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Gypsy is finally home


Well-known member
surely the authorities cannot realistically persue this matter any further- how can they prosecute a uk citizen for selling seeds (=no Thc) when their own u.s citizens are legally selling buds and extracts ( many thcs)???


Active member
Welcome back Gypsy !

Sorry if i dont have all facts right but if the us still has some thing on you, i would really advise you to talk with some high class laywer that know international law

U.K is maby not the smartest country to stay if the warrent is still out there.
Pls dont think they might forget it, i had 1 freind that made it out of u.s.a and was for some time cool, he calle the police in the country he was living in to ask if they had some thing on him but they said no, after some time he flew out of that country and volia in germany, he was held back and put on a plane to the us, he was growing in the usa plus 10years ago, he just is out some year ago, but he spend alittel more than 5 years of wasted time for being part of a so called drug ring of cannabis growers and for staying in the us with out a permit, also they really did not have alot on him, some girl had told about his role and with out any real evidence for his involvment they serve him 5 years.

I really hope every thing calm down and you find out what your legal rights and that things work out in your favor !


Active member
surely the authorities cannot realistically persue this matter any further- how can they prosecute a uk citizen for selling seeds (=no Thc) when their own u.s citizens are legally selling buds and extracts ( many thcs)???

The U.S. Govt has never been to concerned with hypocracy or justice for that matter. Just ask the people who were here first. That being said.., it's getting harder and harder to find 12 jurors willing to convict a person for a cannabis crime and the d.a.'s are at least aware of that much.
Some cases wither and die... I hope the case agains gypsy does the same.


Well-known member
They also have to convince the uk gov to extradite for something that is fast becoming legal in the us.


admit nothing, deny everything, and demand proof.
So exited to read those words!! You have no idea
Happy 4/20 Gypsy!
Glad that you are home with family and friends.
Have a great day


surely the authorities cannot realistically persue this matter any further- how can they prosecute a uk citizen for selling seeds (=no Thc) when their own u.s citizens are legally selling buds and extracts ( many thcs)???

Only problem is US citizens get busted cause state law don't matter to the feds. Also I think it was something about having seeds shipped to him supposedly Rez Dog snitched but I haven't heard the whole story would be nice to know who ratted being so close to Maine and going to harvest fest their but I know how the DEA works they won't give a name about confidential informants and they stay on the streets selling drugs heroin and all they keep that shit on the streets.

Pretty much feds do what they want just hopefully they had a shit case and through it out probably did already it's been a minute and they haven't come yet. Heroin and meth are where they really are and business ain't slowing a bit in New England more people into opiates than weed from what I see.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
After a while, the importance of who, why, what-for gets to dissipate, and the reality of feeling like you have 'a monkey on your back' sinks in....Am I really still free, if I'm worried about not being free all of the time, and having what freedom I may have now taken away from me again?.. I would much rather know, but then in my experience you never really do know until you get that knock on the door, or several boots thru it.

I was deported from the country (Philippines) that I had made my home for 10 years, and intended to live there amongst family and friends in perpetuity. Now I cannot live that life any more, and have to try and get a family life together in the UK, which is proving to be not so easy, but I'm working on it....You might say that I am attempting to focus on the present and the future, rather than the past lately.


Active member
Gypsy I'm telling you man you need the Tampa lifestyle.Get a little fishing boat or sailboat and enjoy the weather.I fish in the dead of winter and it aint ice fishin lol

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Maybe I am truly free now?....

I just tested my freedom by going to an airport (Gatwick), getting on a plane to Amsterdam, then attending the ICMAG 420 Cup, which was fun.....then, getting on another plane and coming back to the UK. I had absolutely no problems either way!

If there was an Interpol red notice out on me, then I would have been nabbed at some point or another. So from now on I ain't gonna worry about 'Seal Team Six' or what-ever spooks one tends to worry about in my predicament...

It was kinda worrying, almost expecting some form of LE to identify themselves and taking me into custody....but nadda, well....just some crazy woman on the plane sitting next to me, on the way back who had a panic attack because some guy in front of her opened up a pack of sour cream Pringles, and the smell of Pringles made her go all woozy, she went as white as a sheet, and looked like she was gonna puke, and was freaking out....over Pringles FFS!...So I guess that I had more hastle over Pringles than anything else....<Laugh's Out Loud>

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Was good seeing you. At IC420

Lets get to that goal and get your fam to you.

Was good to see you too Karma....I know that I was a bit spun, but hey, wasn't that the idea?

After nearly 3 years, trapped in shit-holio-land without a spliff, and then attending the 4/20 Growers and Breeders Cup....it was bound to happen.

Lester Beans

Frequent Flyer
I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the festivities Gypsy! What's the best you have smoked since you have been back?

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the festivities Gypsy! What's the best you have smoked since you have been back?

Must have been that Rosin that Sam had in his weird bong at the 'Prix Demi'.....I was trying to help encourage Sam to judge the hash entries, he had this weird bong he kept heating up with a blow-torch, and initially I thought it an abomination, but warmed to the idea of getting absolutely BLITZED, after a while, and so conceded...

I must have only had 2 or 3 hits, then felt like I just wanted to go find a quite corner where I could just 'mutter' to myself for a while.....Sam was getting ready to split, and he dropped his bong, which squirted dirty bong water all over the floor, then he told the waitress that it was all wet because I'd pissed myself....Hur-de-hur..

I left soon after, and considering myself fortunate, I managed to find my way back where I was staying, it was only one small tram journey, but I thought that I was Marco Polo when I set out, in that state of mind.


Think for yourself, question authority
ICMag Donor
Oh man Gypsy , some things in the concentrate world have really progressed. The bho and rosin are so strong, if your not careful it will put you on the bathroom floor. Accidentally did that to my wife and a buddy, they both smoke heavy flowers but the oil is a whole other level.


TrueCanna Genetics - Selection is art
ICMag Donor
So happy to have you back Gypsy, be sure to holler at me if there is anything at all i can do for you either in the UK or in Spain (where i am now). Our thoughts were with you though all of this so i am glad you are free and things are on the up, stay strong.


Professor Organic Psychology
Gypsy, not getting hassled on an international flight in Europe has to be a good sign..... Which begs the question of why the Filipinos have had you locked up all this time. You were living as a model citizen in the PI from what I gather.

I got attacked by about 20 of those little fuckers when I was smoking a j in Subic city. I thought I was going to jail, but I swallowed the roach and they gave up. Probably just a shake down anyway.

There are plenty of places that have the life style similar to the PI, places like Costa Rica and a host of South American countries. Just a thought.

I am just glad you are not living afraid. Now just get your family. Family is everything.