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SSI and SSDI Thread


i thought it would be a nice thread to have around and where people could have discussions of all kinds... experiences, advice, and anything else related....

for my post i would like to just ask... Do you recieve help from Social Security? Was it a battle or not a bad process?

I was diagnosed with Schitzoaffective Disorder about 6-9 months ago. It is like schitzophrenia and bipolar combined from what i feel and experience. I have been to the hospital about 6 times in the last 5 years. I do not live in a MMJ state at this moment. I still consider myself a MMJ user... however immigration stuff for my wife has caused me to put the pipe down for a while...

-It helps as a mood stablizer. brings me up when im depressed... lowers me down when im manic and "off the wall".
-It does not help stop hallusinations... however my other meds dont either.. however when i have a episode.. MMJ keeps me personally from panicing, and from confusion i guess is the best way to describe... it s like im passive...

anywayz that how why i am here at icmag, and why i use mmj when i can....

Now i was Aproved for SSDI this week and wanted to say it was not a battle. I applied one time and approved in about 90days with two SSI payments in the mean.
It has been a hard few years but i think this year is looking much better...

wifes immigration is almost complete... disability is approved... $10k of unpaid med bills is paid off... and i am still married, together for 6 years married 3years in Aug.. and now finding out the SSDI is back paying me 8 months giving me $7k for payment... ...i think i wanna move to the mmj shit state florida... (no offences):jump:

anyways i hope i can now find a way to go back to school and get a degree in something interesting... i just have to figure the ssdi rules...

anyone else... have a story? or anything?

thanks for listening... imma be here off and on to read up..
:thank you:


Good thread. My hubs just lost his job,so I will be applying so I can have medical coverage. Everybody tells me it's a nightmare experience and takes years. I qualify,no problem with that. But does everybody that applies get turned down and then you have to get a lawyer? How are you supposed to pay a lawyer when you don't have a job?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I have been fighting the SSI for 2 years now. I have all of my records that support my disability my doc says im disabled. They have rejected me twice. These people want you to die before they pay off. I did get a lawyer and he gets 25% of the money that is awarded from the time yo filed. Mary you dont pay the lawyer unless they win your case. I think these people could careless if we get out benefits. I have lost my home and all of my possessions because of them.


i have heard of the stuggle of getting the approval... on of the huge things they look at is your job record... if you have kept a job for a couple years.... they think that it is easy to keep doing it... thats the crappy part...

im almost 21 and i have had maybe 12 jobs since i was 15... longest job i had was 9 months in the airforce...

another thing they look at is how many medical professionals label you as disabled... i have prolly over a dozen doctors and psychologists and stuff from the admittions to the hospitals and going to regulars theropy sessions... including in another state when i was admitted at 16 by parents and my school...

as for the lawyers... ill agree... they get a percentage of your back pay check only and only if they win... dont get anyother lawyer who does it upfront... they are jokers... and try to go to those whole have experience and have a high rate for success..

so my advise... if you can see other medical professionals to strengthen the claim... it will just make for a stronger case...

I hope you can get the approval soon... and im sorry for any hardships... but appeal and appeal and keep appealing... keep building the case... i was even able to have my jobs give letters from being fired...numerous times... just cause i was unable to fullfill my position...

Best Wishes!:wave:
I have been fighting the SSI for 2 years now. I have all of my records that support my disability my doc says im disabled. They have rejected me twice. These people want you to die before they pay off. I did get a lawyer and he gets 25% of the money that is awarded from the time yo filed. Mary you dont pay the lawyer unless they win your case. I think these people could careless if we get out benefits. I have lost my home and all of my possessions because of them.

a buddy of mine faught it for 2yr before finally getting it (SSDI) lots of harassment went into it but he didnt have to lawyer up but he did drive them crazy til he got what he wanted


:laughing:yep... if you keep appealing and bugging them it is gonna happen at some point... as long as you are unable to work... and if someone has a full time job when applying.... all i can say is good luck buddy... cause they wont want to see that...


Active member
different disorders get approved more easily.

i think almost all schizotype disorders go through fairly quick.

bipolar/depression/anxiety... a little bit more difficult, so I hear.

many people have these disorders and can still function, so the office wants to know why can't you.

unfortunately most doctors wont or dont tell you what you can claim to pass for assistance... you have to come up with the correct answer yourself.

if you have a poor memory that helps a lot.
Hey guys, I had a two year battle with these gubmint folks, and someone suggested that I call my local congressmen, and ask them if they could help. three weeks after talking to them my issue was solved. Give it a try, it's free.


Thats a good idea,Joe. thanks. never occurred to me to pressure the idiots I vote for. MW


Active member
got mine in 6 months. they ran me through the wringer. setting up bad appointments and making 2 appointments at the same time 50 miles apart. the lady that made the bad appointments felt bad for me and i believed helped me out. i have mental and physical problems . if i dont stay stoned and medicated i like to get aggressive. i talked to a lawyer and had him on retainer just in case.


Active member
my shrink told me she had me listed as phsychotic and they would approve me quick. she was right. they give you back pay from the day you apply. they wont send more than 3 months back pay at one time. waiting for another fat check so i can update my grow.


so how many months total back pay did you get? i have 8 months of back pay... so now im worried it wont be all at once which i was planning on using to move to florida and get a new place... i recieve my first payment of ssdi..well it is mailed on july 2nd they said...

she said i was back paid but didnt mention anything about getting it back in peices....


Active member
so when my doc asks me if I want to kill anyone I'm supposed to answer "yes"?

and when the evaluator asks who is the president, instead of "obama" i should have said "a terrorist"?


you could say "sometimes, the voiced want me too" and then " i am of caurse... bow down bizitch".... im just plaing... or am i? huuu aaaaa!


Active member
so how many months total back pay did you get? i have 8 months of back pay... so now im worried it wont be all at once which i was planning on using to move to florida and get a new place... i recieve my first payment of ssdi..well it is mailed on july 2nd they said...

she said i was back paid but didnt mention anything about getting it back in peices....

the lady i talked to said they wont send more than 3 months worth of pay at one time. i got 3 months in one check and my monthly check. i am awaiting the rest. this is for ssi dont know if ssdi is different. a friend once got 2 checks of 10000 dollars each tho . he was really sick and has since died.

Avid Fan

this is fucking shocking.your ill,your doc's say your ill,but thats not good enough them.
what the fuck are you ment to live on ,hopes and dreams?!?

bet it would be different if you had connections.

Avid Fan


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
that's why I lost everything no income cant work wtf am going to do. So they take my home and anything that is worth something and sale it all off. Now im almost homeless and cant walk,stand im in pain constantly and themed they give will make me a addicted zombie. That's what they what no other explanation for it.

Avid Fan

:comfort:my heart goes out to you mate,it really does.
any condition that means you dont have a normal quality of life is hellish enough but to be screwed over for it.bullshit!you and no one else chooses to be ill. i just dont get it,are these arseholes even human?:cuss:


So let me get this: if you are mentally ill you get approved right away?

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