future Plans of Federal Agencies in Weather-Climate Modification”

This set of documents from 1966 reveals a network of government agencies in perpetual and secret collaboration with each other and the military to Modify the Global climate. Created by the elitist National Academy of Sciences – decades of an inter-agency culture of secrecy explains why the issue of covert aerosol Geoengineering is a taboo topic to be degraded to the status of “conspiracy theory” by a matrix of complicit bureaucrats at every opportunity. This is why your local TV “meteorologist” will rarely make a helpful comment about an unusual sky filled with persistent jet trails.
Global Warming” initiatives proposed by Wexler:
  • To increase the global temperature of the Earth by 1.7°C, “by injecting a cloud of ice crystals into the polar atmosphere by detonating 10 H-bombs in the Arctic Ocean – the subject of his 1958 article in Science magazine” (Wexler H., 1958, “Modifying Weather on a Large Scale,” Science, n.s. 128 (Oct. 31, 1958): 1059-1063).
  • To diminish the global temperature by 1.2°C could be doable, “by launching a ring of dust particles into equatorial orbit, a modification of an earlier Russian proposal to warm the Arctic”.
  • To destroy the ozone layer and hence increase abruptly the surface temperature of the Earth, by spraying “several hundred thousand tons of chlorine or bromine” with a stratospheric airplane. Fleming, 2007(a), pp. 56-57; Fleming, 2007(b), “note n° viii” p. 9 & p. 5 (source)
If warming the arctic was regarded as good for commerce for 100 years why would a discovery that found carbon dioxide was already performing the task for free, suddenly be regarded as a catastrophe to prevent?

This timeline of determined Geoengineering projects suggests the goal of mediating arctic climate remains a favorite goal of the fossil fuel industry.
1877 Harvard geologist Nathaniel Shaler proposed channeling more of the warm Kuroshio Current through the Bering Strait to raise temperatures in the Polar region by 30 degrees.
1912, New York Engineer and Industrialist, Carroll Livingston Riker proposed building a 200 mile jetty off Newfoundland to increase the Gulf Stream’s flow into to the Arctic Basin with the added benefit that it would “shift” the axis of planet earth. The New York Times characterized the proposal as “amazing”… but not insane.
1929: Hermann Oberth, German-Hungarian physicist and engineer; Proposed building giant mirrors on a space station to focus the Sun’s radiation on Earth’s surface, making the far North habitable and freeing sea lanes to Siberian harbors.
1945; Julian Huxley, biologist and Secretary-General of UNESCO 1946-48; Proposed exploding atomic bombs at an appropriate height above the polar regions to raise the temperature of the Arctic Ocean and warm the entire climate of the northern temperate zone.
1946Village Voice article from 2005 reporting on theMay, 1946 issue of Mechanix Illustrated that featured several arctic-warming geoengineering proposals. One “brave new idea” was proposed by Julian Huxley, then the Secretary-General of UNESCO, and brother of Aldous Huxley, that would detonate atomic bombs to warm the Arctic.
1958; M. Gorodsky, Soviet engineer and mathematician, and Valentin Cherenkov, Soviet meteorologist; Proposed placing a ring of metallic potassium particles into Earth’s polar orbit to diffuse light reaching Earth and increase solar radiation to thaw the permanently frozen soil of Russia, Canada, and Alaska and melt polar ice.
1958; Arkady Markin, Soviet engineer; Proposed that the United States and Soviet Union build a gigantic dam across the Bering Strait and use nuclear power–driven propeller pumps to push the warm Pacific current into the Atlantic by way of the Arctic Sea. Arctic ice would melt, and the Siberian and North American frozen areas would become temperate and productive.
1958 Russian Oil engineer, P.M. Borisov’s proposed melting the Arctic and Greenland icecaps by spreading black coal dust on the ice, creating cloud-cover across the poles to trap heat and to divert warm Atlantic waters into the polar regions. This scheme was taken seriously by Soviet climatologists. Two conferences were held in Leningrad in the early 1960′s following an initial meeting in Moscow by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences in 1959.
1958 Atlantic Richfield geologist L.M. Natland, proposed exploding up to 100 underground nuclear bombs to mine the Alberta Oil Sands. Heat from the detonations was expected to boil the bitumen deposits, reducing their viscosity to the point that standard drilling operations could be used. The plan was encouraged by US efforts to find “peaceful uses” for atomic energy. The project was approved in 1959 but the Canadian government reversed their decision in 1962 and declared that Canada was opposed to all forms of nuclear testing. In 2012 the Canadian Tar Sands are, again an issue of international concern.
1962 Harry Wexler (March 15, 1911- 1962) was an MIT graduate and PhD in meteorology. Wexler had been researching the link connecting chlorine and bromine compounds to the destruction of the stratospheric ozone layers, but died of a heart attack while on vacation in Woods Hole, Mass. Wexler had already accepted an invitation to deliver a lecture entitled “The Climate of Earth and Its Modifications” at the University of Maryland Space Research and Technology Institute.
The 1996 Air Force document that forecasts “Owning the Weather in 2025” would not rule out using Tesla and plasma technologies to increase arctic temperatures in order to disadvantage a perceived enemy. A decision not to intervene might betray the military’s primary objective of “Full Spectrum Dominance”. After all, access to Oil and Gas has been a national security priority for decades.



Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
not to worry.
no need to worry either way. if it's true there is nothing you could do since it is a classified project. no one is going to derail it since it's significance is beyond nuclear weapons.

failing your own investigation into the capabilities of this technology and then berating our information and theories is rather short sighted is it not?

while many aspects of physics are still unknown even to the experts let alone us laymen, some are taken for granted.

take the second law of thermodynamics. high pressure will flow into low pressure...

HAARP heats the ionosphere causing it to expand into space.

the low pressure would then be filled with the higher pressure from surrounding atmosphere effectively guiding the storm.

if you couldn't follow some links from the dozens i provided to get at least a critical understanding of the concept, i seriously would have to doubt your credibility...

have a good turkey dinner!

i gotta get back to napping in front of the tele...my lobotomy is wearing off.

I don't know how many times I have to explain this to you but I have done my own investigations as well as looked at your links. My own investigations lead me to conclude you are deluded or mislead by others that are deluded. The links you provide are nothing more then speculative garbage put up by people with questionable motives and even more questionable backgrounds for trying to analyze the things they are analyzing. Even among the people here claiming HAARP is a weather weapon there is little consensus. Previous to this post I've seen it suggested that the storm is created and guided by heating the ocean now you're saying it's done by heating the ionosphere. HAARP does heat the ionosphere but so does the sun which causes ionospheric storms that do not effect surface weather. Also you're misapplying the second law of thermodynamics.
The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that heat can never flow from a cold body to a warmer one. According to the second law of thermodynamics if the ionosphere is what is being heated then the colder air in the lower levels of the atmosphere where surface weather exists can't move into the heated expanded area of the ionosphere as you suggest. You clearly have extreme difficulty with reading comprehension as I've pointed out previously and I believe it's this lack of comprehension that has allowed you to delude yourself or be deluded by others..


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Hard to send any proof your way Hempkat when you admit quitting reading after the first page, when the wording on it didn't meet your requirements.
If you looked any deeper you would have seen that it all ties together very well.

I don't need to read multiple pages of speculation to know it's speculation. Oh and there's this neat thing about proof, it doesn't need to tie together, it stands on it's own. The fact that you say the rest of it all ties together confirms that the rest of it was also speculative. Obviously it all tied together because that's what the author was trying to do with the speculation. It would be pretty pointless for someone to write a speculative piece of conjecture and not tie it together.

It's not hard to send proof, when it exists. You haven't sent any proof because you don't have any and you know it, you just can't bring yourself to admit it publically.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
I'm not going to spoonfeed the evidence to you, take your eyeballs out and look for urself.

I looked at my previous posts AGAIN, you sir are putting words in my mouth. And don't get stuck at the wording again, I could've used any word instead of opinion that describes my picture of this phenomena.

Hahahaha do you hear yourself? "my picture" is the same as saying "my opinion" Sure you could have used other words. Words like conjecture, speculation, theory, belief but none of it is proof. No matter how much you dress a turd up, it's still a turd.

As for your spoonfeeding I'm not asking you to spoonfeed me although if I was truely brainwashed like you seem to think that's exactly what you would have to do to "unbrainwash" me. You claim to want to educate people to the truth but then you refuse to provide proof of your truth and say "I'm not going to spoonfeed the evidence to you". Stop lying to me and yourself. You know damn well if you had any solid evidence of what you are saying you'd be putting that proof up without hesitation. You don't have it though and so you post this speculative garbage that is easily discredited by anyone who truely practices critical thinking.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
another reason evidence is lacking...

Darpa’s Plan to Trap the Next WikiLeaker: Decoy Documents

WikiLeakers may have to think twice before clicking on that “classified” document. It could be the digital smoking gun that points back at them.

Darpa-funded researchers are building a program for “generating and distributing believable misinformation.” The ultimate goal is to plant auto-generated, bogus documents in classified networks and program them to track down intruders’ movements, a military research abstract reveals.

“We want to flood adversaries with information that’s bogus, but looks real,” says Salvatore Stolfo, the Columbia University computer science professor leading the project. “This will confound and misdirect them.” (You can make your own fake doc on the research lab’s website, too.)

