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Guyute's 2010 Outdoor


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ICMag Donor
So I was just talking about the rain. We had some good rain storms roll through the other day and snapped lots of branches on some of my girls. Not a big deal should help em bush out more as lots are between 4-5' tall range.but only 3' wide they tend to want to grow up instead of out with all the other vegitation that surronds them. But I do my best of keeping it back without making it very obvious that someone was there clearing the area. So far though I am very happy with most things so far.

Sorry lost track which plant is which here's the biggest girl

and some others

And a little lowrider bud porn

Hope to get to my other patch next weekend
No white tees in the woods bro! A green or brown shirt might be safer.

Couple years back I always had to supply a friend with tee shirts because everything he wore on "work days" was some bright colored South Pole or Echo shirt.

White tees can be seen from hundreds of yards away. I can only imagine how they look from the air...

Stay safe and keep up the good work!


Well-known member
What's Good Guyute54,
I like your style of growing. Lucky, to not have to worry about the watering ur girls.
That MMA is very colorful. What is it's background? If you decide to make some exta beans, Hit me up G.
Props on your grow.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks for the tip EatMo I do have plenty of shirts that would blend in better. I have been growing for awhile now and sometimes feel to safe. I need someone to slap me in check at times and make sure my game is not slipping.

How's it going Endur? The MMA is Mustang Mist I just started a bunch of seeds over the winter and this one was labled Mustang Mist A. I think I might describe more about her in my indoor threads. I think her genetics are West Coast Dog x Kali Mist. I was sceptical about throwing it outdoors but she was in the room with like 7 other strains and was the first to be finished so what the hell lets see what seh can do. I don't have any seeds planned for the MMA right now but I am making a shit ton of other things that God would want me to share with as many people as possible.

Sorry I must have left out the low low pictures her one is and sorry for em being sideways.



Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Ok think I got my pics the right way this time.:laughing:. And they turned out better since the sun wasn't blasting em.

Super G




Original Deisel tar


checking in for your beautiful thread ol friend. everything looks good, nice pollen hit on the flowering leb!


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks Esben. It's just another Hybrid from Hell to overgrow the world with. All hell can't stop us now! I got about 20 more hybrids planned seed making is so fun.

Thanks THC123 a little more bug damage to the leaves than I would have liked to seen but the seem to have stopped now.


Throbbing Member
All look very healthy and vibrant. Some great launching pads for the resin bombs to hang on. :) This will be a fun thread to watch.

I didn't run any Super-G outdoors this year. :(
I was trying to go through all of my old seeds and crosses. We will see.

Nick Sand

Very nice Guyute. I am midwest as well and it has been a good season. Running lots of experimental trainwreck and deep chunk crosses and they are raging. Good luck to you.


wow man, they look great! im diggin the mma, i like the genetics in that and the indoor version looks beautiful.

going through your thread i feel like im on a wild ganja safari tour... over here we have the elusive deisel tar, and to your left you can see the mma, a very rare and unusual combination of kali mist and west coast dog, watch carefully and you may actually see them growing bigger as they push their way towards a bountiful harvest...


Active member
looks like you're guerilla, but have you been doing any foliars or sprays?
otherwise, looks great man, and thanks for the traffic in my thread, feel like I'm talkin to myself sometime haha


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Thanks Local Hero. It feels like a safari sometimes. I never know what I am going to encounter when I go visit the lady's. This year only deer and turkeys. The FN turkeys jumped out of the tall grass as I almost stepped on em. Mrs. Guyute was not happy to do the laundry that night. Few years back I scared a big pack of coyote's up glad they ran away. And the strains I do run wuite a few just trying to figure out the best things for my area. DC and DC crosses have done the best so far here.

Hey Deltron-No foliars I wish I could do a little more care to em but once a week or every other week is about all I want to visit as it's a major pain to get to where there at.

Hey Nomaad. Thanks your more than welcome to some there almost done. I actually just hit my big Leb27 last night with some Deep Chunk Pollen and hit a Chemdawg 91 with some DC pollen too. Tonight I am going to hit 7 different girls with some ssh/c99 pollen. It's so much fun to make seeds.


Cannabis Creeper
wohoo chemdc should be a potent cross may have try some outdoors next season.. bet your girls are starting to shine now . waitn for pics.. Keep It Green and Stay Safe..HE


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Hey HE buddy. Chemxdc I'm hoping will b super frosty. I see seeds forming nicely so on the lady. Let me know when your ready for em :). Been out feeding the girls here and there. went saturday was sunny and breezy so most pics don't look that great but I'll show you one u might b interested in here's the OD tar. she's 6'x4' I'd say just starting to flower so thinking the big stretch will happen real soon.

Harvested seeds from the leb27 xSSH/C99 too!

I just noticed I forgot to say hi to a few folks in my last post sorry folks.

Bacchus buddy my biggest girl this year is the Super G there loving life in the outdoors!!

Thank you Gravy it's my favorite part where you go one week and come back another to find a plant y can hardly recognize from all the growth they put on.

Hey Nick sand Done many DC crosses myself and they love life in the midwest they seem to finish fast. Just keep an eye out for mold with those big tight buds they form. I ran 1 TW cross so far to and it was also a great girl outdoors. If ya got some pics I would love to see em.


Cannabis Creeper
f-ing nice.. looks like shes doing great.. soaking all that sun .. hopefully i be able to test the finished product out :kickass: :party: Keep It Green and Stay Safe..HE


Cannabis Creeper
i bet everythings starting to look great . cant wait to see how they are doing.. Keep It Green and Stay Safe..HE


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Sorry I been slacking on updates things are alright everything got leaf spot disease. None of my big girls have been harvested yet. Was thinking I was going to be able to harvest some things this weekend but went and checked em today and think they need more time... More than likley harvest will start next weekend. I plan on taking pics of everything when I get em back to the drying hut.

I harvested a bunch of seeds!!!

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