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Guerilla subforum

Guerilla subforum

  • Yes definitely!

    Votes: 186 86.9%
  • A few stickie threads on a subject will do.

    Votes: 14 6.5%
  • Nope, we have enough subforums already.

    Votes: 14 6.5%

  • Total voters


Outdoor growing is such a widespread term. There are people with balls that grow in their backyard, people that buy or rent real estate in the mountains of various countries we live in and "go for that one season", ... God bless them ...
but there are also people who lack the balls to do it. :)

People that grow a handful of herb per season, ok maybe more :)
For various reasons we call our-selfs guerilla growers. We search for places that people don't walk into. We are stealth, we are bird watchers, hikers, mtn bikers, hunters, loggers, explorers and above all nature lovers.

We plant out there. In the wild.

We haul our stuff into woods. Carry fuck load of shit for miles, get paranoid when dealing with animals - especially at night (thats the time it really gets interesting) Of course - in this conditions we try to do all the things indoor and greenhouse people are doing. Don't get me wrong. I was one of those too... for a short while, then like you, I became a guerilla grower :) Life brought it to me for various reasons.

Ever tried breeding out there?

Anyway ...

What I'm interested in is how many of you think we should have a subforum of our own? A place where we more or less discuss issues about guerilla style growing.



Ya it would be dope..... ic needs to expand a lil.. my question is how do guerilla growers come to turms when life doesn't go there way?e.g losing ur hole crop to dam wild cows


nice post bogatin!

I'm with ya


Ya it would be dope..... ic needs to expand a lil.. my question is how do guerilla growers come to turms when life doesn't go there way?e.g losing ur hole crop to dam wild cows

Strategy goes like this...

Give your testing seeds to other people. Usually but not always you get some of their finished product back...

What works for me though is "always plant more than you can smoke in one season". Don't sell or donate surplus. Spare it... time will come

Today I smoked 3,5 years old C99 Wally Duck outdoor bud. It was great considering storage conditions. Smell and taste were there but lacked the punch a bit. Still ... very social and fun.


Good idea Bogatin, imho guerilla farming is so different a new sub would be practical.

Ya it would be dope..... ic needs to expand a lil.. my question is how do guerilla growers come to turms when life doesn't go there way?e.g losing ur hole crop to dam wild cows

I make so many small spots, i never lost everything.


guerilla grower
Hi all
I'm a guerilla grower for many years.
I think many of outdoor threads here are very useful for guerillas. I don't feel the need of subforum. I think it would cause more time we will spend searching informations if there is more places to search.

My idea is marking threads in their topics e.g. [guerilla] what will let you know what to read if you are interested only in guerilla grows threads.

There are a few places here on ICMag where you can find guerillas and discuss for their job. e.g. social groups:

Sorry for my poor english :)

Happy growing guerillas!


YES bogatin.

There is an entire world of difference in the basics between guerilla growers and backyard legal grows that can be tended daily.

EX: In the back yard, a grower can have deep rich organic soil. He can water it whenever its needed. Peat based and orgainc soils loose moisture at almost 3X the rate of native clay based soils and the guerillla trying to grow organics always harvest tiny crops that litterally work their asses off.

:Indoor or inbred Strains might grow well if tended and treated daily but arent worth a fuck in the bush when a hailstorm hits, and is followed by 50mph winds, followed by 2"grasshoppers and a caterpillar invasion. They just cant survive the wild and the guerilla that tries to grow them ends the season with little satisfaction.

Backyard legal grows dont fight starving deer, wild hogs, rabbits, skunks and oppossums or ticks for their crop. We do.

Backyard grows can be tended in the light of day. We're crawling around in the bush at daylight hoping not to be bitten by a snake.

Did i mention dealing with drought?

So many times on this forum, ive seen arguements break out becasue of advice thats been given but really, both argueing parties were right, they just have different grow enviroments where one suggestion wouldnt work for the other grower.

The example of pesticides come to mind. Backyard growers recommend neem and other natural products - they want to avoid chemicals. If a guerilla has a pest infestation , he better put something on his plants that kills the bugs dead because when he comes back in a week his plants are gone if his treatment wasnt effective. Guerillas cant afford to test fancy organo products.

I could go on


Well-known member
I feel you brother and was just discussing this same thing with a buddy. The outdoor forum has become a place with more and more med state grows that consist of growing in a very very controlled environment. Soil is hauled in by end loaders and clones are bought from the local coop. Everything is neat and tidy.

