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Secret Banking Cabal Emerges From AIG Shadows- Bloomberg News

I kinda think the US is still the best place on the planet to live. Apply most of the above quotes to just about any other government and you may realize this.


sunshine in a bag
I'll parachute in with emmanuelle chriqui, rename the island and vote you off by secret tying cords to you at night after you got really stoned, then the second you step out of bed you step on a platform that triggers a plane to take off and drop you at the federal reserve

then everyone gets to watch me have sex with emmanuelle chriqui.

much better idea.

well, i'll just cut off my feet. bam, plan thwarted.

also, if you join my island, you have to bring 3 women. we have to populate the island. cant have a sausage fest going on.


well, i'll just cut off my feet. bam, plan thwarted.

also, if you join my island, you have to bring 3 women. we have to populate the island. cant have a sausage fest going on.

hilarious that i said that because i watched the family guy premier last night and adam west parachuted in and busted out a joint! rofl


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
I kinda think the US is still the best place on the planet to live. Apply most of the above quotes to just about any other government and you may realize this.

I don't disagree with that. I've grew up overseas and know what it's like to live in a third world dictatorships. I'm speaking more to the global financial crisis that is still ongoing. The epicenter of which is coming from here.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
also, if you join my island, you have to bring 3 women. we have to populate the island. cant have a sausage fest going on.

I'm holding tryouts to find my three. I think I found one.



Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The Banking Cartels will cannibalize themselves eventually. The failure of Keynesian is close IMO. Keynesian economics works for a while, but it is only a piece of classic economics. In the end classic economics always wins out because markets cannot be control by human beings. Keynesian is a by product of human arrogance.

Anyway, back to printing worthless paper money.

IMF warns against currency war, US dollar lower Reuters

"There is clearly the idea beginning to circulate that currencies can be used as a policy weapon," IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn was quoted as saying in Wednesday's edition of the Financial Times.

"Translated into action, such an idea would represent a very serious risk to the global recovery ... Any such approach would have a negative and very damaging longer-run impact."

Low interest rates in Europe and Japan and expectations that the U.S. Federal Reserve is about to embark on another round of money printing that could weaken the U.S. dollar have pushed currencies to the top of the agenda for the gathering of finance chiefs from the Group of Seven rich nations on Friday.


I wonder what the big corporations and banks will do when they see things starting to fail...

How will they keep control? That's a scary question. Martial law and such things. Military against the people the are supposed to "protect" (now that's already a joke, but now, at least they kill people on the other side of the globe for profit).


I wonder what the big corporations and banks will do when they see things starting to fail...

How will they keep control? That's a scary question. Martial law and such things. Military against the people the are supposed to "protect" (now that's already a joke, but now, at least they kill people on the other side of the globe for profit).

They know the military will have an issue firing on American citizens...so you know what they're doing? Prepping national guard and other such agencies with FOREIGN troops...we have foreign troops training on our soil, for the sole purpose of martial law in the event it is declared.



They have a plan, don't you worry one bit!

Best thing you can do is stay educated on the issues, understand the power structure of the world and prepare for the worst.


What a wonderful world...

Edit: One can only handle so much shit in one day. It is time to fire one up and play some videogames. C ya later


Europe Prepares for Bloodbath Open After Ireland Lowered By S&P To AA- From AA, Outlook Negative Zero Hedge

Oh, yeah throw Ireland onto the pile of soon to be JUNK status countries with sovereign debt crisis. They can't print money so like Greece it will be a deflationary death spiral. Game Over.

S&P Ratings :biglaugh: Moody's Ratings :biglaugh: Does anyone really still believe this bullshit after they swindled everyone with their bullshit AAA rating of all the JUNK status mortgage security CDO's (Collateralized debt obligations) that imploded all over the world in '08.

Welcome to the Recovery!

I saw the article on ZH and thought, AA- WTF ??? What do things have to look like to get lowered to a B?? I wish my teachers in college would have graded on the same scale Moodys uses.