The program aims to scare off uninvited riff-raff as well as minimize insider threats, one of the greatest vulnerabilities in military networks. Fake “classified” documents, when touched, will take a snapshot of the IP address of the intruder and the time it was opened, alerting a systems administrator of the breach.

With that trail of digital breadcrumbs, agencies can track down prying eyes more easily. It’s not only a way to stop the new “systemic threat” demonstrated by “the recent disclosure of sensitive and classified government documents through WikiLeaks,” as a summary of the project notes. The deeper goal is to make hackers and whistleblowers jittery about whether the data they’ve stumbled on is actually real.

With Congress demanding the Defense Department work on eliminating insider threats, feds have been in overdrive trying to prevent another document-dump at the scale of WikiLeaks, even going to the extremes of threatening to prosecute airmen who let their families read the site.


This decoy-detecting project is funded as part of Anomaly Detection at Multiple Scales, a program to design ways of sniffing out “malicious” insider threat behavior. It’s not the only Pentagon program aimed at weeding out disloyal troops. Led by Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, former hacker-rockstar of the freewheeling Boston’s L0pht collective, Darpa is dreaming ways to detect signs of subversion or infiltration as part of a program called Cyber Insider Threat.

Under this plan, the decoy docs would undermine hackers’ trust in the integrity of data, make them question whether releasing it in the public domain would be worth it, and force WikiLeakers to do more work verifying their authenticity. (Take the document we made above, for example.)

“If we implant lots of decoys in a system, the adversary has to expend own resources to determine what’s real and what’s not,” Stolfo tells Danger Room.

If a bogus document is actually released online, it would shatter the credibility of the whistleblowing website that published it, said Stolfo. So even after an attacker has hacked through firewalls, tricked intrusion detection technology and gained unfettered access into a system, he’ll hesitate before making away with the goods.

Columbia University has a pending patent application on the decoy-creating technology. Stolfo co-founded Allure Security Technology in 2009 to make products based on that technology.

“I don’t know who has the patent for the concept of deception, though,” he joked. “It possibly dates back to the time of Adam and Eve. Now we’re trying to automate the process.”

Ah so a system that sounds very much in the early stages and is no older then wikileaks is why there is no evidence of something that began 20 years earlier? Sounds sketchy at best.


Active member
Your subjective, prejudice approach with the material is the problem, not the information in it, that informationcould also be objectively viewed. I get the impression your goal is to decide the validity of the evidence before viewing it, and then shouting about it here.

"Governments, and the globalists who back them, have immense assets — an almost endless fiat money printing press — and control over most legal and academic institutions. With these advantages, disinformation can be executed on a massive scale. Here are just a handful of the most prominent tactics used by government agencies and private think tanks to guide public opinion, and establish the appearance of consensus:

1) Control The Experts: Most Americans are taught from kindergarten to ignore their instincts for the truth and defer to the “professional class” for all their answers. The problem is that much of the professional class is indoctrinated throughout their college years, many of them molded to support the status quo. Any experts that go against the grain are ostracized by their peers.

2) Control The Data: By controlling the source data of any investigation, be it legal or scientific, the government has the ability to engineer any truth they wish, that is, as long as the people do not care enough to ask for the source data. Two major examples of controlled and hidden source data include; the NIST investigation of the suspicious 9/11 WTC collapses, in which NIST engineers, hired by the government, have kept all source data from their computer models secret, while claiming that the computer models prove the collapses were “natural”. Also, the recent exposure of the CRU Climate Labs and their manipulation of source data in order to fool the public into believing that Global Warming is real, and accepting a world-wide carbon tax. The CRU has refused to release the source data from its experiments for years, and now we know why."

etc. etc.


Kiss My Ring
That's not what those documents do at all. Your lack of reading comprehension is really shining thru on this one.

lynch me then for having a disability. really hemp, your superiority is being tarnished. seems you are the one struggling to comprehend the material.
refusal t accept it is your deficeincy.
don't like the material i post, you're welcome to exit stage left.



Active member
Reptoid Aliens.

Don't need no science if you got reptoid aliens runnin the show.

I think there's one living in the dumpster in back of McDonalds.


Kiss My Ring

let's quit arguing over the technology. it's capable enough.

so application is government or corporations, and in the case of the us of a'holes corporations run government. raytheon was singled out because they held patent rights to this tech.

where does a disportportional amount of usa budget dollars go?

to the military/industrial complex.

who owns the corporations that are the m/i complex?

same folks who loan the government money to pay the corporations.

are you beginning to grasp the scope of my lunacy?

...incidentally, the original patents were granted to Atlantic Richfield. a subsidiary of Standard Oil.


Standard Oil was owned by John D. Rockefeller...Nicolai Tesla was ruined by Rockefeller and J P Morgan (who financed Edison) and his inventions were confiscated as collateral for that genious' exhorbitant tastes in lifestyle...


please leave a quarter on your way out...
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