I do empathize with you its like walking into a bar in a country where they speak your language and they can communicate with you but don’t speak your vernacular. You don’t get the same visceral experience you do when speaking to guy who just hauled 100lbs of equipment in mosquito infested swamp and will probably loose half his crop due to Mother Nature.
You just can’t fake that feeling and it’s hard to share with others who understand the techniques but don’t live the life. I guess its not unlike the solider coming home from war who cant communicate with the guy, like myself, who saw it all on CNN it’s not the same.

I'm not sure that it makes sense to have a separate forum because many of these med state growers are former guerillas themselves and we may miss out on their experience. Then again many are 20 something guys who never lived the guerrilla life and don’t understand the mindset of a guerilla.

We can bitch all we want but pics of spectacular over grown plants is what keeps peeps coming to the outdoor forum. The WNBA has some great players and they score points too but they don’t get much coverage because you don’t see the highflying dunks. Guerrilla growers put points on the board too but we don’t bring crisp clear pics of 5 lb plants(slamdunk!! Does anyone know how to post a video on facebook?) and that’s what all the peeps want to see. It’s the life of the lonely guerrilla either you love it or you don’t. PEACE
Last edited:


Good idea. Not sure it needs a sub-forum. This thread is a great place to start IMHO .

Retired Guerilla. Sorta;)

I still keep my spots just in case!


Thanks for stopping by and sharing your thoughts...

We might not get a subforum but it's nice to be in good company. Brothers in arms! :D


Well-known member
Hey Bogatin,

very nice idea!

Thats my style anyways...

There would be a bunch of guerilla related informations for sure, have you already contacted a mod/super-mod for this issue?



No bad idea. It could be like vertical growing- Indor subforum. It will be necessary in the future couse of many threads I hope :blowbubbles:


Nature gives, nature takes

Nature gives, nature takes

Anyone counting losses yet for this season?

8 PPPs

And 8 Short season Mendocino indicas are gone for me.

When I was hiking to another spot where I planted PurpureaTichinesis I was preparing myself for the same scenario but was pleasantly surprised when I found 16 plants still alive out of 26 I planted. Not bad. Smile was back on my face.

They're all about 10 inches high now. Suffered from hail damage but recovering nicely.

I was a bit early to transplant this year. Was testing the limits. They went out in the first week of april. We had some really cold mornings but I don't think cold was a reason. Probably wild life. I'll never now for sure though. PT was after all bread for outdoors and at elevations above 3000 feet.

Of course one needs to be prepared and plan ahead for this kind of situations. Second round is already waiting...
Mosca MachFly
Nepalese Highalnd x F13
OG Kush
Blockhead x OG Kush
DJ Shorts Flo
F13 "F2"

CanniDo Cowboy

Hey fellas...No real opinion either way about guerilla growing having its own sub forum here at IC. Is there enough of a difference between backyard/private property growing and "in the wild" growing to support a separate forum? Probably. The 2 are obviously as different as night and day, if you limit the discussion to relative techniques, trials, tribulations and the inherent all or nothing risk associated with the guerilla grow.

All that said, this thread is already beginning to show a slight "attitude", if you will, towards the "backyard boys". Not in a real negative way, more along the lines of: We guerlllas are the Jermiah Johnsons of the grow game and you backyard bros are Wally and Beaver in your pretty back yard on a sunny day. LOL

Bottom line, like it or don't is that guerilla growers dont choose the personal isolation, inherent dangers, hard work and high risk of growing in the wild because they are adrenaline junkies or they have an insatiable appetite for the great outdoors. They do it because it's the only practical place due to their current situation, usually having to do with financials. Lets face it, if a guerilla grower has $20,000 for a land down payment, wouldnt he put it down on his own chunk of land and increase his chance of harvest success by 1000 percent? Of course he would. If he doesnt, he has no one to blame for having to get all Jeremiah Johnson just to bring in a crop.