Buy physical PMs!! My 9 y/o son proudly bought his first Canadian Maple Leaf last weekend.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
humans are gonna be living in the woods again with in 25 years.. and dont even care. :muahaha:


Chairman of the Fed is a political appointee, so the Fed is still somewhat accountable to voters in a roundabout manner.

I'm glad people here take the financial crisis and subsequent bailout seriously. Go on Yahoo! and read the comments on the subject of the crisis and bailout. The ignorance is incredible. I personally think we were days away from the lights going out, food shortages, riots, martial law. I get a cold sweat when I think what would have happened if Citi or Bof A failed.
Up until about 6-8 months ago I was a pro-corporate, pro-bank, pro-war person. Typical Neo-Con I guess. I've since cleaned out all the shit in my ears and see it for what it really is. I've lost total faith in system I once believed.

I guess when the morality of our institutions fail so does regulation of corruption.

Maybe pitchforks and torches sometime down the road will be the final solution. A la the French Revolution.

Wow, that is great dude! Congratulations.


The price index for personal consumption expenditures moved up at an annual rate of 0.10 percent in the second quarter of this year. Inflation is not the problem, keep printing.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The price index for personal consumption expenditures moved up at an annual rate of 0.10 percent in the second quarter of this year. Inflation is not the problem, keep printing.

You must be a Paul Krugman fan. :)

You are sort of right. The FED is trying to stave off a deflationary spiral in asset classes (houses, stocks). Hence all the stimulus and ZIRP (zero interest rate policy), and POMO (permanent open market operations) injections into the stock market via the banks. However, it's still not juicing the economy because this isn't a cyclical correction we are going through. This is secular delevarging on both a macro and micro scale.

Hyperinflation is not necessarily inflation+. Hyperinflation is the loss of confidence in the currency. It is when the market realizes that no matter how much money they have it won't buy anything. We are trying to inflate a bubble that must pop. The market must find equilibrium because in the end it will. One way or the other. The more the FED tries to inflate the economy with free money and it doesn't come back the more pain we are all going to feel and without jobs there is no recovery.

FYI, The only reason the stock market is pushing 11,000 is because the FED injects billions through their almost daily POMOs. Insider selling is +2000-1 and there has been almost 6 months of retail capital outflow of the market. The FED can easily manipulate the stock market because volume has been dead for a long time.

I'm tired more later.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor


My true worry and question is this when it comes to the whole banking situation:

I do know that the elite control all of the wealth, including the currencies...and that the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are behind a lot of it...but...

Is an all-digital currency coming? I can easily foresee the US accepting a global currency, but I find it difficult that it would be able to implement something such as an all digital currency, such as through an ID card, RFID chip, drivers license, social security card, etc. If the dollar is falling, when is the predicted fall...or around what time? How much longer do we have with the way things are?

I ask...because I'm curious as to how the black market drug trade will function with digital currency..


Active member
My true worry and question is this when it comes to the whole banking situation:

I do know that the elite control all of the wealth, including the currencies...and that the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are behind a lot of it...but...

Is an all-digital currency coming? I can easily foresee the US accepting a global currency, but I find it difficult that it would be able to implement something such as an all digital currency, such as through an ID card, RFID chip, drivers license, social security card, etc. If the dollar is falling, when is the predicted fall...or around what time? How much longer do we have with the way things are?

I ask...because I'm curious as to how the black market drug trade will function with digital currency..

It's coming here in the west. The corporations would love for all transactions to be digital so they would know EVERYTHING you buy. That information is gold. That's why grocery stores have those saver cards.

Plus...the government wants to be able to track who bought what.

That's another part...without "cash", how CAN you perform an illegal transaction? How WILL private sales be conducted?

I think the future is going to suck...I think NOW sucks as far as personal liberties and privacy.

I lie on EVERYTHING I fill out. Because everyone shares your information. What DO you need my address for if I'm coming back to get it? Why my phone? I'll call you... Yup, my "record" is a mess... A hundred phone numbers and addresses.


So a "secret bank" ended up being printed about, in detail, in a magazine owned by one of the richest people in the United States with ties to the banking industry?

These dudes suck at keeping secrets. They'd make terrible growers.