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H3ad goes Coco


breathe deep
Thanks greenatik for looking out. I just switched to the Head formula with GH. I use RO water.
I thought i read in this thread that Head stopped using Esalt because he did not see a difference when using it.
I was using PBP but always seemed to have calmag issues. I was using calmag as well. I am sure it was my mixing of the nutes and not the pbp that caused me problems as i have seen many beautiful plants grown with pbp in coco.

Do you use 5ml sweet with RO water and the head 6/9 recipe?


yes 6/9 + 5ml sweet. also run the ph slightly higher in flower (6.2) to make mag more available



The Voice of Reason
inreplyavalon, you should try out the formula as is before adding to or changing anything. Concentration and ratio are integral to proper nutrient uptake. Nothing the plants need is missing. The only thing I ever really have to adjust is to increase watering frequency in hungrier plants.

Moving one's pH from 5.8 to 6.2 may slightly increase Mg availability, but it decreases availability of P, Ca, Fe, and Cu.


breathe deep
Thanks for the Greenatik. I'll keep a close eye on deficiency and modify as needed. Good of you to share your technique and that is a gooey looking plant you got there.

Head i have been using the bare bones 6/9 and will continue. Thanks for the encouragement and the formula, AND the G13xDiesel room i am running.


The Voice of Reason
my father keeps an airstone in his res, and he uses my formula, he mixes 50 gallons though, and it can sit for a while sometimes so I think keeping it aerated isn't a bad idea.


I'm trying this out with a few test-girls who are having problems right now starting 6/9 and 1 tsp cal-mag in veg...... I've got a couple questions:

Anybody ever do a test-comparison against H&G nutes, or switch to this from H&G?

And I'm using tap water (not sure of the ppm but I will find out later today because I'm buying a meter,) so I'm not sure if this would fuck things up...anybody have good experience in tap water?


breathe deep
I am having some serious problems. I switched to the 6/9 formula on this grow. I started with my clones fully rooted after 10 days of my aero cloner. Big healthy roots. Plants looked green as could be.

Transplanted into 16 ounce Keg cups. Fed them 1/2 strength Head formula for about 10 days. Roots grew started to need water 1-2 times a day. Then transplanted them into 3 gallon pots and fed them full strength. 5 days later they look terrible. They are not growing and green is quickly turning to yellow from the bottom up. Some bottom leaves are twisted, and have burned looking tips. They were also topped a day beofre the 3 gallon transplant.
I thought it was the new coco i was using, but that turns out to be OK.

Did i feed them full stregth nutes too soon? They are all 8-12 inches tall, and i have fed the same strain, the same size equal ppms before of different nutes and never seen this problem.
Please offer any advice. They look worse each day.
The ppm runoff is at about 700 when i run RO through, and the PH is at 6.1 runoff.


The Voice of Reason
right after transplant, before the new roots have moved into the new material, it is possible to surround your plants with too much wet coco. I have seen this same sort of thing happen, and usually sort it by flushing the coco out by running quite a few 'to waste' waterings in a single day, and increasing the frequency at which I am feeding.


breathe deep
I am confused. Would increasing watering just make them more wet and prevent the roots from growing?
I flushed them with RO because it looked like burn. Should i now feed them?

Thanks for the rapid response Head. No one likes needing their hand held, but this is a first for me.


The Voice of Reason
increasing watering will increase the rate at which new air is pulled into the medium.

overwatering is really a misnomer. it should be called under oxygenation. if overwatering were really possible then deep water culture wouldn't work.


breathe deep
Thanks for explaining that. Time is precious and sharing it is seva.

I will start feeding them 6/9 a few times a day and hopefully they will pick back up.


Ok I got a water report, any idea if this will work well, or what I should change around to make it work better?

PH 7.5 total ppm ~180

(all in ppm,)

Chloride - range 19 to 93
iron - range nd to 420 (lol, seriously, 420.)
manganese nd to 26
sulfate 60 to 530
calcium 25 to 77
magnesium 4 to 39
potassium nd to 6.6



breathe deep
UPdate to my earlier posted problems.

I have been feeding them 3 times a day for two days. Just until runoff. Yesterday the plants looked like they were reacting well, but today they seem back where they were. Very droopy and the Nitrogen deficiency has finally made it to the top leaves on some of the plants. Yellow and droopy. I have never had such sad plants in Veg:1help:

I can post pics but i am instead going to stop with the watering and let them dry out a bit. Any objections? I have seen a few roots begin to pop out the bottom of the 3 gallon containers...not many but a couple!


breathe deep
Head I am not doubting the formula. I am sure it has enough Nitrogen. I have done my research. All i know is my plants are not absorbing it. From your initial suggestion i was under the impression that i should only feed them a lot for a few days. The above post alludes to that not being enough time so i will do longer. Some definitely look better, and so i will continue. It is a little scary because when i pick up a pot an hour after watering, a little stream of water drips out. And these are good draining net bottom pots.
You helped save some of them in two days time. Thanks!


The Voice of Reason
no objections, but it is not nitrogen deficiency... there is plenty of N in the formula... two days is not long enough to see much improvement, but if they are continuing to get worse i dunno what you have going on... It always puzzles my when someone does the exact same thing as hundreds of other people and gets completely different results... Something unaccounted for must be going on...


New member
inreply, have you used a mag supplement? I always run into problems when I don't add mag and use R/O

This quote is your answer,,,,,Iv been down this road before as well. Add the mag or use tap water ever will fix it the mag is better, also just in case calibrate your ph meter good luck...

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