And of course, while the back yard boys do participate in the "med game", whether they are honestly medicinally driven or not, guerilla growing is primarily either for personal stash or for the money. Mostly its for the money because bulk yield is the name of the game and meticulous care isnt practical which pretty much nixes vending the crop to dispensaries/clubs due to lower quality. Pretty much. And really, its been that way since day 1. Plant excessively, hope to get out with all or a portion and if youre fortunate to have either happen, decide whether you want to do it again. Or more important, depending on your yield, decide if you NEED to do it again...CC


There was really no attitude intended. Quite on a contrary. I admire people that do it in the backyard or on their property and as I said I don't have the balls to grow it at home anymore due to certain new circumstances. Not a financial issue.

My primary goal for guerilla subforum would be to gather all relevant information for different phases of guerilla growing at one place and maybe make sticky threads.
1. Prep work (mainly hole digging and patch hunting)
2. Different techniques for sprouting seeds in the wild from the very start
3. Carying for plants till flowering (insects, wild life, growing techniques)
4. Harvest, drying and curing. Later two preferably also in the wild.

I would have to disagree with the last section. I mainly grow for myself. If there's something left and I can buy new seeds from it I'm happy. Quality? Way better than anything I grew inside. This style of growing also makes my life a lot easier. No need to take care for plants on a daily bases. I can go on vacation for a month and plants are still there waiting for me. Indoor growing just takes to much time for my style of life.

Here are some links for selecting sites:
Ideas for site selection
Picking a spot

RIP Silverback!


Well-known member
Hey fellas...No real opinion either way about guerilla growing having its own sub forum here at IC. Is there enough of a difference between backyard/private property growing and "in the wild" growing to support a separate forum? Probably. The 2 are obviously as different as night and day, if you limit the discussion to relative techniques, trials, tribulations and the inherent all or nothing risk associated with the guerilla grow.

All that said, this thread is already beginning to show a slight "attitude", if you will, towards the "backyard boys". Not in a real negative way, more along the lines of: We guerlllas are the Jermiah Johnsons of the grow game and you backyard bros are Wally and Beaver in your pretty back yard on a sunny day. LOL

Bottom line, like it or don't is that guerilla growers dont choose the personal isolation, inherent dangers, hard work and high risk of growing in the wild because they are adrenaline junkies or they have an insatiable appetite for the great outdoors. They do it because it's the only practical place due to their current situation, usually having to do with financials. Lets face it, if a guerilla grower has $20,000 for a land down payment, wouldnt he put it down on his own chunk of land and increase his chance of harvest success by 1000 percent? Of course he would. If he doesnt, he has no one to blame for having to get all Jeremiah Johnson just to bring in a crop.

And of course, while the back yard boys do participate in the "med game", whether they are honestly medicinally driven or not, guerilla growing is primarily either for personal stash or for the money. Mostly its for the money because bulk yield is the name of the game and meticulous care isnt practical which pretty much nixes vending the crop to dispensaries/clubs due to lower quality. Pretty much. And really, its been that way since day 1. Plant excessively, hope to get out with all or a portion and if youre fortunate to have either happen, decide whether you want to do it again. Or more important, depending on your yield, decide if you NEED to do it again...CC

Very true CC I was wondering if you might jump in because you have experience on both sides of the fence.

I do think that the difference between the backyard and guerrilla is much greater than you let on but I may be a tad bit biased. Most backyard growers, not all, are from med states the technique for huge plants was built around the plant numbers game. That in its self makes it so much different. I think you may agree that stress and worry derived from growing in a non-med state is different, not better or more demanding than med state grows, just different.

We have micro grows forums and greenhouse forums. I may be wrong but I thought the reason was because there is so much difference in attitudes, laws and techniques that they demanded a separate forum.

Also I hope this doesn’t come across as preachy because I have nothing but respect for you but; although there are many guerillas out there trying to bang out quantity vs. quality I think the average guerrilla isn’t growing for quantity he is growing for the best quality that will fit his climate conditions. Really, huge patches of sub par bud are far from the mind of most but not all guerillas. We don’t have that luxury.

I don’t think anyone is knocking backyard growing we are saying the two are nothing alike. I want to make sure I put this in bold I would 100% be growing small plant count in huge holes if I could anyone who says they wouldn’t is lying.

Leaf spot, LEO, insects, critters, tools, soil, ferts, floods, drought, frost, drying outdoors, finishing times, seeds, insecticides types and application. Every one of these are different techniques and tactics for guerrilla growing vs backyard growing.


a guerrilla growing sub forum sounds like a good idea. it's too easy to mix up systems with the forum for outdoor being so vast. will suggest it to admin.

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